I wait for my cousin to come back from taking her finals I suppose you can call it. I might have miss heard her but she said about 1.00 p.m. and so I force my brother to get change and then he goes where is she? I said that she was coming back and then on the C.C.T.V. I said that it was she only to be mistaken.
Once she arrived home, we were off to Sha Tin. Who knew that when we arrived to the Toys R Us there that those machines that you can put money into and get a container thing with a surprise or in our case Naruto would be out of order. They had two machines too. So then, we headed off to this department store and they had it. We ended up getting double or triple (Naruto) of them and just gave up. We spent at least one hundred twenty dollars on it.
Our cousin said there was a place that sold those mini figures as sets. As it happens, the place had the one that my brother was missing. He said or wonders if he could trade the doubles that he had for the one in the window. He said in Cantonese, “Two for one?” The guy in the store had no idea what he meant. Then later my cousin translated what he meant. He said that he had to call first to see if the owner would allow it. They guy did and he completed his set of figurines.
At dinner time my cousin and I reenacted it verbally. I can tell you I was literally laughing so hard I was crying. He has once again come up with a new catch phrase. The last time he was here, he said “his head leaked water.” This time is it “two of these for one.” I think it was mainly because of the way that he was holding them in his hands. It was one in each hand. If you have seen the sketch with Sarah Michelle Geller on Saturday Night Live then you would see why it was so funny.
That was my day at Sha Tin. Tomorrow it is off to my grandma’s house to stay the night and out with my uncle.