
Lazy afternoon...

I woke up today at about three in the afternoon. Well it should not surprise those that know me. i am a night person to early morning person. That is just before the sun comes up I go to sleep. It is nice sometimes to just lie in that late. Nevertheless, other times it is horrible since you know it will all end soon and you will have to set your body clock back for school. What did I do when I woke up? I checked the mailbox to see if there was any mail today. There was. Still have to decide what it make for a snack I suppose since it is late in the afternoon. I make it a habit to check the job listings to see if there is a job, I am able to apply for. I also check eBay for the items that I would like to purchase that is pretty much, what I have been doing for the past month now. I also finally picked up my laundry that I washed earlier this week. I know about time.


Online quizzes...

I spent the day taking some of the quizzes that are online. I also worked on my webpage a little. I also waited ages for food from Mc Donald’s. I also took out the recycling that I had in my room for ages. I wonder if there is any from last millennium. I also just looked in the recycle bin on my computer and forgot that if you change the letter of the hard drive the stuff gets deleted…and all the shortcuts that you make have to be changed as well. I received a file from AIM and I forgot that everything was renamed and so I had to change the location. It did not even show up on my hard drive I wonder where it downloaded. I also did some rearranging of stuff in my room. In addition, a little more cleaning.


Pooter crashing because of too much anime?

I woke up in the afternoon. I had just missed half of Maury. I will admit when it is the summertime I have nothing to do so I watch talk shows. I will watch some during the school year but most of my time is in front of the computer. Yes, I am admitting that I am a spod again. I spod excessively during the summer and watch a lot of rubbish on the television because there is nothing good on television. I panicked last night when my computer died or part of it did. It was the cd rom drive that died. It was not being recognized or it did not show up in my computer. It was working fine and then bam it just stopped. So after it was sorted out I was on the computer once again. I wonder if it had anything with me watching anime on it. I am almost done with Hikaru No Go. Interesting but the worse part was I was watching and then my computer crashed. It just restarted by itself.


Job hunting...

I ended up cleaning up some more. I even did my laundry! Therefore, I spent the day watching anime then cleaning up. I am also looking for a job. It is not easy looking for a job and just sitting at home or cleaning up the house. Eventually you run out of stuff to do because you just do not want to anymore and or stop being motivated. I know I have not update my blog in awhile but I keep track and them post them up when I feel like it. In addition, I have been so bored that I was taking quizzes. Check out my quizzes page and it will show you the ones that I have taken.


Nothing interesting...

I woke up somewhat late. I reckon it is because I have been going to bed late.


Hate moving stuff...

I woke up somewhat late. I then had some lunch and I had to move the video outside to tape something. Only to find it out was crap. Then I took the video from my room outside to tape with it. It works fine but it is a pain in the arse to move it and if the time.


Building my new chair...

I woke up and had some food. Then I went to work on making my new chair. Of course, this was in the afternoon after I had watched Hikaru No Go. Pretty interesting about a game called Igo. It looks like Orthello, but it is not. That is what I thought when I first saw it. It is quite different actually. They use stones and a wooden board.


More cleaning...

I did some major cleaning. I had made a mess in my room as well as in the guest room. It was not a pretty site. I was organizing the drawers in the guest room. Seeing where everything should be placed to make sense and to have easy access to.


No new chair =(

I woke up today and expected that when the doorbell rang. I was expecting my new chair and cd-rws. That did not happen. I was disappointed and I ended up cleaning up part of the house.


Ordered my new chair...

I went to get my prescription for my glasses filled today. That was needed but at least now; I know that I will see clearer. I ordered myself a nice new desk chair. The one that I have now squeaks a bit too much. Especially if I am just shifting my weight on the chair.

I had no idea that Josh had graduated. I also noticed that I had not updated my blog in a while. for some reason I woke up to sounds in the kitchen. I went to bed somewhat late, but I know that is not the reason. Super hearing at times and other times it is "WHAT!?"


If you snooze you lose...

I spend the day or part of it until I actually got up cleaning out the guest room. It was not major cleaning but some reorganizing. Everything is in order now and everything is up to date as it should be.

My brother out smarted me in cooking. I ended up not having a lot because he took my idea of noodles for lunch. His reason was if you snooze, you lose. Oh, well I suppose that is the price I have to pay for sleeping in.



I woke up to the sound of my mum telling my brother that it was time for lunch. That was not nice since I was still trying to sleep. I admit that I am hooked on Naruto, but do not tell my brother or he will be saying, “I told you so.�


Got to drive...

Today I woke up at about three something in the afternoon. So sue me, but I did not get much sleep on Friday so, I am making up for it today. I did get to drive today. Took the car out to help with errands, which was nice being able to drive.


Missed Kim Possible...

Today I get to take the car out for a spin! Yay! The only thing is I’m going to get my eyes checked. I can predict what has happened now. I did not watch the new episode of Kim Possible! NO! Now I will have to wait and see if I can catch it when it repeats.


Almost an accident...

Today I got to drive! Yay! I went at least 90 at one point I'm sure. Other than driving, I did not do anything interesting. Well I almost hit another car while trying to merge onto the freeway. That is about it.



I called the IRS today. That was interesting. The IRS people take me as being stupid or something by repeating what they say. I spent yesterday walking up some stairs to see a lovely view of the city. I saw Twin Peaks, the Legion of Honor, Sutro Tower, and much more with wonderful view of everything. If I had a digital camera, I would take a picture of it.



Today I reckon I will go out walking. I hope the weather will be as nice as it was yesterday. I know if I do not go out, I will end up just sitting on my bum. That does not need to get any bigger than it is already. I suppose I will have to turn off the computer or at least the certain IM that I do not use or want to be reached. I should really do some major walking. I suppose I can go for an hour or more just to work out. I have been sitting on my bum for way too long.


No plans...

I woke up late today at about a quarter until one. I am sleeping later because I have nothing to do and because I am tired from Saturday. I do not really have plans for today.


Multicolor hair...

Today I woke up with a headache. That was not fun at all. I then decided to just sit in my room and do nothing but watch television. I then had to help my mum dye her hair. I have red and brown hair. It looks odd, but oh well. Before I was to head to bed, I got another headache. I watched a couple of episodes of Detective Conan. I called it an early night.



Today I went to bed late. 3 a.m. is quite late. Then getting up at 7 a.m. to drive is not fun. I survived though. Now it is a quarter until 12 and I am tired. I should go to sleep. I am yawning like mad. I found a good site for those of you that do not understand abbreviations such as A.F.K. Check on the links page to see where it is.


List of things to do...

My plans for today: clean up the house because it needs it and it is never ending, pick up my laundry from the dryer even though it has been dry for a couple of days, fold my laundry, and deposit my paycheck. I might head on over to pick up some sushi. I plan to watch the rest of Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. I am still working on burning and deleting stuff off my computer to free up space for movies!


Harry Potter...

I am up and will watch a few anime episodes and then head to bed. I am not sure what I have planned for today. Maybe clean up my room some more, watch a few movies, and burn stuff off my computer. I finished watching Harry Potter! The first one was super! I loved it. The fact that I was able to see where they filmed it was amazing because it made me appreciate it more.


Made a trip for Milk Tea...

I woke up and decided to go down the street to buy some milk tea. I knew I would run out eventually so it was better that I had an extra supply before I ran out. I watched Scooby Doo and it was not that bad. I watched Zoolander and it was horrible.



I got up and I made myself lunch. I watched Spiderman after having it on my computer for ages. I also did some laundry and cleaned up my room a little.


Lazy day...

I got up and decided there is nothing that I really want to do today. Someone I was talking to mentioned cleaning their room and I thought not a bad idea. Therefore, I did. I was planning to watch Zoolander and I have but have not finished it yet. I also had to do laundry and I have. Two loads of laundry are what I have, but that is a fortnight’s worth. I have no other plans but to finish Zoolander and call it a night. I have been working on movie reviews. I do not know why, but that is what I am doing. I do not know when or where it will be up on the site.


Work and my mind was else where...

I had an ok Sunday. I had to work. Before I went to work, I explored the Fillmore Jazz Festival. I heard some great jazz. The only temptations that I saw were when I saw a sign of Margaritas and fish and chips. I missed eating chips with malt vinegar. It was not that busy but sometimes it was a little crazy. I wanted to watch Zoolander but I never had the time.


Tapioca Milk Tea...

Today I got to drive. I was happy about that. I did go 90 I believe. I was going 70 most of the time. I did not have any problems. The whole point of going shopping was buying something. I ended up with nothing. That did not seem right. I did get a cup of the famous tapioca and green tea from Fantasia. No other problems, oh I got a tan from driving. That was the only side effect.


Forth of July...

The forth of July is also my little cousin’s birthday. She will be 11 I believe. It is hard to believe they grow up so fast. I remember when they were little and I would watch them and entertain them. Now I do not even have to do that. Time does fly by fast. There is not much going on for me right now. I either get the feeling that everyone that talks to me ends up liking me or just completely thinks I am some crazy girl? I do need a shrink. I have so many problems I would not know where to begin. I will have to update my laptop as it has been giving me problems lately. Not good even if all I use it for is watching anime.



Today I decided to go for a walk. When I decide to walk, I have to have some sort of purpose. Therefore, I went to Irving for sushi not bad over all. I got a slight workout from walking to and from and have a treat for the reward. So now I have on my list of things to do is to do my laundry, make an appointment to see the eye doctor, and watch some movies. Taking it easy until Sunday when I have to work. I bet I might not be needed after all, but knock on wood.


Productive cleaning day...

What did I do today? Well I made a list of things that had to be done. I cleaned up the bathroom really well, cleaned my own room, washed the sheets, and even emptied the vacuum cleaner. All in all a very productive day, I would say. I also watched On The Line and some anime. I felt that was a nice treat after doing everything that was on my list or most of it.



Today I go up. I went out to pick up lunch. Yes, I am a lazy cook and would rather pickup takeaway (take out). I did some walking which is good on a day where the weather is not that nice. My goal for today is to change my bed sheets and wash them. That and clean up my room. It has been somewhat neglected since I came back from holiday and worked this past week three days in a row. Now it is time for me to sit back and enjoy a movie and some rest and relaxation.