This morning I''m getting into the car with my Giants jacket on. See picture. My mom asks me, "Are you going to the game?" In my head I was going, "WTF? Are you kidding me?" I replied, "No."
What would cause her to think I was going to a baseball game in October? I'm sure the news would report that the Giants are in the playoffs and there are games. I think it has to be one of those generation things and the fact that my parents live in their own world and not in the 21st century.
I have to begin to wonder if culture is a major part of it. My mom went to one (1) Giants game and that was in 1995 and read a romance novel and thought the game was boring. She tried to learn the game during the season, but never followed through. I don't think she understands why I like baseball.
I'll explain why: it allows me to leave the house. It lets me meet other people. It gives me something to look forward to during the summer and allows me to see the country. Since I've been getting back into baseball it has allowed me to go to places I don't think I would have ever gone to. I've been to New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Illinois, Arizona, Maryland, and a couple of other states. Mostly, it allows me to see things that I've always wanted to see in other cities. When I went to New York, I was able to see the Empire State building and to see the Statue of Liberty, although from a distance, I was still able to see it. I went to the United Nations center. I've been to more Chinatowns around the states that my mom has. Granted I'd rather be going overseas, but seeing this country and what it has to offer has helped me understand why certain cities are bitter and what their main focus is sports. Sports in general bond people together. Baseball, football, basketball, etc. allow people to come together to cheer for a team or a person.
There are cities that I know I will never go back to after being treated a certain way unless it was for business or something. There are those that I would go back to see more and experience more because the time that I was there wasn't enough. I know that I'll be going back to New York because I didn't get to see Shea Stadium. I know I'll be back to Minneapolis because they're getting a new ballpark and I want to see it.
I digressed and now back to the point. Why can't parents pay attention to the news and figure out what's going on? My mom watches her Chinese soap operas and doesn't really know what's going on. I understand that she does a lot of the housework and I try to help out when I can, but she should watch more American shows. Another example would be last week Monday. There was a shooting at 17th and Noriega. She thought it was Sunday. She also wondered why she didn't hear it nor my dad. They were both watching TV and it was a block away. There is also noise from 19th Avenue as well. She asked me if I knew about it and I said no. When I have on the TV the only time I hear any sort of siren is a fire truck. My other thing is would you like to know there was a shooting just up the street from you? I wouldn't. Sometimes it's better to be ignorant that to know the truth.
I think I'm done ranting now.
Horoscope: People are awfully full of themselves today and might make totally unreasonable demands that they think are perfectly normal. Push back as much as you can, but you still may have to cater to them.