Super Simian to the Rescue!
Legend tells of a hero not born unto this world, but destined to change forever the course of human existence. A hero so grand that all past legends will turn to dust in the wake of his greatness. This is not that hero. This is, however, the next best thing: a monkey with a cape and a mask. Because nothing says power like a cape and a mask.
This monkey has a secret - there are pockets in the monkey's hands. Slip your fingers in, pull back his hind legs, and his arms will stretch to a crazy length with the magic of rubber! You can just feel the potential energy coursing through the monkey's imaginary veins. Let fly and you will be treated to a wondrous sight. The monkey will scream with delight when jolted. So, if the launch is hard enough, you'll get a scream of power in mid air; or if the landing is hard, you'll get a scream of protest as gravity does its work. Or, you fling like a master, you'll get a double-dose of monkey justice (i.e. noise). Dimensions: 11" Tall (arms at sides)
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