Another day of wonderful blissful sleep. To think that I would get to sleep until at least noon is a blessing. The baseball god must be watching over me. When I woke up I started to look for food. You know a person needs something to get the energy going. Then I thought I had to have some sort of caffeine in me. I know that sounds strange, but it seems like a day without it I get headaches and that's a bad thing. Afterwards, I watched some curling. Something about the sport that makes you go huh?
It's kind of strange watching people with brooms and something that looks like a kettle. Honestly, I think I'm the only one that makes these sort of associations. Who else would think of it? At least I saw the segment that explains how and why they do the things they do.
I did a load of laundry today. I was running out of trousers. I have enough shirts, but I think I need to shop for a couple more. I can only wear the same thing so often right? I think I better invest in a sweater too. Or at least a cardigan. Tomorrow's goal is to find a few more items I can wear to work. I also have to look for work shoes too. Damn it.
Horoscope: Focus on the positive, not the negative, today. You have control over all decisions. Has the answer been staring you in the face this entire time? It's just like what the wise Dorothy Gale once said about finding everything she needed in her own backyard. Look closer to home.
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