
New Banners...

The New Ad banners for 2006...

New Window Displays...

Morris and Winn
Omar and Matheney
Finley (I think)

Once Old Navy now Levi's Landing...

Some of the new sausages...

One the way to SBC...I mean AT&T...

As I was on my way home I noticed that it started to rain. I thought about the last week when I was on my way home. I had seen a rainbow, but hadn't been able to take a picture because there were too many people and the fact I wasn't near the window. This was the best shot out of the three that I had attempted. It was kind of strange to see one, but two in a month has got to be a record for me. The rain falling down and the sun out. It's nice.

I arrived in San Francisco and went to find food. You see what had happen was lunch wasn't good. I went vegetarian. That wasn't smart. After work I went to pick up the bag (late check in luggage) and saw the bus. I got on and was on my way to the game. I arrived and then went in search of food. Safeway was the goal, but since I had to meet up with my friend I had to think fast. I had Quiznos. It was smelling good and it was hot food. I was cold. I took pictures what has changed around the park. The window displays changed and they also had the new banners which I saw before. As I was walking to the parking lot I noticed they had added something to the wall on the building by Lefty O'Doul's gate. They put up the wins and the NL West pennants we had won. That was something different. They also changed the banners in the front where the tickets can be bought and picked up.

The game was good. I cheered on Jack and hoped for the best. He did really well and I was happy for him. It was a win and I can't complain. I hear Tony Bennett in the park. It was actually an adventure. We were leaving the park and were trying to get back to the clubhouse area and had a few glitches. Let's just say we were stuck in an elevator that wasn't enclosed, but just enough. I suggested we get baseball players to help us out, but then I thought better of it because if they were to get hurt, we'd be the ones they'd go after *the fans*.

It took us a while to get out, but it was fine in the end. At least it was us and not people in wheel chairs. They'd be upset. I wish I was rescued by a player, but the change of that happening is slim. I have to remember to get Opening Day stuff at the park and then find space for it. I have a couple of bats, but not many. I didn't get a Rockies one when I was there nor did I get a Brewers one. I don't think I saw one there.

That's the night. It was eventful.

Horoscope: Life can't always be fun. Pleasure has its place, but so does everything else. If someone's getting on your nerves, try that old trick of counting to ten before responding. Better yet, try clearing out and getting some alone time before dealing with them again. It'll make all the difference in the world.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02


First Day of Spring Training...

I didn't get a good night's sleep, but that's ok. I had just enough rest that I could watch the whole game. I know that sounds somewhat impossible, but that's what happened. I saw a game with most of the starters. I saw some great double plays. Omar and Ray pulled off a few. Barry went to bat 4 times and left after the 7th inning. He didn't hit any home runs, but it was good to see him out there. They had the "40 or almost 40" outfield. They replaced everyone at once with Linden in left, Ellison in center, and Ortmeier in right.

They kept Sweeney in the whole game. I think they kept Ray in the whole game too. There was one error made by Sweeney that really made me cringe. I hope that's his first one and not the last during Spring Training so that when the real season starts he won't have any of those errors.

Also during the game I learned a few things:
Vendors who sell lemonade sell the following colors: red, blue, and yellow.
Vendors who sell beer: have to carry around 3 large buckets of it around along with peanuts.
There are no soda vendors.
There are no Cracker Jack vendors.
There are no cotton candy vendors.
There are no Red Vine vendors.
During the 7th inning stretch they sing the song, Take Me Out To the Ball Game two times.
They do "smooth" the dirt every 3 innings.
They have a Giants Dugout at the park.
They sell fresh fruit and salad at the park.
They have the same giant baseballs outside the park like the ones near the mini field near SBC Park.

The weather was nice and I enjoyed the time at the park. I was able to see most of it just by walking around. I also was able to sit in two different sections. This was the hardest part. I was along the left field when the game started but then after the first inning I walked around then sat along right and that just tripped me out fro the rest of the game. I had sat along right before, but when you're just used to sitting along left it's kind of strange.

I didn't have anything to eat because I was warned there wasn't anything good to eat. So nothing was eaten at the park, but that was fine with me. The prices are similar to the ones at SBC Park. Lemonade was $5.00 and beer in a bottle was $6.00. I don't know how much the beer is at the ballpark in a bottle, but that's how much it was here.

I walked to the park and back. The walk was pleasant, but there were many people in ORANGE! It was like it was ORANGE Friday here. OK today is FRIDAY and that ORANGE Friday was done at SBC, but here I've heard it all the time. I followed the "ORANGE" brick road back. It's amazing how many people are here for Spring Training. I never thought I'd do this, but I am NOW!

After getting back to the hotel and then driving by the player's parking lot I see Ray Durham talking to people. DAMN! I wish I had the picture for him to sign. I have a few more days. I'm good to go if I do that later on.

Final Score
Rockies 4
Giants 6

Horoscope: To gain a sense of accomplishment today, clean up the clutter around your home. Your fortitude in a challenging situation wins friends and influences people -- and your old friends learn to love you even more than they already do. In fact, your considerable courage also wins you the attentions of a secret admirer.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02



Well I woke up this morning (yes morning) and I was surprised that I could function. I just forgot one thing yesterday. It was more like Friday and that was to take a Tylonol before I went to sleep. You see, I think I'm coming down with something. I don't know why, but it might because of all the people in the office with germs. Yes, I said it.

Well then when I did get up I tried to watch or listen to the Giants game. See I am getting back into the game slowly. Last weekend I felt like I just didn't like baseball anymore. This week I think I'm back to liking it. Something had to have happen to me to make me feel that way. Well I turned on the radio to find out that the game was canceled because it was rainning over there. That's too bad.

I just listened to Bruce Macgowan talk for a while or until roughly about 2.30 p.m. when it was turned over to ESPN. All they were talking about was Bonds, Barry. I think this topic has been beaten to death. The one guy who called in made a point on how the grand jury information could have been leaked. It would take a paralegal to release that information. If they find out who did it, they could serve prison time.

This whole steroids thing has just gotten out of hand. There are those that think he's done it and then there are those that think he hasn't and those that want proof otherwise he's innocent. You can "ASSUME" anything.

Back to today. I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that it was sunny today. The sun it out, but I'm sure it's cold outside. Really more of a day that you would just want to stay at home and keep warm. Or you could go out to someplace and just stay there where it's warm. The key is staying inside somewhere.

The counter on the top of the page reminds me why I started this blog. To record all the neat baseball memories that I have and just what goes on in my life. I've got a couple of entries that I have to predate, but it's ok. That's why this is the place to be. I randomly found this and think it's great. Xanga is another story. I should link my work blog to this one too. I keep forgetting to do that. I will today.

I have seen this blog site change. They didn't have the option of putting up pictures before, but now they do. I love it. Before you would have to do it the old fashion way. You know put in a link and then find a place to host the picture. Glad the new features are here.


Horoscope: Shared resources aren't divided equally. Audit the situation and act accordingly. Your creativity is sparking in a serious way. It's a great time to put pen to paper (or clay to potter's wheel or needle to cloth -- whatever floats your boat). Your artistic endeavors will help you see a way out of a household headache, too.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02


Failure to Launch - Review

I entered a contest to see an advance screening of Failure to Launch and I got picked. It's nice because I can watch a chick flick by myself without guys going "oh it's a chick flick". I went and I saw it and I thought it was pretty good. I'm a total sucker for romantic comedies because they're just so cute.

Anyway time for the review of the movie. It has Matthew McConaughey and Sarah Jessica Parker. Terry Bradshaw is in the movie too and has a nude scene. That's probably the worse part about the movie. Sarah is asked by Matthew's parents to get him to move out of the house. He's 35 and still lives at home. Well of course in the end Sarah and Matthew end up together. There are the funny moments where nature hates Matthew, but I won't mention what happens otherwise I'll spoil it.

Overall, it's not a bad movie, but if you're a guy and want laughs this isn't for you. There are others that are funnier. I give this movie an A-. Keep in mind I am a girl and so I see things differently than guys.

Horoscope: Just because ideas are new does not mean that they are better. Think them through. Your plate is full. In fact, it might just be overloaded, so don't assume any more duties, especially since some of your goals require some complex maneuvering. Just say no if someone keeps asking you for favors.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02