
Fast driving or just in a hurry?

I am driving to school this morning. I notice that at times I do go about 90 miles per hour. Is that so wrong? Also I can't help it if the other car behind me wants to pass me by. I need to at least change lanes safely right? I left the house or started driving at 6.48 a.m. and I arrived and parked at 7.48 a.m. that is 53 miles from my house to where I find parking. That has to be some sort of record for me. I did try to attempt to parallel park, but I just decided that I would give up. I honestly did try, but in the end, I did not want to hold up traffic. It would be horrible. Therefore, I parked further than I usually did. I am at school now wondering if I will have to pay for the CD that my CD-Rom drive ate yesterday.

Ok better finish reading for class and type up the paper that I have due as well. man I hate being a procrastinator, but also being a senior doesn't help either. You know senioritis if it is a real disease or not studies have yet to prove it.