Today I went to school. Jurmain saw me and said that I looked better today. I was feeling better. I had a headache yesterday, but I did also take some ibuprofen for it. Michael moved again. He is a nomad. Ha ha. I joke about that but hopefully he will be ok at his new place. I walked the whole way to school. It took me a while. It takes a little while longer but it is fine with me. I talked to Jill about wanting to see a doctor and she was able to help me get an appointment for today. How ace (cool) is that?
I also have to see a doctor about being sick. It is so nice to see someone to give you something to get better. It was a fast visit as well. I got there early and got back ten minutes after my appointment was suppose to happen.
I walked up and down the same streets three times. That is a lot. The reason is the first time was to school. Then I headed home so that I could drop down my stuff. Then I went to my appointment. Then I had to fill the prescription and then I did not have money so I had to walk back up. I could have asked Kristi to loan me the money, but why be lazy. I just thought of it as exercise. I realized that when I was coming back. I am just remembering what Michael said about whatever does not hurt you will make you stronger. Because if I had not moved I would not be happy and I would be miserable until the time I left. I head for Dublin tomorrow. It is going to be cold and wet.