
Trying to find Somerfield...

Today the sun was out. I went to class and I just wanted to be in bed. There is something about a classroom and being in another country that makes you just not want to study. That is just horrible!

On my way, back I thought I would try and go to a supermarket. It is one that suppose to be closer than Safeway. I got lost, well not really. I eventually found my way there. It is odd because I have never walked there, but I managed to find it. Of course, I took the long way. When I was heading back I took the long way as well. So who knew? It would do me good to walk back anyway since I have been eating like a pig recently. Binge eating is not very good. It is chips or "crisps" as they call it here. I am so horrible. If I was back at home and they have those 99-cent bags and one would be just fine. They do not have those. They have those 30-pence bags. Sigh. I have to eat a couple to satisfy me. Chocolate has also been a problem as well. I need Hershey’s Special Dark. Dark chocolate is yummy. They do not have that here. For some reason I think the chocolate over here is sweeter than the stuff back at home. It might be just me. Since I am used to eating dark and not milk chocolate.

I just realized as I was walking back home today or to school that I only wash my hair 3 times a week. That is not very much. It is horrible. I feel as if I washed my hair more I would be yelled at. In addition, using hot water as well. It is worse because I feel guilty about it. And having to eat at the dinner table and not in the living room is even worse. I am so used to eating while watching something on TV. It is as if my life has done a 180 or something.

I come back to find that my sheets have been changed. And the window open. I suppose my room does have some sort of smell. I cannot figure out what, but it does. Not too pleasant. Maybe it’s because I have eaten food in it. Crisps I think are the cause. I should probably do that from now on before I head off to school. Leave my window open to get some air. I have done it before at home. I just have to remember to close it otherwise, I will be cold. That is one thing I am somewhat used to. The cold. It is fine if it there isn’t any wind at all.