It was just one of those Mondays. You just either were awake or just too tired or could have gone back to bed. I did not want to get out of bed maybe because I went to bed at about midnight. I headed off to my first class ready to be a T.A. to find out that I left my ID at home. Actually, I do not know where it was. I was freaking out because I hoped that I would run into my teacher and let her know. Class ended up being cancelled. I was lucky but then I ended up reading. I looked in the mirror and found two white hairs. I do not know where they came from (what stress) but that was not good. Five hours and a half of sleep for a Monday makes it impossible to stay awake around noon.
I am watching 7th Heaven and thinking I should be finishing Rat Race and also working on my movie review. I think I need to have a list of things to do everyday and cross them off as I get them off. It is now 10.43 p.m. and I have not done any work. Please help me! I suppose I shall finish watching Rat Race and then head to bed. I did go to bed late last night.
"Pinch pennies but don't cramp your style. You have miles to go before you sleep." Horoscope