OMG I got the ones I ordered a couple weeks ago. They're so
SWEET! I have one of my "hubby" and one that's just blank. It looks good, but it's the wrong number, but I'll ask him to "fix it". Heh. He'll be like..are you the same girl that asked me to edit the number on her hat? I'll be like yes I did. And here's the hat. It'll be funny.
I am still trying to track down my Giants blanket. It's around somewhere. I wish I had it. It'll keep me nice and warm.

The jerseys I got go nicely with my hat. I haven't calculated the record for it yet, but it can't be that bad. I realize now I have four (4) jerserys. Lord that is a lot. This year alone I've bought three (3). Someone tell me those are ok to wear to work on Fridays. Please?
Horoscope: Money matters could provide you with one more bit of confusing information to deal with, but don't get yourself all worked up about it. You've got some thinking to do, and you're not ready to come to a decision just yet.
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