It's Saturday night and I'm at home. OK this is after I went to a memorial. I'm just sitting here thinking about life. I saw my little cousins who are growing up before my eyes. One who was maybe a four months old now is eight months old. I can't believe how he's grown. Then there's also another one who's now big too. She's only a little bit older than him I think. They're growing up and that's life.
I spoke with my cousin about "converting" his boys to being Giants fans. He didn't have a problem with that. I think I should run it by my cousin first. I don't know if she'll be OK with it. This event a sad one, did allow me to see my cousins only a week earlier than usual. You just have to wonder if this is how life is. Something good happens and then something sad happens.
When my cousin read something she wrote it did bring tears to my eyes because what she talked about I felt too. I felt how her grandmother did take care of me too, as if I was one of her own grandchildren. She lived a long life until the age of 91. I had no idea my uncle retired early to take care of his parents. Things you learn from others.
I've been thinking about Cracker Jack for a while now. I ate it and then we lost. I ate it again and we lost again. I finally finished the bag hoping for something good to happen. Nothing. We lost again. I hate Cracker Jack now.
Giants: 2
Cardinals: 4
This month: 8-10
Horoscope: Be a shining example. Someone is looking to you for guidance, and what you do next could help them have the strength to do the right thing later on. You have what it takes to do this.
Watching: Clueless
Listening to:
Thinking about: How my life has changed since April. For the better too because of someone.
Your $0.02