I've decided to keep a log of junk food that I eat. As you can see it didn't last long. I'm trying to figure out what works and what doesn't. I don't want to delete any of the contents, but yet at the same time I'm unsure of why I have this here.
I've been thinking about changing the style of this since I've been reading a few other blogs online. I have a few ideas and I even want to give another shot to a personal background.
I'm thinking of making this a sports blog (yeah who will read it right?) I'm thinking of making it pictures with a few comments here and there. I've been inspired by one person who blogs about spring training each year. It won't be just sports, but of other places I've been before. I finally have pictures of when I was overseas back in 2001? 2002? 2003? and have them scanned. That was the original reason for why I started this blog. I wanted to keep track of my travels and memories that I have.
I'm going to start and blog everyday and take time out each day to do so. I would keep a journal with paper, but then I'd be killing a tree, though I would recycle the paper.
The pictures of random things will be random, but at the same time it will be what I call "post carding". I coined the term while overseas and noticed that people were just taking pictures of the scenery and most of the time when you buy post cards that's what it was. Just a picture to remember the location, but it did have the name of the place so you'd remember.
Anyway, it's late and I've lost an hour of sleep. I'm going to wrap this up and start fresh tomorrow whenever that maybe.