- 1 cup milk
- 1/2 sugar donut
- 1 donut hole
- 1 banana
lion king roll
- 8 pieces - tobiko on top - salmon on top - wrapped in california roll
- 2 strawberries
- 1 slice watermelon
- 1 slice honeydew
- 1 green milk tea tapioca
- mango salad
- cucumber salad
- 4 corn cakes
- 1/4 bowl mango fried rice
- 1/4 bowl pad thai
- 1 chicken wing
- 1/4 bowl white rice
- 1/2 scoop coconut ice cream
- 1/4 deep fried dessert
- 4 cherry tomatoes
Horoscope: Your good, social energy brings out the best in the people around you, especially family members who might be trapped in a funk. You don't need to poke or pry, but just let them know you're there for them.