I had gotten great sleep, well sort of. I woke up in the middle of the night, but that is fine with me because I went back to sleep. We had a tour of the town and half way through I just wanted to go home. Not to San Francisco, but back to the house. It was getting cold and although I wore layers of clothes, nothing to could prepare me for the cold that I felt. During this time, a car had its roof down and was blasting music and the tour guide apologized for it. We all just wanted to laugh and say it is not a problem because we are used to it.
After the tour, a bunch of us decided to go out later that night just to have some fun. So we parted ways with the others and headed home. I was not alone walking home and we ended up lost and walking too far. We knew we should not have been talking when we should have been paying attention to what street we were on etc. It is not as if the streets were all straight and blocks. We realized we went too far and then walked back and eventually found our way home. It only took us about an hour to head back I suppose when it should only take 20 minutes.
By the end of the night we ended up at three pubs. We finished up at the last pub part club and needed food. We found a pizza place and had some. Afterwards we headed on over to the river Avon (this one is suppose to be the one that everyone has to see and the correct one and none of the other ones) and talked and hung out. We all decided that we should take a taxi home because the buses had stopped running for one thing and another was because it was about 3.30 a.m. in the morning. We ended up in line and had some people trying to “jump the queue� (that is cutting in line) and it almost started a fight because of it. another story that would probably run over back in the United States if the “bobbies� (police officers) saw us. A funny story that would run in the paper back at home would say something on the lines of San Jose State University students get into a fight over a taxi. A few were injured and because of this are sent home.
I got to ride in a Mercedes Benz as a taxi. How cool is that?