I woke up. I ate my left over lunch from Friday. Talked to Adam and Mark, which helped. I really need to get a life. I have been somewhat working on my webpage. I have been working on the blog putting everything up here. I also decided to put up the pictures I have on my computer and to redo the whole pictures part of my webpage. I think it’s easier to have a directory type thing where people just click on it and look at it. Thumbnails tale time to load and not everyone has ADSL. So I have made a couple of changes to my website but not many that are noticeable. I do not think I will keep updating the xanga blog. Off to decide if I shall do laundry tomorrow.
I was somewhat reading my old blogs and I notice I do a lot of cleaning. Maybe I should be a housekeeper or something. Yeah right. On the other hand they make good money so why shouldn’t I?
"Be reasonable. Some things happen on their own. It's a changed landscape out there." - Horoscope