
Opening Day 4-3-07

My second opening day ever.

I would have to say this year was a let down. Last year I remember going to the park and seeing Noah pitch and then get hurt. The sun wasn’t shining and then it because a beautiful day. This year it was sunny before I got to the park. That was a little strange. I had no idea what I was going to be in store for today. I did not know I would get to see many of the greats from past All Star games and then to see a couple of them in person!

After the 4th inning or part way through I decided to talk to a friend. When I went I saw John Montefusco also known as “The Count”. I took a picture with my cell phone so I could have a memory of the last Giant to have a no hitter.

As I went out for the second time as I was going back to my seat I saw Jeffery Leonard. The Hacman as he was called was trying to get to his car. I was holding two hot links and I didn’t have a pen for an autograph. Damn. He was turned away by security because he didn’t have a press pass. Yup, the usher was strict and it was before her time. She also told me who she stopped and made them turn around. It wasn’t like they were wearing their jerseys with their name on the back. Of course everyone would then hound them for autographs. I was close to it and it would have meant something to me.

It was something to learn about the history of the team. The number of great ones who made it to the All Star games. Barry Bonds’ father Bobby was an All Star too, but he passed away a couple of years ago. Seeing Mc Covey on the field with others just made me go WOW. He’s a nice man and if I could speak with him I’d say thank you for the memories that you have give us as fans. I haven’t been a fan that long, but just seeing him on the field just puts tears to my eyes right now. Very touching to see him out there with a couple of other Hall of Famers like Orlando Cepeda and Juan Marichal.

I still remember the ceremony when we honored Marichal. The bridge went up to mimic his leg kick. Today I will take with me the great ones that have had a career with the Giants and have given me hope for this year.

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