Today was not so bad. I got up and watched Matthew. He is such a cutie! June went out and came back to tell me it was warm out. I did not think that it was because it looked somewhat iffy. There were clouds and what not, and even a little wind. It was not until I went outside that found it was actually hot.
I ended up at school later than usual, but it was ok. I just checked e-mail and the times for the coach that I would be taking to Paris. Hanns wrote the letter and I was thankful. I got all the information that I needed. Now I would have to plan my trip. The only problem is there is not one that I can think of. I would have to be at the bus station at about 6.00 a.m. on Saturday to get the coach to Heathrow. It will cost £11.50 or £11.25, which is not too bad. I arrive back at sometime in the evening on Friday. Therefore, I am sure I will have time to pack. If I do not have time then I can spend Wednesday packing up. The plan is to start on the papers that I have due soon. The anthropology paper is the one that I will work on first because that is the easiest. Then Hanns paper is the one that I am going to tackle next. Work was ok.