During my "lunch" I call up and make an appointment to see one about my left arm. The pain is getting to me. I mean I'm lucky that it's my left arm and not my right arm. Is it the way I sit? Is it the way I type? Could it be from when I was younger and leaning on my elbows?
Who knows? I know that you can find almost anything online. I think I did a pretty good job on finding out information on what I can do. The lady on the phone was total BITCH! Really. Everyone else that I had spoken with was nice. She was a total BITCH! She said that they don't give it out the times after 5.00 p.m. because she said they were for emergencies. LORD! The other one that I spoke to said that I could probably get an appointment the same day if I had only called after the time that they said. BITCH!
Giants: 11
Diamondbacks: 3
This month: 8-17
Horoscope: Looking back into your family history will reveal new insight into your future.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Mood: Pretty good. Wins do help.
Your $0.02
It's an OFF DAY. Let me explain why. I woke up this morning at about 5.20 a.m. from what I could make out without glasses on. I went to the restroom and then went back to sleep. I woke up again when it was on KNBR. That didn't help. I went back to sleep until 8.00 a.m. I turned on the radio again to keep me company. That didn't do much because at 8.30 a.m. my phone rings. First thought that runs through my head is, "OH SHIT!"
I hurry up and get dressed. I then rush out the door to have another freak out. Where's my ride? Luckily they were late. No big deal. But all that before 9.00 a.m.?
I go to the corner store to buy chips and I get called Ma'am. Man, do I really look that OLD?
Giants: OFF
This month: UGLY
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I hurry up and get dressed. I then rush out the door to have another freak out. Where's my ride? Luckily they were late. No big deal. But all that before 9.00 a.m.?
I go to the corner store to buy chips and I get called Ma'am. Man, do I really look that OLD?
Giants: OFF
This month: UGLY
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Yes, I am sane when I write this. I hate Giants baseball more than ever. I can't believe how they played. Everyone was mean at the park. I couldn't stand the kids in the row in front of me. Girls with pom poms and a crazy mom with an ORANGE yes ORANGE broom. A guy two rows back and without his shirt off and drinking beer. Sure he can make fun of my, but I'd kick his ASS too!
At some point in the game I had to cheer for Ginter to come in. He did and committed an error. So that was one less hit that our team could have. We were on the field so long I thought I was watching football. The fact they had the whole SUNGLASSES talk the day before didn't seem to help. They thought or "ASSUMED" the sun wasn't going to be out.
I'm pissed off that JC could give up runs and that Puffer had two outs and it took forever to get the third one. The only person who could take care of business was "HERMAN". Man, this team is or ARE the CLEVELAND INDIANS from the movie MAJOR LEAGUE. If they don't shape up they'll be at the bottom. We'll be the laughing stock of the NL West.
IF they continue to do this poorly then I don't think I'll watch anymore games on TV.
Giants: 0
Athletics: 16
This month:
Horoscope: Get creative! Impress others (and get a lot done) with unconventional ideas.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
At some point in the game I had to cheer for Ginter to come in. He did and committed an error. So that was one less hit that our team could have. We were on the field so long I thought I was watching football. The fact they had the whole SUNGLASSES talk the day before didn't seem to help. They thought or "ASSUMED" the sun wasn't going to be out.
I'm pissed off that JC could give up runs and that Puffer had two outs and it took forever to get the third one. The only person who could take care of business was "HERMAN". Man, this team is or ARE the CLEVELAND INDIANS from the movie MAJOR LEAGUE. If they don't shape up they'll be at the bottom. We'll be the laughing stock of the NL West.
IF they continue to do this poorly then I don't think I'll watch anymore games on TV.
Giants: 0
Athletics: 16
This month:
Horoscope: Get creative! Impress others (and get a lot done) with unconventional ideas.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Some past Giants moments...06/17/04
06/17/2004 8:00 AM ET
Ask the Giants: Keeping it clean
By Chris Shuttlesworth / MLB.com
Got a question for Ask the Giants? Submit your queries of general interest for a Giants player, coach, staff or front-office member and see if your question gets answered in a future edition of Giants Jottings.
Why do the pitchers kinda hop over the foul lines? -- Jan J., Kelseyville
Matt Herges: I don't know about anybody else, but for me, you're wearing spikes and the foul lines are so nice and neat and clean, when you put your cleats in it as you walk, it kind of uproots some of the line. And I guess I'm kind of anal-retentive anyway, kind of a neat freak, so I don't like to mess up that line. I know Jerome (Williams) is very particular about stepping over the line, and I know Hermy (Dustin Hermanson) does, too. They may have different reasons. I know for me I just want to keep it clean.
Hermanson: It's just for the same reason some pitchers eat the same meal the night before they pitch every time. It's just kind of a superstition, I guess.
Kruk, where'd you come up with phrase, "Grab some pine, Meat!"? -- Frita C., Carlsbad
Mike Krukow: It's been around baseball forever. "Sit down," "grab some pine," "sit down," "grab some pine." And "Meat" has been around since Babe Ruth. "Meat!" It's just dugout stuff.
How do they clean the seating areas in SBC Park after a game? When I arrive the stands are always so clean! -- Mike S., El Sobrante
Jorge Costa, senior vice president, ballpark operations: First, all seating areas in the ballpark are swept from top to bottom. The garbage is picked up, bagged and trucked to the garbage compactor. The recycling is done and garbage dumped into the compactor and picked up by our garbage company. The seating areas are then power-washed using high-powered hoses that concentrate water to wash away a variety of debris, etc. Once that is done, seats are wiped and further detailing is done throughout the day in all locations until the gates open for that days event. It's kind of an ongoing Groundhog Day at the park.
A.J., what is your absolute favorite movie and CD? -- Lauren S., Lino Lakes, Minn.
A.J. Pierzynski: My favorite movie is "Scarface," and CD is -- I don't know. I don't really have one.
Why do the Giants sit in the third-base dugout at SBC Park? They used to be in the first-base dugout at Candlestick and I thought that National League teams all were in the first-base dugouts at home while American League teams were in the third-base dugout at home. -- Blake P., Eugene, Ore.
Staci Slaughter, vice president, communications: The location of the home team dugouts varies. We switched dugouts when we moved to SBC Park because the sightlines are much better from the third-base side as it enables the manager to see the entire playing field. There's also more room on the King Street side of the building to have a bigger home clubhouse.
Dustan, who or what helped you to adjust to moving here and getting all set up in town? Do the Giants help you out or do you do it yourself? -- John J., San Mateo
Dustan Mohr: The Giants help you out. They gave me the resources that I would need, and that just allowed me to take care of it on my own. They point you in the right direction; then the rest was up to me. It was an easy transition.
How do the Giants room when they are on the road? Do they always have the same roommate or do they switch? -- Alex R., San Francisco
Reggie Younger Jr., director of travel: The players do not have roommates on the road during the Championship Season (the regular season). All players have single rooms.
Is there somewhere in the park I can donate a glove outside of the promo they did for the Junior Giants? I have some old stuff I am not using any more, but is still usable. I was unable to attend during the promo. -- Penny I., Petaluma
Paul Giuliacci, associate director, Giants Community Fund: Gloves can still be donated to the Junior Giants program by dropping them off at the SBC Park Guest Services office or the KNBR kiosk, both located on the Promenade Level.
What do you do with all the posters and cardboard cutouts of the players in the ballpark when you get new ones? Do you ever give them away and how can a fan receive one? -- Ana P., Bay Point
Missy Mikulecky, photography/archives manager: We fold them up and keep them very nice and put them in the archives for use at another time. Sometimes the street banners are sold at the KNBR Giants FanFests. The player cutouts usually belong to KNBR and have been offered at FanFest "garage sales."
Questions may be edited for clarity and/or length. Chris Shuttlesworth is an editorial producer for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.
Ask the Giants: Keeping it clean
By Chris Shuttlesworth / MLB.com
Got a question for Ask the Giants? Submit your queries of general interest for a Giants player, coach, staff or front-office member and see if your question gets answered in a future edition of Giants Jottings.
Why do the pitchers kinda hop over the foul lines? -- Jan J., Kelseyville
Matt Herges: I don't know about anybody else, but for me, you're wearing spikes and the foul lines are so nice and neat and clean, when you put your cleats in it as you walk, it kind of uproots some of the line. And I guess I'm kind of anal-retentive anyway, kind of a neat freak, so I don't like to mess up that line. I know Jerome (Williams) is very particular about stepping over the line, and I know Hermy (Dustin Hermanson) does, too. They may have different reasons. I know for me I just want to keep it clean.
Hermanson: It's just for the same reason some pitchers eat the same meal the night before they pitch every time. It's just kind of a superstition, I guess.
Kruk, where'd you come up with phrase, "Grab some pine, Meat!"? -- Frita C., Carlsbad
Mike Krukow: It's been around baseball forever. "Sit down," "grab some pine," "sit down," "grab some pine." And "Meat" has been around since Babe Ruth. "Meat!" It's just dugout stuff.
How do they clean the seating areas in SBC Park after a game? When I arrive the stands are always so clean! -- Mike S., El Sobrante
Jorge Costa, senior vice president, ballpark operations: First, all seating areas in the ballpark are swept from top to bottom. The garbage is picked up, bagged and trucked to the garbage compactor. The recycling is done and garbage dumped into the compactor and picked up by our garbage company. The seating areas are then power-washed using high-powered hoses that concentrate water to wash away a variety of debris, etc. Once that is done, seats are wiped and further detailing is done throughout the day in all locations until the gates open for that days event. It's kind of an ongoing Groundhog Day at the park.
A.J., what is your absolute favorite movie and CD? -- Lauren S., Lino Lakes, Minn.
A.J. Pierzynski: My favorite movie is "Scarface," and CD is -- I don't know. I don't really have one.
Why do the Giants sit in the third-base dugout at SBC Park? They used to be in the first-base dugout at Candlestick and I thought that National League teams all were in the first-base dugouts at home while American League teams were in the third-base dugout at home. -- Blake P., Eugene, Ore.
Staci Slaughter, vice president, communications: The location of the home team dugouts varies. We switched dugouts when we moved to SBC Park because the sightlines are much better from the third-base side as it enables the manager to see the entire playing field. There's also more room on the King Street side of the building to have a bigger home clubhouse.
Dustan, who or what helped you to adjust to moving here and getting all set up in town? Do the Giants help you out or do you do it yourself? -- John J., San Mateo
Dustan Mohr: The Giants help you out. They gave me the resources that I would need, and that just allowed me to take care of it on my own. They point you in the right direction; then the rest was up to me. It was an easy transition.
How do the Giants room when they are on the road? Do they always have the same roommate or do they switch? -- Alex R., San Francisco
Reggie Younger Jr., director of travel: The players do not have roommates on the road during the Championship Season (the regular season). All players have single rooms.
Is there somewhere in the park I can donate a glove outside of the promo they did for the Junior Giants? I have some old stuff I am not using any more, but is still usable. I was unable to attend during the promo. -- Penny I., Petaluma
Paul Giuliacci, associate director, Giants Community Fund: Gloves can still be donated to the Junior Giants program by dropping them off at the SBC Park Guest Services office or the KNBR kiosk, both located on the Promenade Level.
What do you do with all the posters and cardboard cutouts of the players in the ballpark when you get new ones? Do you ever give them away and how can a fan receive one? -- Ana P., Bay Point
Missy Mikulecky, photography/archives manager: We fold them up and keep them very nice and put them in the archives for use at another time. Sometimes the street banners are sold at the KNBR Giants FanFests. The player cutouts usually belong to KNBR and have been offered at FanFest "garage sales."
Questions may be edited for clarity and/or length. Chris Shuttlesworth is an editorial producer for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.
We battled back...
We were up and then we battled back. And we tied it. Then some guy (I'm not going to learn A.L. players names because I don't want to) hits a walk off home run. SHIT! FUCK! DAMN IT! SON OF A BITCH! OK I think I got the swearing our of my system. We tried so hard and the rookies did so well.
I now feel terrible. I know that the guys deserve better and that this is just another one of those close games that should have gone our way. It's like the first game we played against the Twins.
Boys we love you and we know you all gave it your all. Take it out on the DBacks. They need to hear the crack of our bats and feel our pain. They have had it easy and now it's time for revenge. VAMANOS GIGANTES!
Giants: 8
Tigers: 10
This month: 5-11
Horoscope: It's all in the details. Stick to deliberate, disciplined decision-making today.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I now feel terrible. I know that the guys deserve better and that this is just another one of those close games that should have gone our way. It's like the first game we played against the Twins.
Boys we love you and we know you all gave it your all. Take it out on the DBacks. They need to hear the crack of our bats and feel our pain. They have had it easy and now it's time for revenge. VAMANOS GIGANTES!
Giants: 8
Tigers: 10
This month: 5-11
Horoscope: It's all in the details. Stick to deliberate, disciplined decision-making today.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Complicated - Avril Lavigne
Uh Huh
Life's like this
Uh Huh
Uh Huh
That's the way it is
Cause life's like this
Uh Huh
Uh Huh
That's the way it is
Chill out
What you yellin for?
Lay back
It's all been done before
And if you could only let it be
You will see
I like you the way you are
When we're drivin in your car
And you're talkin to me one-on-one
But you become
Somebody else
Round everyone else
Watchin your back
Like you can't relax
You tryin to be cool
You look like a fool to me
Tell me
Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're actin like you're somebody else
Gets me frustrated
Life's like this you
You fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get
And you turnin into
Honestly, you promised me
I'm never gonna find you fake it
No no no
You come over unannounced
Dressed up like you're somethin else
Where you are ain't where it's at you see
You're makin me
Laugh out
When you strike a pose
Take off
All your preppy clothes
You know
You're not foolin anyone
When you become
Somebody else
Round everyone else
Watchin your back
Like you can't relax
You tryin to be cool
You look like a fool to me
Tell me
Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're actin like you're somebody else
Gets me frustrated
Life's like this you
You fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get
And you turnin into
Honestly, you promised me
I'm never gonna find you fake it
No no no
(no no no)
No no
(no no no)
No no
(no no no)
No no
Chill out
What you yellin for?
Lay back
It's all been done before
And if you could only let it be
You will see
Somebody else
Round everyone else
Watchin your back
Like you can't relax
You tryin to be cool
You look like a fool to me
Tell me
Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're actin like you're somebody else
Gets me frustrated
Life's like this you
You fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get
And you turnin into
Honestly, you promised me
I'm never gonna find you fake it
No no
Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?
(yeah yeah)
I see the way you're actin like you're somebody else
Gets me frustrated
Life's like this you
You fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get
And you turnin into
Honestly, you promised me
I'm never gonna find you fake it
No no no
Life's like this
Uh Huh
Uh Huh
That's the way it is
Cause life's like this
Uh Huh
Uh Huh
That's the way it is
Chill out
What you yellin for?
Lay back
It's all been done before
And if you could only let it be
You will see
I like you the way you are
When we're drivin in your car
And you're talkin to me one-on-one
But you become
Somebody else
Round everyone else
Watchin your back
Like you can't relax
You tryin to be cool
You look like a fool to me
Tell me
Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're actin like you're somebody else
Gets me frustrated
Life's like this you
You fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get
And you turnin into
Honestly, you promised me
I'm never gonna find you fake it
No no no
You come over unannounced
Dressed up like you're somethin else
Where you are ain't where it's at you see
You're makin me
Laugh out
When you strike a pose
Take off
All your preppy clothes
You know
You're not foolin anyone
When you become
Somebody else
Round everyone else
Watchin your back
Like you can't relax
You tryin to be cool
You look like a fool to me
Tell me
Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're actin like you're somebody else
Gets me frustrated
Life's like this you
You fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get
And you turnin into
Honestly, you promised me
I'm never gonna find you fake it
No no no
(no no no)
No no
(no no no)
No no
(no no no)
No no
Chill out
What you yellin for?
Lay back
It's all been done before
And if you could only let it be
You will see
Somebody else
Round everyone else
Watchin your back
Like you can't relax
You tryin to be cool
You look like a fool to me
Tell me
Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're actin like you're somebody else
Gets me frustrated
Life's like this you
You fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get
And you turnin into
Honestly, you promised me
I'm never gonna find you fake it
No no
Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?
(yeah yeah)
I see the way you're actin like you're somebody else
Gets me frustrated
Life's like this you
You fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get
And you turnin into
Honestly, you promised me
I'm never gonna find you fake it
No no no
Some past Giants moments...08/12/04
08/12/2004 8:00 AM ET
Ask the Giants: Brotherly love
By Chris Shuttlesworth / MLB.com
Got a question for Ask the Giants? Submit your queries of general interest for a Giants player, coach, staff or front-office member and see if your question gets answered in a future edition of Giants Jottings.
Matt Herges mentioned (in a Giants commercial) he has to get his brother-in-law out. Who is his brother-in-law and what team does he play with? -- Sandy L., Alameda
Herges: Todd Hollandsworth. He is with the Cubs, and he's currently on the DL. I introduced him to my sister in 2000 when we were teammates on the Dodgers. Our next road trip was St. Louis and then Chicago, and I grew up in between St. Louis and Chicago, about two hours from both. We were just talking in the outfield, and I think highly of him, obviously, and it just came to me. I said, "Have you ever met my sister?" and he said, "No, I'd love to." I said, "OK, I'll call her tonight and see if she's interested in meeting you."
So that first night in St. Louis, my whole family's there and I introduced them in the lobby. That was May, and that December, they were married.
That night, she came back to my parents' room and said, "He's unbelievable. He's it." He went back to his room and called his brother and said, "I just met my wife tonight." If you believe in love at first sight, that was definitely it.
What is Dustan Mohr's entrance music called? -- Mike B., Berkeley
Bryan Srabian, director of marketing and entertainment: "Play that Funky Music," by Wild Cherry. That was his request.
I am mystified by what "sold out" means (at SBC Park). How many tickets can be sold, and what defines "sold out"? It seems to be anywhere beyond 41,000, but isn't there a real number? -- Bonnie F., San Francisco
Russ Stanley, vice president, ticket services/client relations: Technically a sellout is when every seat except obstructed view and standing room have been sold. The reason the number can be a sellout yet always be different is based on SRO sales and the mix of complimentary tickets. The rule of thumb we use is any time we distributed 41,500 or more tickets, it's considered a sellout.
I always see Dustin Hermanson with different styles of facial hair, and I was wondering how long it takes him to shave and style his facial hair? -- Liz V., San Francisco
Hermanson: No longer than anybody else, since I've been doing it for so many years. Maybe an added 25 seconds.
Hey, Scott Eyre, whenever a pitcher allows a runner on first, why do the pitchers point at shortstop or second? -- Tiffany W., San Diego
Eyre: We think he's cute. No, it's just to let them know who's covering (second base) -- sometimes it's the shortstop, sometimes it's the second baseman. A lot of times with me, it's the second baseman. There's a lot of things that determine who covers. The hitter determines it, the pitcher does, and (bench coach) Ron Wotus does, because he positions the position players. If he's got the second baseman playing way over, then the shortstop has to cover. If he's got the shortstop playing way in the hole, the second baseman will have to get there.
J.T. Snow came back from knee surgery really quick. What were the main rehab exercises that helped to strengthen his knee? -- Dave R., Oakley
Stan Conte, head trainer: J.T. came back in about four weeks, and the general time frame is four to six weeks for that type of surgery. The surgery itself wasn't major. It was a cleanup procedure, so that's one of the reasons he came back so quickly. It was a little bit on the quicker side. We did a basic knee rehabilitation program, but as soon as he was able to anything baseball-wise, hitting and throwing, we started him doing that. That was within about a week to 10 days, so that helped him get back a lot quicker. But everything else was a basic knee rehab, a strengthening and stretching program with a lot of leg-press type exercises.
A question for Kruk and Kuip: Do you guys ever notice anything during the game like a pitcher tipping pitches or other aspects of the game and then maybe sneak your observations down to the dugout? -- Mark J., Sebastopol
Mike Krukow, broadcaster: Absolutely. We'd never, ever, ever point them out if we thought the Giants would gain an advantage with it, so yeah, if we see something, we pass it on to the Giants.
What does "designated for assignment" mean, and where have the players such as Brian Cooper, Chad Zerbe and Luis Estrella who have been designated for assignment this season gone? -- Zach M., Lakewood, Colo.
Matt Hodson, media relations coordinator: When a player is designated for assignment, it opens up that player's roster spot for 10 days while the team waits for the player to clear waivers. If the player is not claimed by another club within two business days, then the team retains the player and may either send him to the minors outright or trade him to another team.
Brian Cooper was designated for assignment, cleared waivers and was outrighted to Triple-A Fresno, but has since been released. Chad Zerbe and Leo Estrella were designated for assignment, cleared waivers and then were outrighted to Triple-A Fresno.
Inside SBC Park, hanging on the facade near section 233 is a pennant with '51 on it. What is this, and what does it mean? -- Ken D., San Jose
Mario Alioto, senior vice president, corporate marketing: The "Remember '51" sign in the left-field corner is to remember the 1951 season when Bobby Thomson hit the "Shot Heard 'Round the World" (that gave the Giants the National League pennant over the Dodgers). This is for fans to always keep in mind that it's not over 'til it's over, and in 1951, the Giants came back from being quite a bit out of the pennant race to win with Thomson's homer.
Chris Shuttlesworth is an editorial producer for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.
Ask the Giants: Brotherly love
By Chris Shuttlesworth / MLB.com
Got a question for Ask the Giants? Submit your queries of general interest for a Giants player, coach, staff or front-office member and see if your question gets answered in a future edition of Giants Jottings.
Matt Herges mentioned (in a Giants commercial) he has to get his brother-in-law out. Who is his brother-in-law and what team does he play with? -- Sandy L., Alameda
Herges: Todd Hollandsworth. He is with the Cubs, and he's currently on the DL. I introduced him to my sister in 2000 when we were teammates on the Dodgers. Our next road trip was St. Louis and then Chicago, and I grew up in between St. Louis and Chicago, about two hours from both. We were just talking in the outfield, and I think highly of him, obviously, and it just came to me. I said, "Have you ever met my sister?" and he said, "No, I'd love to." I said, "OK, I'll call her tonight and see if she's interested in meeting you."
So that first night in St. Louis, my whole family's there and I introduced them in the lobby. That was May, and that December, they were married.
That night, she came back to my parents' room and said, "He's unbelievable. He's it." He went back to his room and called his brother and said, "I just met my wife tonight." If you believe in love at first sight, that was definitely it.
What is Dustan Mohr's entrance music called? -- Mike B., Berkeley
Bryan Srabian, director of marketing and entertainment: "Play that Funky Music," by Wild Cherry. That was his request.
I am mystified by what "sold out" means (at SBC Park). How many tickets can be sold, and what defines "sold out"? It seems to be anywhere beyond 41,000, but isn't there a real number? -- Bonnie F., San Francisco
Russ Stanley, vice president, ticket services/client relations: Technically a sellout is when every seat except obstructed view and standing room have been sold. The reason the number can be a sellout yet always be different is based on SRO sales and the mix of complimentary tickets. The rule of thumb we use is any time we distributed 41,500 or more tickets, it's considered a sellout.
I always see Dustin Hermanson with different styles of facial hair, and I was wondering how long it takes him to shave and style his facial hair? -- Liz V., San Francisco
Hermanson: No longer than anybody else, since I've been doing it for so many years. Maybe an added 25 seconds.
Hey, Scott Eyre, whenever a pitcher allows a runner on first, why do the pitchers point at shortstop or second? -- Tiffany W., San Diego
Eyre: We think he's cute. No, it's just to let them know who's covering (second base) -- sometimes it's the shortstop, sometimes it's the second baseman. A lot of times with me, it's the second baseman. There's a lot of things that determine who covers. The hitter determines it, the pitcher does, and (bench coach) Ron Wotus does, because he positions the position players. If he's got the second baseman playing way over, then the shortstop has to cover. If he's got the shortstop playing way in the hole, the second baseman will have to get there.
J.T. Snow came back from knee surgery really quick. What were the main rehab exercises that helped to strengthen his knee? -- Dave R., Oakley
Stan Conte, head trainer: J.T. came back in about four weeks, and the general time frame is four to six weeks for that type of surgery. The surgery itself wasn't major. It was a cleanup procedure, so that's one of the reasons he came back so quickly. It was a little bit on the quicker side. We did a basic knee rehabilitation program, but as soon as he was able to anything baseball-wise, hitting and throwing, we started him doing that. That was within about a week to 10 days, so that helped him get back a lot quicker. But everything else was a basic knee rehab, a strengthening and stretching program with a lot of leg-press type exercises.
A question for Kruk and Kuip: Do you guys ever notice anything during the game like a pitcher tipping pitches or other aspects of the game and then maybe sneak your observations down to the dugout? -- Mark J., Sebastopol
Mike Krukow, broadcaster: Absolutely. We'd never, ever, ever point them out if we thought the Giants would gain an advantage with it, so yeah, if we see something, we pass it on to the Giants.
What does "designated for assignment" mean, and where have the players such as Brian Cooper, Chad Zerbe and Luis Estrella who have been designated for assignment this season gone? -- Zach M., Lakewood, Colo.
Matt Hodson, media relations coordinator: When a player is designated for assignment, it opens up that player's roster spot for 10 days while the team waits for the player to clear waivers. If the player is not claimed by another club within two business days, then the team retains the player and may either send him to the minors outright or trade him to another team.
Brian Cooper was designated for assignment, cleared waivers and was outrighted to Triple-A Fresno, but has since been released. Chad Zerbe and Leo Estrella were designated for assignment, cleared waivers and then were outrighted to Triple-A Fresno.
Inside SBC Park, hanging on the facade near section 233 is a pennant with '51 on it. What is this, and what does it mean? -- Ken D., San Jose
Mario Alioto, senior vice president, corporate marketing: The "Remember '51" sign in the left-field corner is to remember the 1951 season when Bobby Thomson hit the "Shot Heard 'Round the World" (that gave the Giants the National League pennant over the Dodgers). This is for fans to always keep in mind that it's not over 'til it's over, and in 1951, the Giants came back from being quite a bit out of the pennant race to win with Thomson's homer.
Chris Shuttlesworth is an editorial producer for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.
Sitting and thinking...
I just started to thinking about life again. I want to travel and see the world, but when will I get the chance? When I'm old and alone? That wouldn't be fun. It's much better to go with someone you care about.
I guess I could do this after I'm married. It could be the honeymoon, but you can't take a lot of time off for that. And once you have children it changes.
When opportunity comes your way, you either take it or pass on it. There's no waiting time. It's live now or regret. Sometimes you just pass and wonder "what if". I'm doing that lately. I just wonder "what if" I had gone in a different direction back in college.
The path I have chosen or set so far isn't that great. Sometimes it is, but you still wonder. If I was to quit my job right now would I be able to travel to countries that I have been dreaming about? Would I be able to survive alone? Would I be able to take care of myself?
So many questions without answers and without a sense of direction. Maybe it's time I sit down and write down what I want to do. Where I want to be in 10 years and factor in a few things. Whoever reads this might understand me.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I guess I could do this after I'm married. It could be the honeymoon, but you can't take a lot of time off for that. And once you have children it changes.
When opportunity comes your way, you either take it or pass on it. There's no waiting time. It's live now or regret. Sometimes you just pass and wonder "what if". I'm doing that lately. I just wonder "what if" I had gone in a different direction back in college.
The path I have chosen or set so far isn't that great. Sometimes it is, but you still wonder. If I was to quit my job right now would I be able to travel to countries that I have been dreaming about? Would I be able to survive alone? Would I be able to take care of myself?
So many questions without answers and without a sense of direction. Maybe it's time I sit down and write down what I want to do. Where I want to be in 10 years and factor in a few things. Whoever reads this might understand me.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Woody wasn't have a good game. The boy scored early, but he gave it all away. The new guy Brandon Puffer is OK. I don't know if he'll be good, but since we lost La Troy Hawkins we needed to call someone up.
The final outcome hurt a lot because it was a loss. Tomorrow is another day. The upside was that the Dodgers lost with A.J. Pierzynski hitting one out of the park and make it a 5-3 final score. Two days in a row the Dodgers have been beat by the Chicago White Sox. One loss plus one loss equals OK.
Giants: 2
Tigers: 8
This month: 5-11
Horoscope: Today plays straight to your strengths. Big plans will lead to big progress.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
The final outcome hurt a lot because it was a loss. Tomorrow is another day. The upside was that the Dodgers lost with A.J. Pierzynski hitting one out of the park and make it a 5-3 final score. Two days in a row the Dodgers have been beat by the Chicago White Sox. One loss plus one loss equals OK.
Giants: 2
Tigers: 8
This month: 5-11
Horoscope: Today plays straight to your strengths. Big plans will lead to big progress.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Hummm BABY!
Taking an old ad slogan and making it new again. OK lame attempt at trying to prove knowledge of the game. It was one game that I missed most of. I saw some of it at work and I was going to set up the radio, but said forget it. That's too much work. I just wanted to focus.
I got home and I think it's the bottom of the 6th or the top of the 7th. I left late so I really wanted to get home to watch. I watched Schmidt do good then he was taken out and Walker came in. I started to sweat as much as he was. I thought no way. Bases were loaded and no outs. I almost cried. Somehow he got out of it. Then it was a sigh of relief.
Giants: 4
Tigers: 0
This month: 5-10
Horoscope: Don't count on clear communication today -- but do count on solving problems.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I got home and I think it's the bottom of the 6th or the top of the 7th. I left late so I really wanted to get home to watch. I watched Schmidt do good then he was taken out and Walker came in. I started to sweat as much as he was. I thought no way. Bases were loaded and no outs. I almost cried. Somehow he got out of it. Then it was a sigh of relief.
Giants: 4
Tigers: 0
This month: 5-10
Horoscope: Don't count on clear communication today -- but do count on solving problems.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
The game was awesome! I got home and turned it on to watch my boys. All 25 of them. They were excellent! Ok there were times when they had me worried. Ray missed a catch which was bad. I think Ellison did too. Shabala was robbed of hits and also of an almost home run.
The game start had me worried when they were down 4 run. Then we were up and then it was tied. I thought no way. This team might have it or it might not. I thought at least we broke the losing streak. Then during the top of the 9th I saw Tucker there again and I thought man they went through the line up already. And my friend points out to me they have gone through the line up again. WOW! We scored another 7 runs and we beat the rest of the line up to get the W.
They have gotten two in a row and rocked Joe Nathan. That's just sweet. Revenge is good and he is like Herges. Thank you. Tomko don't worry man. There's always next time.
Giants: 14
Twins: 7
This month: 4-10
Horoscope: Caution is good, but action is better. Use a boost of energy to make things happen.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
The game start had me worried when they were down 4 run. Then we were up and then it was tied. I thought no way. This team might have it or it might not. I thought at least we broke the losing streak. Then during the top of the 9th I saw Tucker there again and I thought man they went through the line up already. And my friend points out to me they have gone through the line up again. WOW! We scored another 7 runs and we beat the rest of the line up to get the W.
They have gotten two in a row and rocked Joe Nathan. That's just sweet. Revenge is good and he is like Herges. Thank you. Tomko don't worry man. There's always next time.
Giants: 14
Twins: 7
This month: 4-10
Horoscope: Caution is good, but action is better. Use a boost of energy to make things happen.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02

So the middle of the 8th inning after much heckling I got a pair of batting gloves. Someone said it was Michael Tucker's, but it'll be one of those whose were they? That's just crazy. I got looks from Jason Schmidt, Michael Tucker, Scott Erye, Marquis Grissom, Felipe Alou, and Omar Vizquel. He was laughing at me when I said that the other team's manger walks as slow as Felipe Alou.
I have no idea's who's gloves, but if you can see me on TV most of the time you can bet I was loud. I'm loud, proud, and short. Wait, it's short, proud, and loud. Whatever. I still wanted a ball though. This couple got two. The boyfriend got one from someone and all the girl had to do was show her belly ring and got one from Tucker. Man I can't stand the guy. He's such a player!
I will never forget this game..and since I have it on tape I won't. Man I can't believe I got GLOVES!
Giants: 1
Royal: 4
This month: 1-6
Horoscope: Don't dwell on the past or fantasize about the future -- focus on the here and now.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
This was hard to take...
I'm at home and I'm watching the boys play. I had no idea they would play this terrible. They were the Cleveland Indians from the movie Major League. Someone has to tell them to get their act together. This is a let down for me since I started last year following them.
Last season this month there weren't this bad. I was spoiled by last year's wins and success. This year it has been so painful to watch them play. Each game they lose it makes me question my faith in this "religion" I have chosen. This seems silly to most of you, but to me it's serious. Go Giants! Win one tomorrow!
Giants: 1
Royals: 8
This month: 1-5
Horoscope: Your thoughts are so precise, they could cut diamonds. Apply this to heavy matters.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Last season this month there weren't this bad. I was spoiled by last year's wins and success. This year it has been so painful to watch them play. Each game they lose it makes me question my faith in this "religion" I have chosen. This seems silly to most of you, but to me it's serious. Go Giants! Win one tomorrow!
Giants: 1
Royals: 8
This month: 1-5
Horoscope: Your thoughts are so precise, they could cut diamonds. Apply this to heavy matters.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I can't take it anymore...
The highs and low of being a fan are taking it's toll on me. I am not longer happy and I'm sad. I have only the motivation to go to work and work. Working seems more fun than baseball. The score says it all. It's also the pitching. I have this excel spread sheet that proves it. I know if I made a spread sheet over baseball I'm crazy. Yes, I'm part of the "Lunatic Fringe" here's the logo:

I wanted to jump ship again, but I know I can't have an easy season like last. I think I'm just too attached to them. My heart breaks in two every time they lose. It beats faster when they win. It's wanting to see the World Series for Barry Bonds. I know it's hard to believe, but that man deserves a ring. After everything he's been through and if he doesn't get one then I'll be sad.
Tomorrow is an off day so I should be ok. If anything Tuesday's Queer Eye for the Straight Guy will cheer me up. Redoing a couple of Boston Red Sox guys. That'll be fun to watch.
Giants: 1
Mets: 12
This month: 1-4
Horoscope: You've got personal and professional duties. What about your public duties?
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I wanted to jump ship again, but I know I can't have an easy season like last. I think I'm just too attached to them. My heart breaks in two every time they lose. It beats faster when they win. It's wanting to see the World Series for Barry Bonds. I know it's hard to believe, but that man deserves a ring. After everything he's been through and if he doesn't get one then I'll be sad.
Tomorrow is an off day so I should be ok. If anything Tuesday's Queer Eye for the Straight Guy will cheer me up. Redoing a couple of Boston Red Sox guys. That'll be fun to watch.
Giants: 1
Mets: 12
This month: 1-4
Horoscope: You've got personal and professional duties. What about your public duties?
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Don't Stop Believin - Journey
Just a small town girl, livin' in a lonely world
She took the midnight train goin' anywhere
Just a city boy, born and raised in south Detroit
He took the midnight train goin' anywhere
A singer in a smokey room
A smell of wine and cheap perfume
For a smile they can share the night
It goes on and on and on and on
Strangers waiting, up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching in the night
Streetlight people, living just to find emotion
Hiding, somewhere in the night
Working hard to get my fill,
everybody wants a thrill
Payin' anything to roll the dice,
just one more time
Some will win, some will lose
Some were born to sing the blues
Oh, the movie never ends
It goes on and on and on and on
Don't stop believin'
Hold on to the feelin'
Streetlight people
She took the midnight train goin' anywhere
Just a city boy, born and raised in south Detroit
He took the midnight train goin' anywhere
A singer in a smokey room
A smell of wine and cheap perfume
For a smile they can share the night
It goes on and on and on and on
Strangers waiting, up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching in the night
Streetlight people, living just to find emotion
Hiding, somewhere in the night
Working hard to get my fill,
everybody wants a thrill
Payin' anything to roll the dice,
just one more time
Some will win, some will lose
Some were born to sing the blues
Oh, the movie never ends
It goes on and on and on and on
Don't stop believin'
Hold on to the feelin'
Streetlight people
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