My complaint today is this African American light rail driver. I had an incident with her last year and I'm still fuming about it. Today's issue was this: the driver had the option of opening all the doors to make it more efficient for people to get on and off.
Well she opened all the doors so people can get on. Of course I was still waiting to get on because people were still exiting from the door I was waiting at. As I'm getting on to the light rail car she hits the button to close the door. Lady! I'm not even on the train and you're closing the doors on me. Is this revenge for when I gave you a coupon for discount that had no date stamp? Or was it from the other time when I did have the correct date and you were too blind to read it?
It must be the second one because at Cole and Carl street you did the same thing. I understand you got to get to where you're going, but you have to let people on. You didn't even see the guy wearing the florescent yellow jacket selling transfers to those that were getting on. You didn't check your mirrors. And of all the days today you remembered to put the steps up while you just enter the tunnel. Bravo to you because most of the time you're putting them up as we're at Van Ness.
You should have common sense lady. I don't know how you got your job, but I think you're doing a crappy job at it. You try to announce the main stops that people get on and off at, but you fail to call it by the correct name. It's not UC Medical Center. It's USCF Medical Center. I don't think you need to announce the mall at 7.30am. No one is going to the mall at 7.30am.
Horoscope: If you aren't ready to end things, don't slam the door. Leave it open just a crack.