After yesterday’s adventures, a group of them wants to head off to Cheddar today. I think it is by train, and I am not sure how much it will cost. They will meet up at 10 a.m. I do not know why they want to see where cheddar was found and why it is white over here and not yellow or orange color. I am actually unsure if it is yellow or orange. It is suppose to be cold today. In the northern parts it snowed. I wish I were there to see it falling or get pictures of it falling. All I get to feel is how cold it is.
Should I go to Cheddar today or not? I think I have decided not to. I saw the sun briefly. I think it is going to get cold and I cannot handle it. As much as I wanted to go, I am sure I will have other chances. Time to get washed up for brunch. Ok, so I went to school, only to find out that the computers were down. How convenient. Ended up walking to town with the lot of them. So that means I did not head off to cheddar after all. I have 3 months to go. And many weekends ahead. No worries. I think I found the UK version of the 99-cent store. It is the one-pound store. Yup. Everything or almost everything one pound. That is still quite a bit of money. I went to Safeway and ended up buying chocolate. One pound and 29 pence for 8 bars. It would have been six if there were not two free. That is not a bad deal. I was going to get the mini ones, but thought why bother? And since they use grams and other funny measurements for weight I did not want to have to think. I have bought that only frivolous thing so far. I might end up buying stuff from the one-pound store or if something that’s one pound strikes my eyes I will buy it.