I was in my car at 7.11 p.m. or was it 7.14 p.m. I had just started the car and was waiting for it to warm up. Then I hear that Barry Bonds is up at bat. There were two others already on and then he hits it. I hear it and think to myself I have to remember this moment. I have to. This is something special.
I am really excited to get home to watch this game. I had a good feeling, but I should have prepared for the worse because that did happen. It looked good. Then it got ugly. REAL UGLY REAL FAST.
I was sad to see a loss. This is worse than last year. Last year it was Steve Finely who is also killing the A's. The short version is we have to win tomorrow or it's over. We have to win all the rest too. The Padres have to lose 2/3 games and lose the next 2 to us. I hate this math stuff.
But John 3.16 please help the Giants.
Giants: 6
Padres: 9
This month: 15-10
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02