

I can't believe that in a couple of days it will be the company dinner. I still haven't bought my present yet for the person who I picked. Why you may ask? I was going to get it today, but in the end I failed. Why you might still ask? I was being followed and so I couldn't buy it and let them know could I?

Today at work it went by so fast. I also was able to see the boss's father. He was in the office today. I almost ran into him twice. Not a very good sign if you ask me. I did most of the filing which wasn't much. I started to make the new folders and I just had to stop because my arm was dying. I also needed to order some stuff for the office as well.

Tomorrow the plan is to buy the Christmas gift and then to wrap it as well. It's so bad they're not even that organized. No brown bags provided and or no one said what you had to do. Strange and very disorganized. I'm really organized, but sometimes you just have to wonder. I can't wait for the weekend. I do wonder who picked me. Actually, I don't care.

Oo, I killed a fly today. I killed a baby spider today and on Monday or was it Sunday? I'm getting forgetful. Yikes. I'm also thinking about going back to school. Now I just have to apply. Am I insane?

Horoscope: Sometimes you want a gourmet meal. But today, a TV dinner will do just fine.
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