Today I'm going to get new glasses. I am! I am dead set on getting some new ones. I need to. The ones I have are broken, sort of. The left side could give out at any moment and then I'd be blind. I'll have new sunglasses for spring training. Yup. I will.

These are my new glasses. They're a name brand, but they didn't have to be. I just got them because they're more for function than anything. I mean if I didn't use the insurance then it would go to waste. I worked for it and I earned them. They cost me about $189.00 after the amount work covered. Not too bad, but I'm sure I could have gotten them cheaper at Costco. Love that place. They're Burgundy. The only other color they had was gunmetal? There's one more of brown, but who wants brown? Hopefully, with my new glasses, they'll make me feel like a new person. Happier. That's how I've been feeling all weekend. More free and more relaxed.
Horoscope: No stranger to perseverance, you're used to a hard challenge. Today offers a doozie. It's not a good time to overcommit yourself. Avoid tight deadlines, making promises to loved ones or doing favors for anyone. Everyone's operating on a short fuse, and you need to take all the necessary precautions.
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