There is one correction to yesterday’s blog. I had cappuccino and not frappuchino. While sitting in the library now at what appears to be almost half past eight in the morning I wonder how I was able to be up about four hours prior and then another three. I am driving to school, I wonder how people are so “perky”, and my definition of “perky” is being a speed demon. I mean some were going 90 m.p.h. and at one point I was going about 70 more or less and it was not my fault but because my car does not go from 60 to higher in a matter of seconds. Yes, my foot was on the petal. No, I did not floor it. Today or this morning when I was driving at the Sloat intersection again I noticed when I looked back it had turn red. Now either I am too tired or too spaced out to remember if it was green when I crossed. I believe it was otherwise it would be two tickets for running a red light.
As I parked the car, I had to make sure where I parked the car would be ok and that I would not get a ticket. The sign said first and third Tuesday of every month no parking 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. I had no calendar on me so I had to use my mobile to make sure. Thank god that the phone had a calendar. Therefore, I parked the car and got everything or what I thought was everything out. I walked and turned the corner to see on the ground a cockroach. Eww is the first thing that comes to mine. The second is that I hope it is dead and when I get out of class that it is not there anymore. I have walked a block to realize that I forgot my cappuccino. I walk back to the car to see the roach is still there. I walk past a driveway only to realize the car was backing out and so I got a nice scare in the morning from a Honda Civic. I get my drink out of the car and hope that the roach is gone when I pass by it again. No such luck because it is still there. Eww.
Ok time to study for my midterm. I will worry about the presentation late when I have an hour to work or collaborate with my partner.
"Can't you wait? Ideas, like wine, have to mellow. Everyone's an expert, it seems." - Horoscope