What did I do today? I wanted to wear my Taschner jersey to work because of the holiday, but then thought better of it. I wore an orange shirt and then black pants. I have no imagination.
I got home and then had someone message me seeing if I wanted to go out. I said why not. I wanted to go trick or treating. I wore my Taschner jersey and the matching cap. I put on "eye black", but then figured I look stupid so I took it off. We left my house and started the search for Robin Williams house.
I found out where Robin Williams lives and it was strange. I mean it was hard to find in the dark and this was after we roamed around the neighborhood. He had a couple of guys at his front gate and it looked kind of scary to approach him or them to get something from him. There was this one guy has a cool set up. He has two houses together, well they're separated by a driveway. It has a wonderful view of the Golden Gate Bridge. I also noticed a lot of Russians trick or treating.
After finding his house and bored we tried to head over to the Castro. We get back to the car and it won't start. This is not a joke. We try and we even got someone to help jump it. It wasn't working. We're stuck trying and calling people.
We finally get AAA there and the guy is tried and he's not happy at how crazy some people are. He tried to start the car, but he said it was the starter. It was strange. I know I tried to start the car hoping a miracle, but when he couldn't even fix the car that was bad.
Long story short, we got the car towed back to the house and I got a ride home. By the time I got home it was 10 minutes to midnight. I can honestly say that it is one Halloween I'll never forget.
Horoscope: Authority problems don't discourage you -- they inspire you to find your own way. What you're standing there staring at might be the perfect gift for your sweetie, so whether or not there's a 'good' reason for buying it really shouldn't enter into the equation. If it makes them happy, that's enough. Right?
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Your $0.02
A clean room and organized as well...
I had enough with being messy and seeing as my room was pretty messy, I figured I had to clean up. It's winter and the ants are going to be coming in when the rain starts. I vacuumed and I also did a load of laundry. WOW right? My desk is neat and the floor is clean. I boxed up the magazines that were sitting on my floor. I also finally got around to paying off that parking ticket that I got about half a month ago. I can't believe I got it on Yom Kippur. Ironic.
I watched "The Goonies" and wondered where they all are now. Great movie and I should get it on DVD too. It's amazing how much dust stuff can get on it when it's not cleaned for a year or more. I also should finish getting the rest of the seasons of "Friends".
Meanwhile, back in "Giants land" there isn't anything interesting going on except they want to rename the park. If the logo is blue and white I'm sure most of us fans will have a cow.
I will try to put something baseball related in each day. That'll be my motivation to update this. This shall keep me sane from the off season. I made this skin for the blog. OK, I didn't. I just took what I had and changed the picture to the monkey. I have to make him more orange though. Not quite enough.
Horoscope: To stay sharp, keep challenging yourself -- so pick a tough goal and get to work! Obviously, someone 'upstairs' is testing your patience, because everyone who's crossing your path down here is arriving with information that's either totally confusing or totally inaccurate. Either way, don't sign anything -- not even a large check. The stars are serious.
Watching: American Dad
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Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I watched "The Goonies" and wondered where they all are now. Great movie and I should get it on DVD too. It's amazing how much dust stuff can get on it when it's not cleaned for a year or more. I also should finish getting the rest of the seasons of "Friends".
Meanwhile, back in "Giants land" there isn't anything interesting going on except they want to rename the park. If the logo is blue and white I'm sure most of us fans will have a cow.
I will try to put something baseball related in each day. That'll be my motivation to update this. This shall keep me sane from the off season. I made this skin for the blog. OK, I didn't. I just took what I had and changed the picture to the monkey. I have to make him more orange though. Not quite enough.
Horoscope: To stay sharp, keep challenging yourself -- so pick a tough goal and get to work! Obviously, someone 'upstairs' is testing your patience, because everyone who's crossing your path down here is arriving with information that's either totally confusing or totally inaccurate. Either way, don't sign anything -- not even a large check. The stars are serious.
Watching: American Dad
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Thinking about:
Your $0.02
OMG I got the ones I ordered a couple weeks ago. They're so SWEET! I have one of my "hubby" and one that's just blank. It looks good, but it's the wrong number, but I'll ask him to "fix it". Heh. He'll be like..are you the same girl that asked me to edit the number on her hat? I'll be like yes I did. And here's the hat. It'll be funny.
I am still trying to track down my Giants blanket. It's around somewhere. I wish I had it. It'll keep me nice and warm.
The jerseys I got go nicely with my hat. I haven't calculated the record for it yet, but it can't be that bad. I realize now I have four (4) jerserys. Lord that is a lot. This year alone I've bought three (3). Someone tell me those are ok to wear to work on Fridays. Please?
Horoscope: Money matters could provide you with one more bit of confusing information to deal with, but don't get yourself all worked up about it. You've got some thinking to do, and you're not ready to come to a decision just yet.
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Your $0.02
I am still trying to track down my Giants blanket. It's around somewhere. I wish I had it. It'll keep me nice and warm.

Horoscope: Money matters could provide you with one more bit of confusing information to deal with, but don't get yourself all worked up about it. You've got some thinking to do, and you're not ready to come to a decision just yet.
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Thinking about:
Your $0.02
ML31 on the Giants MB (message board)...
This guy is BORING! He bores me with his there isn't such a thing called a "Wild Card" in baseball. If you don't win your division then you don't deserve to go to the World Series. This is how he views the 2002 World Series. No team went. He said the AL (American League) and the NL (National League) that went (Giants and Angels) never happened.
This year the Astros and the White Sox went. In his eyes only the White Sox deserved it and they are the true winners. If the Astros won they didn't deserve it.
Why can't you just accept it? Lord. Get a life and just accept that that's the rules of the game. He also doesn't like the DH (Designated Hitter) for the AL but that's the rule.
ML31, just stop trying to convert others. Just let us follow our "religion" and you can follow yours.
Horoscope: To make sure it goes as planned, do your research. Check the facts and play it safe.
Watching: Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
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Your $0.02
This year the Astros and the White Sox went. In his eyes only the White Sox deserved it and they are the true winners. If the Astros won they didn't deserve it.
Why can't you just accept it? Lord. Get a life and just accept that that's the rules of the game. He also doesn't like the DH (Designated Hitter) for the AL but that's the rule.
ML31, just stop trying to convert others. Just let us follow our "religion" and you can follow yours.
Horoscope: To make sure it goes as planned, do your research. Check the facts and play it safe.
Watching: Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Headaches aren't good signs...
I woke up this morning, ok not morning, but afternoon with a headache. I knew that wasn't a good sign. The last time this happened I knew the result. I ended up watching a movie. After it was done it was time for the World Series. Yes I did watch it. I wanted to see a team choke, but they didn't. I saw a strange stolen base by A.J. The Astros looked decent, but they couldn't get a lot of the plays and some cost them when the ball was hit into a gap.
I saw the results of the game and it bummed me out. Tomorrow's another day and there's another game. Six games left. I will watch all of them. Even if I have to go to a bar to watch game 6 at a bar.
Horoscope: Pay attention to the issues at hand ... don't dwell on what may happen later.
Okay. Enough is enough. You've worked, helped out and done everything you possibly can for everyone you possibly can. Now it's time to do what you want to do: Be completely alone with your special someone. And that's that.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about: Next weekend's wedding. What do I wear? How should I cut my hair? Do my own make up? Heels or flats?
Your $0.02
I saw the results of the game and it bummed me out. Tomorrow's another day and there's another game. Six games left. I will watch all of them. Even if I have to go to a bar to watch game 6 at a bar.
Horoscope: Pay attention to the issues at hand ... don't dwell on what may happen later.
Okay. Enough is enough. You've worked, helped out and done everything you possibly can for everyone you possibly can. Now it's time to do what you want to do: Be completely alone with your special someone. And that's that.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about: Next weekend's wedding. What do I wear? How should I cut my hair? Do my own make up? Heels or flats?
Your $0.02
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