Today is April Fool’s day. You know April first? The weather is horrible. The forecaster said that it would be nice in the morning indeed it rained. To top it off before I left the house to open my umbrella it broke. Mickey Mouse died! Mickey Mouse is on my umbrella. The last time I used it was the last day when I was in Spain. I had taken it with me to France, but I never had to use it. I had to ask June to borrow a brolly (umbrella). I was given a new one but I noticed that there was not something quite right with it. It seems it does not want to stay at the right spot as in the self-open and self-close umbrella would not lock. I did not break it but if I did I would have to buy a new one.
I head to class to find that the 9 a.m. class was cancelled. I am hoping that my class tomorrow is cancelled as well. I head to town after decide that I would not. I bought a brownie, which was not good. I then went over to Iceland and bought some crisps (chips). Then I head over to Somerfield to buy a Yorkie. I took the bus home and I saw Ben from my old house. I wonder why he did not get off at the stop that is near his house. He went to buy something. It is still odd just seeing him.
I asked June where I could maybe buy a fire truck. It is for my cousin who is a fire fighter. I looked in the Argos catalog did not have any in it. I am just going to check second hand shops and Woolworth. I have not seen a Woolworth in so long or been in one. I suppose some American shops survive in the countries where they were not born. I find myself pigging out sometimes. I do not think that is a good thing. My eyes get blurry when I play Spider and when I look at the monitor too much. Are my eyes being lazy or are they just getting worse? I love the terms that they use for flashlight. It is not a flashlight, but a torch. Heat is not heat but fire. Wow. I really do plan to use those when I get back. It would be nice just to screw with their minds. Surgery is one that I might not use.