I arrived in San Francisco and went to find food. You see what had happen was lunch wasn't good. I went vegetarian. That wasn't smart. After work I went to pick up the bag (late check in luggage) and saw the bus. I got on and was on my way to the game. I arrived and then went in search of food. Safeway was the goal, but since I had to meet up with my friend I had to think fast. I had Quiznos. It was smelling good and it was hot food. I was cold. I took pictures what has changed around the park. The window displays changed and they also had the new banners which I saw before. As I was walking to the parking lot I noticed they had added something to the wall on the building by Lefty O'Doul's gate. They put up the wins and the NL West pennants we had won. That was something different. They also changed the banners in the front where the tickets can be bought and picked up.
The game was good. I cheered on Jack and hoped for the best. He did really well and I was happy for him. It was a win and I can't complain. I hear Tony Bennett in the park. It was actually an adventure. We were leaving the park and were trying to get back to the clubhouse area and had a few glitches. Let's just say we were stuck in an elevator that wasn't enclosed, but just enough. I suggested we get baseball players to help us out, but then I thought better of it because if they were to get hurt, we'd be the ones they'd go after *the fans*.
It took us a while to get out, but it was fine in the end. At least it was us and not people in wheel chairs. They'd be upset. I wish I was rescued by a player, but the change of that happening is slim. I have to remember to get Opening Day stuff at the park and then find space for it. I have a couple of bats, but not many. I didn't get a Rockies one when I was there nor did I get a Brewers one. I don't think I saw one there.
That's the night. It was eventful.
Horoscope: Life can't always be fun. Pleasure has its place, but so does everything else. If someone's getting on your nerves, try that old trick of counting to ten before responding. Better yet, try clearing out and getting some alone time before dealing with them again. It'll make all the difference in the world.
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Your $0.02