I am so close to getting the pictures done. Once I am done I can work on the rest of my list that requires an actual textbook and studying. I forgot how much I loved Savage Garden. It seems like ages since I have heard their CD. My favorite group when I was in high school. Everyone was caring about N*SYNC and Backstreet Boys and my heart was with Darren Hayes of Savage Garden. Daniel Jones was cute too. Those were the days. I hope to have the rest of the pictures done by tomorrow. I will link up one I have it done.
Horoscope: Do yourself a favor and change the scenery. The background improves the foreground.
You Raise Me Up - Josh Groban
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
Same old, same old...
I have finally e-mailed my host parents. Thanks Herb. =) I would have gotten to it eventually but I didn’t. I had it written down on a list of things to do and that can be crossed off now. As for the rest of the items on my list they all require school work and I am just trying to get my webpage done. Pictures are always a pain to do. I will work on the school stuff later in the week. The weekend I just found out I have to go to the cemetery. I am not sure how awake I will be since we will be losing an hour of sleep. That is the only thing I hate about spring. Otherwise I love it. The weather is pretty and relaxing. I do not like the fall except the fact we gain back an hour. My two cents. =)
Horoscope: Inevitably, there are questions. Explain yourself. Don't personalize teh political.
Horoscope: Inevitably, there are questions. Explain yourself. Don't personalize teh political.
Depressing day...
What a depressing day. I did not even get that much sleep. I went to bed rather late helping someone with their paper. They know who they are. No names shall be mentioned. Still working hard on my webpage and the pictures. I had one misfortune of having to redo the pictures for Box, Corsham, and Lacock. The last word is pronounced lay-cock. Not done yet and it’s going to take ages. Or what will seem like ages.
I have gotten my first facial of the year. I did not have to go through a lot and did not have that much to be cleared. That is the best visit I had in a while. Maybe water is the better choice.
Horoscope: It's harder than it looks. Keep your schedule loose. You could be here for a while.
I have gotten my first facial of the year. I did not have to go through a lot and did not have that much to be cleared. That is the best visit I had in a while. Maybe water is the better choice.
Horoscope: It's harder than it looks. Keep your schedule loose. You could be here for a while.
Spring Break! Whoo hooo!
It was such a wonderful day and it also means the start of spring break for me. However, I do have a few things to be done and I should make a note or a list of it or I shall forget. I have to do rebates and rewrite my paper and make some flash cards. Did I just type flash cards? I must be extremely sick if I type that during spring break.
Well the list is set and someone please remind me to e-mail my host family. It has been way too long since they have heard from me. Well back to work on my webpage of pictures. I am almost done with the past ones and now I have to work on the more semi recent ones that are from the month of April.
Horoscope: Watch your back. don't ask what you don't want to know. People here are strange.
Well the list is set and someone please remind me to e-mail my host family. It has been way too long since they have heard from me. Well back to work on my webpage of pictures. I am almost done with the past ones and now I have to work on the more semi recent ones that are from the month of April.
Horoscope: Watch your back. don't ask what you don't want to know. People here are strange.
Nothing new going on...
Nothing new to report because it is the same as yesterday. Woke up late in the afternoon roughly about 2.30 p.m. and decided to have some lunch and then watch my soap opera and work on my webpage. The only thing that is different is that I found out that Michelle Kwan came in third at Worlds. I am disappointed but I feel that I am somewhat responsible. Since I have not supported her I believe that I am to blame, but at the same time it might just be fate. She was on her way to win her sixth Worlds title but fell short of it just because her short program was two seconds over. She was penalized for it as well.
Horoscope: Hypocrisy charges cut deep. Why go there? Nobody deserves that kind of ridicule.
Horoscope: Hypocrisy charges cut deep. Why go there? Nobody deserves that kind of ridicule.
Webpage and soap operas...
I am working on my page and getting better every hour. I am drinking liquids and lots of it. I finished another DVD of Kare Kano (His and Her Circumstances). I am loving it but I hope the ending does not disappoint me. I am not even half way done with the pictures because I am always finding more pictures to add on my part, which could mean I am the one at fault. Well I hope in a few more days I will have it done.
Horoscope: You need and you want. Appreciate what you get. Maybe there's more on the way.
Horoscope: You need and you want. Appreciate what you get. Maybe there's more on the way.
On the road to recovery...
I am feeling much better today. I believe the worse was the day I had school and yesterday. My nose is not at stuffed anymore and I can breath when I sleep. No more Vicks Vapor Rub anymore. Drinking water helps I suppose but mostly I drink whatever is around. Update on my webpage it is slowly working or I am on the pictures. All the old pages have been redone or most of them.
I know I did not post my late New Year’s resolution on here but here it is.
Late New Year's resolution for 2004...
1. Buy the Hallmark blushing kiss kiss bears
2. Buy the Hallmark 2002 Olympic kiss kiss bears
3. Buy the Hallmark 2003 kiss kiss bears (the ones with the hearts that aren't inside a square)
4. Drink more water and less diet coke/regular coke
5. Lose weight (always a factor and on every year)
6. Expand my circle of friends and be more outgoing (I don't know how successful I will be)
7. I want to say expand my wardrobe, but I think it is pretty full
8. Find a job after graduation.
9. Travel more.
I have completed numbers one, two, three, and four. Five is hard because I did give up chocolate for lent, but then I caved in once it ended. At least I know I can give it up for a month. If there were anymore than nine items on the list I am sure I would not get to all of them.
I know I did not post my late New Year’s resolution on here but here it is.
Late New Year's resolution for 2004...
1. Buy the Hallmark blushing kiss kiss bears
2. Buy the Hallmark 2002 Olympic kiss kiss bears
3. Buy the Hallmark 2003 kiss kiss bears (the ones with the hearts that aren't inside a square)
4. Drink more water and less diet coke/regular coke
5. Lose weight (always a factor and on every year)
6. Expand my circle of friends and be more outgoing (I don't know how successful I will be)
7. I want to say expand my wardrobe, but I think it is pretty full
8. Find a job after graduation.
9. Travel more.
I have completed numbers one, two, three, and four. Five is hard because I did give up chocolate for lent, but then I caved in once it ended. At least I know I can give it up for a month. If there were anymore than nine items on the list I am sure I would not get to all of them.
Plop, plop plop, plop...
That is the sound coming from my ceiling. It is really coming down out there. I thought it was not suppose to be a storm. I thought it was just suppose to be rain. Maybe I have not pained enough attention to the weather forecast. I will have a long night ahead of myself.
Ok here is an update on my health. After many hours of sleep that I really needed I am feeling better. The only thing I do not look forward to is coughing and blowing my nose at the same time. I am getting better and I believe yesterday was the worse of it.
I hope that my recovery will be at the end of spring break but it is fine with me. Back to work on my webpage and also on my homework from class.
Horoscope: You're pushing yourself. Only you know what matters. Time management makes sense.
Ok here is an update on my health. After many hours of sleep that I really needed I am feeling better. The only thing I do not look forward to is coughing and blowing my nose at the same time. I am getting better and I believe yesterday was the worse of it.
I hope that my recovery will be at the end of spring break but it is fine with me. Back to work on my webpage and also on my homework from class.
Horoscope: You're pushing yourself. Only you know what matters. Time management makes sense.
No I do not have one but it sure feels that way. When I am sick with a cold it is miserable. Feels like I have fever but I do not. I am miserable and do not feel like doing anything. Ok that is not too different than what I usually do when I am healthy but still. I just wish that I had someone to take care of me. I guess that means I just want to be spoiled. Enough dreaming for today and back to reality.
I went to school and was miserable. Sniffling the whole time in class and driving not so well. I am jus so tired and worn out. At least I got my homework done today at school the last few terms. I guess all I can do is work on my webpage and then maybe start to study for my midterm that is next month.
Horoscope: Set the bar higher. Show what you can do. all ages are welcomed at this party.
I went to school and was miserable. Sniffling the whole time in class and driving not so well. I am jus so tired and worn out. At least I got my homework done today at school the last few terms. I guess all I can do is work on my webpage and then maybe start to study for my midterm that is next month.
Horoscope: Set the bar higher. Show what you can do. all ages are welcomed at this party.
As I was rudely awaken this morning by the sound of a neighbor getting rid of a pine tree I was still half asleep. You may ask why am I complaining. I am because I am not feeling well and it seems like I am worse today than yesterday. You would think that some sleep would help. Yes it did but not if you are forced to be up at about half past eight.
I decided to give up on the sleep and watch anime instead. I finished a whole DVD and then decided to make some food. I had breakfast first and then just sat and did nothing afterwards. After a while, I just decided to work on my webpage for a while and watch some soap. Taking one of the two Tylenol allergy and sinus did not help. I think it made it worse. Oh, well now I know what works and what does not.
In the afternoon the lack of sleep caught up to me and as my brother says when a nap attacks you have to nap (or something like that). I did take a few hours off to rest and just decided to get up because sleeping was nice, but I have homework that I have to do.
Horoscope: Fulfill your destiny. Only you know what it is. You'll explain once you have proof.
I decided to give up on the sleep and watch anime instead. I finished a whole DVD and then decided to make some food. I had breakfast first and then just sat and did nothing afterwards. After a while, I just decided to work on my webpage for a while and watch some soap. Taking one of the two Tylenol allergy and sinus did not help. I think it made it worse. Oh, well now I know what works and what does not.
In the afternoon the lack of sleep caught up to me and as my brother says when a nap attacks you have to nap (or something like that). I did take a few hours off to rest and just decided to get up because sleeping was nice, but I have homework that I have to do.
Horoscope: Fulfill your destiny. Only you know what it is. You'll explain once you have proof.
I'm graduating!!!!!!!!!!
I am graduating! I am so excited and yet scared at the same time. I just got my notice today about where and when and what I have to do for graduation. I am looking forward to this. That is all the good news for today. I will be part of the class of 2004 of San Jose State University. Hard to believe it seemed like only yesterday I was just entering.
Now for the somewhat good news. I got 13/15 on my pop quiz that I did not know about. Ok so I might have known because other students were talking about it but I had no idea it was real. I missed two questions but that is definitely an improvement from the first one I took before. Maybe because this is my second time taking the class? Well the bad news is that I got back my paper from the professor and I knew the words that would be on them would be "rewrite". I saw that in my future.
I was driving like a drunk today. That is the wrong answer and the wrong choice of words. Being sick is not fun. My throat is a little better but the sneezing is worse.
Horoscope: Retain your sense of place. Remember your purpose. Crazy solutions have thier uses.
Now for the somewhat good news. I got 13/15 on my pop quiz that I did not know about. Ok so I might have known because other students were talking about it but I had no idea it was real. I missed two questions but that is definitely an improvement from the first one I took before. Maybe because this is my second time taking the class? Well the bad news is that I got back my paper from the professor and I knew the words that would be on them would be "rewrite". I saw that in my future.
I was driving like a drunk today. That is the wrong answer and the wrong choice of words. Being sick is not fun. My throat is a little better but the sneezing is worse.
Horoscope: Retain your sense of place. Remember your purpose. Crazy solutions have thier uses.
My throat...
I woke up this morning after trying to sleep for what seemed like ages because my throat hurts. Without health insurance it is difficult to see a doctor and school if a pain for sure because I have to make and appointment. I wonder if I should. It is just a sore throat. I would never believe that I had to go, but I am sure it is the same virus I had this time last year while in Ireland but also because we were in close quarters.
As I am watching the news they said the constitution might be amended to allow those that are a U.S. citizen for at least 20 years should be able to run for president. We will or possibly have a second actor for president except this time it is someone born from another country. This does not look promising for America.
I guess that is my two cents for the day. I wonder if there is something to improve your memory because I have another girl cousin on the way. How many do I have now? Let me see…Sara, Asia, Amber, Faith, Amanda, and Nicole. I wonder what will the next name be. The boys are easy because there are only three. Kevin, Nathan, and Brandon. I am proud of me. I guess a few more names will not matter because my cousin getting married with someone named Dan is easy. The odds of me keeping everyone straight is so hard! Especially the younger ones. I think I did call one of the boys wrong but they are brothers so it is ok right.
Horoscope: Be your best. Don't keep them in the dark. Shed more light on your favorite subject.
As I am watching the news they said the constitution might be amended to allow those that are a U.S. citizen for at least 20 years should be able to run for president. We will or possibly have a second actor for president except this time it is someone born from another country. This does not look promising for America.
I guess that is my two cents for the day. I wonder if there is something to improve your memory because I have another girl cousin on the way. How many do I have now? Let me see…Sara, Asia, Amber, Faith, Amanda, and Nicole. I wonder what will the next name be. The boys are easy because there are only three. Kevin, Nathan, and Brandon. I am proud of me. I guess a few more names will not matter because my cousin getting married with someone named Dan is easy. The odds of me keeping everyone straight is so hard! Especially the younger ones. I think I did call one of the boys wrong but they are brothers so it is ok right.
Horoscope: Be your best. Don't keep them in the dark. Shed more light on your favorite subject.
Webpage and VCD...
I spent the day somewhat working on my webpage and then went to watch VCDs. Then I just worked on my webpage some more. I have yet to get it done or to get it up and online. Nothing else to blog except that the weather is looking ugly. I think it is but you might not if you do not like the heat.
Horoscope: Learn by doing. Capture the feeling. Break the barriers that keep people apart.
Horoscope: Learn by doing. Capture the feeling. Break the barriers that keep people apart.
I am sick...
I think I have hay fever or a cold. Both are possible. I cannot see a doctor so I am going to have to use my best judgment. I have been sneezing like crazy and a stuff up nose is no pleasure either. I have been working on my webpage of pictures and that’s taking a while. Every page I create I always find something that I have to adjust because I change it as I go and that is bad. I should post some of them up now but I rather have them all at once. Keep reading to find out when I unveil them.
Horoscope: There's a way out. Light streams through. Gloom and doom are history.
Horoscope: There's a way out. Light streams through. Gloom and doom are history.
This time last year and around this time I was sleeping in an airport. Roughly about an hour ago at this time I was trying to sleep when I was awaken by someone asking where I am from etc. This was all in Mandarin and I was out of it and although I had only taken a semester it just wasn’t that great. I was at the airport heading to Spain.
Ironic how one year later there would be a bombing and the war would still be going on. No surprise on the war and no weapons or Osama Bin Laden. How much longer will this war go on? How much more in debt will America be in? we should be a second world country when Bush is done being president with all the money he is spending. Maybe I am misinformed.
If I was in Spain, I do not think it would be this warm but it was a nice change from the cold. I guess I am glad that it has been an early spring and not a long winter. I guess I should update my website and at least get some new pictures up. Hours of work but is it appreciated?
Horoscope: Be good. Be patient. Set a fine example. Others can only hope to be like you are.
Is my horoscope referring to my O.C.D. with a vacuum cleaner? Or could it be my organization skills (or what I think are skills)? Or is it me being extremely lazy with everything when I can which means I am a major procrastinator.
Ironic how one year later there would be a bombing and the war would still be going on. No surprise on the war and no weapons or Osama Bin Laden. How much longer will this war go on? How much more in debt will America be in? we should be a second world country when Bush is done being president with all the money he is spending. Maybe I am misinformed.
If I was in Spain, I do not think it would be this warm but it was a nice change from the cold. I guess I am glad that it has been an early spring and not a long winter. I guess I should update my website and at least get some new pictures up. Hours of work but is it appreciated?
Horoscope: Be good. Be patient. Set a fine example. Others can only hope to be like you are.
Is my horoscope referring to my O.C.D. with a vacuum cleaner? Or could it be my organization skills (or what I think are skills)? Or is it me being extremely lazy with everything when I can which means I am a major procrastinator.
Just another day with a twist…
I arrive and find parking and then head to class. I am sitting in class and just looking over some of the images that she has shown in class when I head something about a pop quiz. Now my first thought was I did not hear this on Monday and how would they know if there is a pop quiz today? Ok so I think they might be making it up. 9.00 a.m. and a power outage happens. It was not just the art building, but the whole school I believe. How strange is that when the school has its own generators?
The power comes back on after roughly 15 minutes and the first thing the professor says is put away your books because we are having a pop quiz. First pop quiz for me. I was truly B.S.ing and when I looked at the questions and I did the best that I could.
After class I headed off to the library to pick up the items that I requested. They were all over the shelf and only my items were on two shelves one on top of another. I was happy to see I got a TVB series! Yay! My Cantonese can improve some more.
When I arrived home I had no idea what I should do, but I know I watched bits of Hacken Lee’s Concert from 2001. It is so good! I think I am going to make a copy of it. I just talked to my friend until it was time for me to head off to the dentist.
I was not looking forward to it because I thought I would get the bad news of drilling. I survived and did not have any! But I should lay off on the chocolate which I have for a whole month almost. I do not think chocolate chip waffles count because there was little and that was the box I happen to open and not blueberry.
I came back and noticed a spider in my room. For those of you who know me I am afraid of them and I have a certain sort of “spider sense”. I get itchy when I know one is around. Well I have not killed it yet and I will once I figure out how since it is near my bed but if it falls onto my bed I will not see it (navy color sheets and need to be changed). So my face is itchy and will stop hopefully once I kill it. Good thing it’s not big, but still. I have one big dead on stuck on my window sill and it gives me the hee bee gee bees. I couldn’t even wash it away with water. The mini ones and even the big one although dead still freak me out.
Horoscope: The bad guys might yet win. It's too soon to tell. Your services are still required.
The power comes back on after roughly 15 minutes and the first thing the professor says is put away your books because we are having a pop quiz. First pop quiz for me. I was truly B.S.ing and when I looked at the questions and I did the best that I could.
After class I headed off to the library to pick up the items that I requested. They were all over the shelf and only my items were on two shelves one on top of another. I was happy to see I got a TVB series! Yay! My Cantonese can improve some more.
When I arrived home I had no idea what I should do, but I know I watched bits of Hacken Lee’s Concert from 2001. It is so good! I think I am going to make a copy of it. I just talked to my friend until it was time for me to head off to the dentist.
I was not looking forward to it because I thought I would get the bad news of drilling. I survived and did not have any! But I should lay off on the chocolate which I have for a whole month almost. I do not think chocolate chip waffles count because there was little and that was the box I happen to open and not blueberry.
I came back and noticed a spider in my room. For those of you who know me I am afraid of them and I have a certain sort of “spider sense”. I get itchy when I know one is around. Well I have not killed it yet and I will once I figure out how since it is near my bed but if it falls onto my bed I will not see it (navy color sheets and need to be changed). So my face is itchy and will stop hopefully once I kill it. Good thing it’s not big, but still. I have one big dead on stuck on my window sill and it gives me the hee bee gee bees. I couldn’t even wash it away with water. The mini ones and even the big one although dead still freak me out.
Horoscope: The bad guys might yet win. It's too soon to tell. Your services are still required.
Time Is Running Out - Muse
I think I'm drowning
I wanna break the spell
that you've created
you're something beautiful
a contradiction
I wanna play the game
I want the friction
you will be
the death of me
yeah, you will be
the death of me
bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it
our time is running out
and our time is running out
you can't push it underground
we can't stop it screaming out
I wanted freedom
but I'm restricted
I tried to give you up
but I'm addicted
now that you know I'm trapped
sense of elation
you'll never dream of breaking this fixation
you will squeeze the life out of me
bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it
our time is running out
and our time is running out
you can't push it underground
we can't stop it screaming out
how did it come to this
you will suck the life out of me
bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it
our time is running out
and our time is running out
you can't push it underground
we can't stop it screaming out
how did it come to this
I wanna break the spell
that you've created
you're something beautiful
a contradiction
I wanna play the game
I want the friction
you will be
the death of me
yeah, you will be
the death of me
bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it
our time is running out
and our time is running out
you can't push it underground
we can't stop it screaming out
I wanted freedom
but I'm restricted
I tried to give you up
but I'm addicted
now that you know I'm trapped
sense of elation
you'll never dream of breaking this fixation
you will squeeze the life out of me
bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it
our time is running out
and our time is running out
you can't push it underground
we can't stop it screaming out
how did it come to this
you will suck the life out of me
bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it
our time is running out
and our time is running out
you can't push it underground
we can't stop it screaming out
how did it come to this
Two hours of sleep only...or was it?
Here is the update of my day or night which ever you want to call it. I finally went to bed around 3.30 a.m. I decided to give up and go to rest for two hours and then get back up to work on my paper. Maybe it was less since I set the alarm to wake me up at 5.00 a.m. I had one more page to write when I woke up. So I did. While putting the kettle on I decided to print out the pages that I had done. I just gave up and had almost full pages to meet the requirements.
I had a cup of milk tea and even prepared some coffee to go so I could have some to keep me awake during class. I found parking in a spot that I had to judge if it would fit the car or not (it did but since I was tired I had no idea if it would or not) I parked the car. As I was getting out of the car I dropped my phone on the sidewalk. I tried to turn on my phone a few times and thought the cell phone spirit might have just gone on to the next life. It took me a few times before I could get a message that says welcome to AT&T. I was thankful for that. I was in class and check on my phone again and it was off. I was getting worried now. But I turned it back on and checked the battery and all that and it was fine.
The big surprise was once I was in class all ready to learn the professor comes in and says you can hand me your paper and then do what you have to do. I was shocked! I had been up most of the night writing my papers and then she says you can do what you want. The only think I could think of was head to the library to kill some time before I went to buy four burritos and a Jamba Juice. I had no idea what I was in store for later.
Since I had lack of sleep I made myself some coffee with the hot water and instant Latte powder I had brought along. That did help me. I then drove off to San Mateo to find parking and just sit in the car and relax. There was a mini trip to Office Depot to buy a file box that was F.A.R. (free after rebates). I do not know how comes up with those acronyms but they are there.
I come home and eat, shower, and take a nap. It was somewhat hard to do that when people disturb you and talk but I was tired and just continued napping. No horoscope for today. =(
I had a cup of milk tea and even prepared some coffee to go so I could have some to keep me awake during class. I found parking in a spot that I had to judge if it would fit the car or not (it did but since I was tired I had no idea if it would or not) I parked the car. As I was getting out of the car I dropped my phone on the sidewalk. I tried to turn on my phone a few times and thought the cell phone spirit might have just gone on to the next life. It took me a few times before I could get a message that says welcome to AT&T. I was thankful for that. I was in class and check on my phone again and it was off. I was getting worried now. But I turned it back on and checked the battery and all that and it was fine.
The big surprise was once I was in class all ready to learn the professor comes in and says you can hand me your paper and then do what you have to do. I was shocked! I had been up most of the night writing my papers and then she says you can do what you want. The only think I could think of was head to the library to kill some time before I went to buy four burritos and a Jamba Juice. I had no idea what I was in store for later.
Since I had lack of sleep I made myself some coffee with the hot water and instant Latte powder I had brought along. That did help me. I then drove off to San Mateo to find parking and just sit in the car and relax. There was a mini trip to Office Depot to buy a file box that was F.A.R. (free after rebates). I do not know how comes up with those acronyms but they are there.
I come home and eat, shower, and take a nap. It was somewhat hard to do that when people disturb you and talk but I was tired and just continued napping. No horoscope for today. =(
What I spent Monday night doing...
Here’s the story on what happened to me on Monday night. I came home and then just decided to take a quick shower and then a nap. I thought I would be up for dinner, but I did not want to get out of bed. Then I did wake up at about 1 in the morning and was up for a good three hours and was tired again and went back to sleep.
I had only a burrito and pumped myself full of caffeine to keep me awake. That was not good. I made two packs of ramen for dinner/breakfast/lunch. The strange thing is that I was hungry but not super hungry. I then made myself a snack of two peanut butter and jam sandwiches. I have been just trying to get back into my normal routine whatever that is. Tomorrow is school and I wonder if my professor will even show up since she was not feeling well.
I had only a burrito and pumped myself full of caffeine to keep me awake. That was not good. I made two packs of ramen for dinner/breakfast/lunch. The strange thing is that I was hungry but not super hungry. I then made myself a snack of two peanut butter and jam sandwiches. I have been just trying to get back into my normal routine whatever that is. Tomorrow is school and I wonder if my professor will even show up since she was not feeling well.
I work at Office Depot!?!

I wonder if I really did look like I worked at Office Depot. Here is a picture of my clothes minus the flip-flops.
One and a half done and one and a half to go...
It is so difficult to include all the important things because as she said one paper might be better on the topic than another. The paper has to stand out. Well I am defiantly going to stand out as a horrible paper. Hopefully I can get the rest of it done in the next 30 minutes and then get some sleep. I think I do have black eyes and starting to look like a panda again. The things I do not do and then pay for later on. At least the last paper I have or can just have her look at it and tell me what she thinks and if I have to revise it than so be it! Yes, I am plagiarizing myself!
Paper one page done, but two more to go...
I have about one page done. No, I am not joking of a minimum three page paper done. Moreover, it is half past midnight and I have finally hit one page. Now I am working on making it longer. I finally have the mindset I guess to work on it. I guess I work better under pressure and when the clock is ticking. This paper is due in exactly 8.5 hours roughly. My class is at 9.00 a.m. and I wake up at 6.00 a.m. or maybe 6.30 a.m. today because I am still not in bed. Thank goodness for milk tea and caffeine. When I drink it, it does not kick in until a couple of hours later. It is finally running through my veins. The TV is on keeping me company, but I guess music would be better. Ok going to turn it off and turn back on music. I wonder if I have enough classical music if not I can just turn on the radio.
Dancing In The Moonlight - Toploader
We get it almost most every night
When that moon is big and bright
It's a supernatural delight
Everybody's dancin' in the moonlight
Everybody here is out of sight
They don't bark and they don't bite
They keep it loose they keep it tight
Everybodys dancin' in the moonlight
Dancin' in the moonlight
Everybody's feeling warm and bright
It's such a fine and natural sight
Everybody's dancin' in the moonlight
We like our fun and we never fight
You can't dance and stay uptight
It's a supernatural delight
Everybody was dancing in the moonlight
dancing in the moonlight
everybody's feeling warm and bright
its such a fine and natural sight
everybody's dancing in the moonlight
we get in almost every night
and when that moon is big and bright
its a supernatural delight
everybody's dancing in the moonlight
dancing in the moonlight
everybody's feeling warm and bright
its such a fine and natural sight
everybody's dancing in the moonlight
[repeat 4 times and fade on the fourth]
When that moon is big and bright
It's a supernatural delight
Everybody's dancin' in the moonlight
Everybody here is out of sight
They don't bark and they don't bite
They keep it loose they keep it tight
Everybodys dancin' in the moonlight
Dancin' in the moonlight
Everybody's feeling warm and bright
It's such a fine and natural sight
Everybody's dancin' in the moonlight
We like our fun and we never fight
You can't dance and stay uptight
It's a supernatural delight
Everybody was dancing in the moonlight
dancing in the moonlight
everybody's feeling warm and bright
its such a fine and natural sight
everybody's dancing in the moonlight
we get in almost every night
and when that moon is big and bright
its a supernatural delight
everybody's dancing in the moonlight
dancing in the moonlight
everybody's feeling warm and bright
its such a fine and natural sight
everybody's dancing in the moonlight
[repeat 4 times and fade on the fourth]
Paper update...
I had about the same amount done as when I last blogged. How pathetic am I? well at least I have reading or a little done from the 8 books or so that I checked out and had to haul back to the car. Rolling backpack tomorrow because I am not going to have all that on my back. Heavy stuff right? Darn right!
Horoscope: Third time's a charm. Trifectas and hat tricks are kids stuff. You go for the gold.
Horoscope: Third time's a charm. Trifectas and hat tricks are kids stuff. You go for the gold.
Up at around 10.30 a.m....
I had no idea I would not need the alarm clock to wake me up. I woke up and thought it is time to get up? It seemed as if I just went to sleep. I think I did around 4.30 a.m. The only problem I have with looking at either the stero clock or my alarm clock without glasses is I keep thinking it is later than it is. That I do not like. Ok I better work on my paper otherwise it will be another 2.00 a.m. bed time or worse. Wish me the best.
Three pages and notes...
So I have the two page video paper somewhat done. It is 4.00 a.m. and I have nothing really done for the three page paper. Should I just stay up until I have at least half a page or at least one page or call it a night? The only problem is that I am stuck on the first question. Who built Stonehenge? So who did? I just yawned so that means time to go to bed. If I do not get it done today, I will up late and then I will be unhappy. Wish me luck.
Four more lines...
I have no idea how I am going to type four more lines of stuff. Honestly I do not know how I even managed a paragraph on a question that I do not even understand. I am so close to being done with the two page paper which I know I will have to do another because this grade will not be satisfactory. She said we could if we received something lower than a three I believe. At least I tried with all the breaks that I had. It really took me about 10 hours or so to do this paper. That is just two pages. I wonder how long it will take me for three. I even made myself my second cup of milk tea for today which is bad. You know when you are hooked on caffine when you need it everyday or get a headache.
I was watching this show that was recommending the best place for milk tea. Next time I go I will definitely have to go there because it is one of those special street cafes that does not really have a shop. Those are becoming extinct in Hong Kong and they will not issue anymore of those permits. Back to work or a little break surfing eBay.
I was watching this show that was recommending the best place for milk tea. Next time I go I will definitely have to go there because it is one of those special street cafes that does not really have a shop. Those are becoming extinct in Hong Kong and they will not issue anymore of those permits. Back to work or a little break surfing eBay.
Papers and how much I have done...
I have about one page done of the video one. She is pretty picky about how she wanted the paper. One inch margins all around and any font that looks bigger than Times Roman will reduce my grade (only problem is that I cannot read Times Roman font and so I have to write a little extra if I am using Arial). She also wants a title page and if we have the name, date, class, etc. on all the pages we get docked again.
I have to write the controversy paper still and I have not started. Okay technically I did, but not a lot. It is more of an introduction. Looking over the papers that I had done for her in the past I need an introduction but I do not think that applies to the video paper. How can you write one for it?
Moving on to something else that is more interesting, I have found the perfect price for my bears! Someone is selling them for $6.00 and free shipping! You never find this good of a deal anywhere. All that I have been watching have gone for at least minimum for $11.00 - $12.00 with shipping. There was this one other that was $6.95 and free shipping. But I save $0.95 if I get the $6.00 one. Yes I can do simple math without having to use a calculator.
With that said I am almost done with my collection of bears. I am glad I only bought a few sets from Hallmark and now the rest I can find on eBay. EBay had become my best shopping friend. If you?re looking for good deals try eBay and half.com I know I am plugging them but it is not like I am plugging one specific seller. Ok time to get back to my papers. So out of the four pages that I have to do and I do hope it is four. I am going to look at it right now. Awww it is five pages. And they have to be FULL pages. Rats. If i had better study habits or whatever you call them I could probably have had them done by now. At least I can work until the wee hours of the morning without any distractions since I have already seen the episode of She Spies that is going to air. I wonder if next week will be a new one for me and rerun for others.
Horoscope: You can see through them. Now it's your turn. Deception has no part in your game.
I have to write the controversy paper still and I have not started. Okay technically I did, but not a lot. It is more of an introduction. Looking over the papers that I had done for her in the past I need an introduction but I do not think that applies to the video paper. How can you write one for it?
Moving on to something else that is more interesting, I have found the perfect price for my bears! Someone is selling them for $6.00 and free shipping! You never find this good of a deal anywhere. All that I have been watching have gone for at least minimum for $11.00 - $12.00 with shipping. There was this one other that was $6.95 and free shipping. But I save $0.95 if I get the $6.00 one. Yes I can do simple math without having to use a calculator.
With that said I am almost done with my collection of bears. I am glad I only bought a few sets from Hallmark and now the rest I can find on eBay. EBay had become my best shopping friend. If you?re looking for good deals try eBay and half.com I know I am plugging them but it is not like I am plugging one specific seller. Ok time to get back to my papers. So out of the four pages that I have to do and I do hope it is four. I am going to look at it right now. Awww it is five pages. And they have to be FULL pages. Rats. If i had better study habits or whatever you call them I could probably have had them done by now. At least I can work until the wee hours of the morning without any distractions since I have already seen the episode of She Spies that is going to air. I wonder if next week will be a new one for me and rerun for others.
Horoscope: You can see through them. Now it's your turn. Deception has no part in your game.
Paper(s) Saturday...
Today I will have to work on my papers, yes papers with an ?S?. I must work on it. I am going to regret not working on it if I leave everything until Sunday. Reading books and looking at websites (looking at websites will be hard to contain) might end up into procrastination.
I had better get some rest because tomorrow or today (after midnight) I will be working into the wee hours of the night.
I had better get some rest because tomorrow or today (after midnight) I will be working into the wee hours of the night.
This time last year...
This time last year, I was in England. In addition, there was talk of war, which is still going on. The reason was there were weapons of mass destruction, which is probably an urban legend now. Have we found them? No. Should I have been able to go to Tangier? Yes. Did I? No.
I started to read some of my old e-mails that I have saved from a year ago and some of them are funny. They were communications between my friend who I believe might have filed for graduation and is hopefully graduating. Speaking of graduation, I filed last month and still no news. They said four to six weeks. I wonder if it really does take that long if, I will know if I am walking or not.
The news reports that they might charge an admission fee for the Golden Gate Bridge and one tourist said she was willing to pay $100.00 to see it. If it was I, I do not know if I would pay to see it. It was either charge an admission fee or raise the tolls to $6.00 for money that the bridge commission or something is still in debt of.
The news is more and more depressing every day. Raise money for this and schools without a library or a sports program. The unemployment is still high and I am almost graduating. I guess if I cannot find a job within half a year I will just go back to school or? It remains a mystery. I believe I was just back from Paris and going to head to Spain this week.
Horoscope: Gain is inevitable. Victory is sweet. You now have a hand in anoything profitable.
I started to read some of my old e-mails that I have saved from a year ago and some of them are funny. They were communications between my friend who I believe might have filed for graduation and is hopefully graduating. Speaking of graduation, I filed last month and still no news. They said four to six weeks. I wonder if it really does take that long if, I will know if I am walking or not.
The news reports that they might charge an admission fee for the Golden Gate Bridge and one tourist said she was willing to pay $100.00 to see it. If it was I, I do not know if I would pay to see it. It was either charge an admission fee or raise the tolls to $6.00 for money that the bridge commission or something is still in debt of.
The news is more and more depressing every day. Raise money for this and schools without a library or a sports program. The unemployment is still high and I am almost graduating. I guess if I cannot find a job within half a year I will just go back to school or? It remains a mystery. I believe I was just back from Paris and going to head to Spain this week.
Horoscope: Gain is inevitable. Victory is sweet. You now have a hand in anoything profitable.
Tick, tick, tick...
Time is ticking for me. The reason is my paper. I have the books and I have the information that I need, but when I tried to start it, my head would not cooperate. First, it was a "nap attack" as my brother likes to call them. His reason: "because when they attach you got to nap." The second thing was I had a headache. That was not pleasant.
I did try to start up again, but I then gave up. I did get a load of laundry done. I have two more or something to go. I have towel that I have to wash. Does anyone have suggestions on what to do with winter or fall clothes? I have no space for it well I do, but I do not think it will solve anything. I might have to use my dresser type thing and the mini closet it has because my closet is just filling up fast. I guess I could have two wardrobes. Ok my problem is somewhat solved.
What am I going to do about my paper? I think I have senioritis. This is not good for me. It is as if my brain is on holiday and I am just plain lazy. Ok I am lazy, but there just seems like there is nothing that I can do about it. Ok there is but I choose not to. Oh, I guess I will fold my laundry from the load I did last month (I am unsure when I last did laundry) and the stuff I just washed today.
Horoscope: You know everything. You don't mind sharing. It all feeds into your master plan.
Anyone who understands my horoscope please let me know because I do not have a master plan.
I did try to start up again, but I then gave up. I did get a load of laundry done. I have two more or something to go. I have towel that I have to wash. Does anyone have suggestions on what to do with winter or fall clothes? I have no space for it well I do, but I do not think it will solve anything. I might have to use my dresser type thing and the mini closet it has because my closet is just filling up fast. I guess I could have two wardrobes. Ok my problem is somewhat solved.
What am I going to do about my paper? I think I have senioritis. This is not good for me. It is as if my brain is on holiday and I am just plain lazy. Ok I am lazy, but there just seems like there is nothing that I can do about it. Ok there is but I choose not to. Oh, I guess I will fold my laundry from the load I did last month (I am unsure when I last did laundry) and the stuff I just washed today.
Horoscope: You know everything. You don't mind sharing. It all feeds into your master plan.
Anyone who understands my horoscope please let me know because I do not have a master plan.
Painful Wednesday...
Yes it was. When I woke up this morning, I was not feeling well. I was dizzy and wanted to throw up. I then some how made it to the sofa to take a rest and that helped. I only have something to drink and did not even think about breakfast.
I head to school and to class and thought that it was good that I did. Although I am familiar with the class and Egypt since that is when I added last semester I should know. Then I head off to the library with my heavy backpack. I drop off the VCDs and the book and proceed to find the books I am in search of. The only problem I had been looking for a book that did not exist on the eighth floor. It was on the sixth floor and it was not even there!
I leave the library at 11.00 a.m. sharp thinking about food since I had no breakfast. I know breakfast is the most important meal of the day etc. I order a hamburger and fries. I wanted apple pie, but they were out. And I wanted a sundae, but I was afraid it would melt. It took forever. Then I had to walk back to the car thinking if I had not parked where I had (a bus was in the spots a head with some problem) I would be at the car. I head off to the gas station to fill it up. This time I remembered to cover it back up because on Monday I forgot. I think it was the heat or being?girlie? made me forget.
I arrive at about 12.13 p.m. at CSM. I started to eat my burger because I had finished the fires while driving. I also had water but it was somewhat difficult since it was full. I arrive home and decided the car needed to be washed. Even though I suggested it to my brother (who has two essays due tomorrow) I ended up washing it. I do not know how long I spent but the car is clean.
I parked perfectly even though I had to get out of the car a few times. I come up, check on my bids on eBay, and then make some food. Just a snack type thing and simple. I am looking for my bears and having problems finding it for CHEAP! I know how crazy am I? Yes. I am just missing this year?s bears. I am trying to get it for under $8.00 or eight. That is the ideal.
Oh, I have finally been able to make this blog the way I wanted to. With a few minor changes and a couple of things learned on my part, it is finally my ideal. I might change the skin once I am tired of it, but you never know.
Horoscope: Watch what you say. It could turn against you. Are you sure these are your friends?
I head to school and to class and thought that it was good that I did. Although I am familiar with the class and Egypt since that is when I added last semester I should know. Then I head off to the library with my heavy backpack. I drop off the VCDs and the book and proceed to find the books I am in search of. The only problem I had been looking for a book that did not exist on the eighth floor. It was on the sixth floor and it was not even there!
I leave the library at 11.00 a.m. sharp thinking about food since I had no breakfast. I know breakfast is the most important meal of the day etc. I order a hamburger and fries. I wanted apple pie, but they were out. And I wanted a sundae, but I was afraid it would melt. It took forever. Then I had to walk back to the car thinking if I had not parked where I had (a bus was in the spots a head with some problem) I would be at the car. I head off to the gas station to fill it up. This time I remembered to cover it back up because on Monday I forgot. I think it was the heat or being?girlie? made me forget.
I arrive at about 12.13 p.m. at CSM. I started to eat my burger because I had finished the fires while driving. I also had water but it was somewhat difficult since it was full. I arrive home and decided the car needed to be washed. Even though I suggested it to my brother (who has two essays due tomorrow) I ended up washing it. I do not know how long I spent but the car is clean.
I parked perfectly even though I had to get out of the car a few times. I come up, check on my bids on eBay, and then make some food. Just a snack type thing and simple. I am looking for my bears and having problems finding it for CHEAP! I know how crazy am I? Yes. I am just missing this year?s bears. I am trying to get it for under $8.00 or eight. That is the ideal.
Oh, I have finally been able to make this blog the way I wanted to. With a few minor changes and a couple of things learned on my part, it is finally my ideal. I might change the skin once I am tired of it, but you never know.
Horoscope: Watch what you say. It could turn against you. Are you sure these are your friends?
Reality TV...
William Hung has actually taken the record deal that was offered to him. His album is due out on April 8. You can read more here. I just thought that he might just continue with school and leave the contract. Who could resist just a little bit of stardom? I know if I was given the chance to look like a rock star I would.
Tonight's episode of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is so romantic. So cute and it made me cry. The ending really made me cry because it was so beautiful. If I had all that done for me, I would be in heaven. John Zimmerman definitely a true romantic. I give a 10!
Who says reality is not great? I dare them to watch this one episode and say that this is not truly reality.
Horoscope: Keeping busy is easy. Finishing anything is hard. Take wahtever credit is due.
Tonight's episode of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is so romantic. So cute and it made me cry. The ending really made me cry because it was so beautiful. If I had all that done for me, I would be in heaven. John Zimmerman definitely a true romantic. I give a 10!
Who says reality is not great? I dare them to watch this one episode and say that this is not truly reality.
Horoscope: Keeping busy is easy. Finishing anything is hard. Take wahtever credit is due.
Tired Monday...
Yes, I can say that. I was told to “go to sleep” by my brother. I tried and it was difficult. The reason is that it was warm and I could not sleep. Then when I had to wake up, I did not want to.
I head to class thinking that the video would be on Wednesday and instead she showed it today. That means on Monday I have two two-page papers due and means I brought my heavy textbook to class for no reason.
I chose fashion over function, which was a wrong decision for my feet. My feet now hurt. I should have worn flip-flops with my skirt. Yes, I wore a skirt. First, time of this year because it was just such a nice day. Of course, it was black so it might not have been a wise choice.
I am actually somewhat tired. I believe it was from the walk even then I was yawning. I also spent some time in the backyard freaking out over spiders and spider webs.
Tomorrow I will work on my paper and hopefully have a rough draft done so that I can have my professor look it over. Good night and sleep tight.
Horoscope: Don't participate. Wait for a better opening. You're not being grouchy, just smart.
I head to class thinking that the video would be on Wednesday and instead she showed it today. That means on Monday I have two two-page papers due and means I brought my heavy textbook to class for no reason.
I chose fashion over function, which was a wrong decision for my feet. My feet now hurt. I should have worn flip-flops with my skirt. Yes, I wore a skirt. First, time of this year because it was just such a nice day. Of course, it was black so it might not have been a wise choice.
I am actually somewhat tired. I believe it was from the walk even then I was yawning. I also spent some time in the backyard freaking out over spiders and spider webs.
Tomorrow I will work on my paper and hopefully have a rough draft done so that I can have my professor look it over. Good night and sleep tight.
Horoscope: Don't participate. Wait for a better opening. You're not being grouchy, just smart.
Late start Sunday...
What did I do today? First I went to bed around 4.00 a.m. and for some reason the tenant downstairs was up too but smoking. I heard him shut the door. I did go to sleep and then I woke up around 11.15 a.m. and then decided I was too tired and went back to sleep until roughly 1.30 p.m.
I have started to work on my paper again this time with books and just looking them over to see if there is anything of use to me. I should probably make a reminder on my phone to go to the library to pick up the stuff I forgot to on Wednesday. I should also return the books that I do not need.
Overall, today was not that bad. I saw an episode of The Simpsons that I had missed while away so that it was a new one to me but a rerun to those that watch it regularly. Better, get back to work and I think I have done well for Lent. I only had chocolate cake, but it was not real chocolate so that does not count right?
Horoscope: You won't give up. Give them room to stand back. You don't want to roll over anyone.
Listening to: 12 Girls Band They are superb. I highly recommend that you get this and listen to them. They take Chinese traditional instruments and make music sound beautiful and relaxing. I have seen a little bit of Miracle and them live and are really are good.
Gas prices are expensive now a days. Just find the location you are from or your area and you can get a price check for the past 8 to 72 hours. My solution is here. All parts of the Bay Area. Just look on the left hand side around the middle and choose your location.
I have started to work on my paper again this time with books and just looking them over to see if there is anything of use to me. I should probably make a reminder on my phone to go to the library to pick up the stuff I forgot to on Wednesday. I should also return the books that I do not need.
Overall, today was not that bad. I saw an episode of The Simpsons that I had missed while away so that it was a new one to me but a rerun to those that watch it regularly. Better, get back to work and I think I have done well for Lent. I only had chocolate cake, but it was not real chocolate so that does not count right?
Horoscope: You won't give up. Give them room to stand back. You don't want to roll over anyone.
Listening to: 12 Girls Band They are superb. I highly recommend that you get this and listen to them. They take Chinese traditional instruments and make music sound beautiful and relaxing. I have seen a little bit of Miracle and them live and are really are good.
Gas prices are expensive now a days. Just find the location you are from or your area and you can get a price check for the past 8 to 72 hours. My solution is here. All parts of the Bay Area. Just look on the left hand side around the middle and choose your location.
Sunny Saturday...
Just how did I spend this sunny Saturday? My brother's friend who decided to call my cell phone nicely awaked me up. I was not amuse and was not going to get out of bed just to answer the phone. I said forget it and went back to sleep. I then did wake up to find that my bears had arrived! It was the first set that I ordered and well, they were not exactly how I pictured them. I am now wondering what sort of feedback I should leave for them. I think I will go with neutral since she did have good communication, but the product I received was not what I was expecting.
I have yet to leave feedback. I went to Macy's and saw my wallet! Of course mine was cheaper and I want to say out before they had it but that?s just being to optimistic. I wonder if I should get a load of laundry done today and so I will have less later on in the week. The second set of bears that I have ordered have yet to arrive. I might have to e-mail the person and ask if they sent it out. I asked them to send it out on Tuesday, but at this rate, I doubt it.
The last sets of bears that I have to get are this year's blushing bears from Hallmark. I have yet to get them at the price that I want, but with any luck what so ever I might get them for under $6.00. Yes I really am getting the hang of eBay and think that patience is something that I have and the fact that I spend all day looking at the listings also says I have to get out a lot more.
Now I guess I have to work on my paper. I think I will use the laptop to do it. Something about using my desktop that I don't like and I don't have the discipline or something to do so.
Horoscope: Set up a big tent. You need all this room. You feel larger than life these days.
I have yet to leave feedback. I went to Macy's and saw my wallet! Of course mine was cheaper and I want to say out before they had it but that?s just being to optimistic. I wonder if I should get a load of laundry done today and so I will have less later on in the week. The second set of bears that I have ordered have yet to arrive. I might have to e-mail the person and ask if they sent it out. I asked them to send it out on Tuesday, but at this rate, I doubt it.
The last sets of bears that I have to get are this year's blushing bears from Hallmark. I have yet to get them at the price that I want, but with any luck what so ever I might get them for under $6.00. Yes I really am getting the hang of eBay and think that patience is something that I have and the fact that I spend all day looking at the listings also says I have to get out a lot more.
Now I guess I have to work on my paper. I think I will use the laptop to do it. Something about using my desktop that I don't like and I don't have the discipline or something to do so.
Horoscope: Set up a big tent. You need all this room. You feel larger than life these days.
Today was an interesting day. I talked to the postman about transporters for packages to go through gates or if packages could be folded, up and then slid under the gate and then pop back to its original shape. That was nice to talk about at about 10.00 a.m.
In the evening, I started to talk to my brother?s friend. Man it was strange and insightful at the same time. I also watched a little bit of TV. What I did watch was 20/20. It was interesting seeing a story about an Iranian queen.
Still talking to my brother?s friend and it is true that everyone is racists still even though it is 2004. How Asian girls only like Caucasian guys and how they like Asian girls. There were so many topics discussed I do not have the energy to type them all out.
Horoscope: The walls are closing in. Escape is a priority. Breathing free means so much to you.
In the evening, I started to talk to my brother?s friend. Man it was strange and insightful at the same time. I also watched a little bit of TV. What I did watch was 20/20. It was interesting seeing a story about an Iranian queen.
Still talking to my brother?s friend and it is true that everyone is racists still even though it is 2004. How Asian girls only like Caucasian guys and how they like Asian girls. There were so many topics discussed I do not have the energy to type them all out.
Horoscope: The walls are closing in. Escape is a priority. Breathing free means so much to you.
Trippy Thursday...
I should probably explain the title. What happen was that I had woken up not too long when the doorbell rang. I had an idea of who it was, but the only problem was I had to look for my keys. I was running around the house like a chicken with its head cut off. As I was running into the kitchen to see if I had my keys in the dining room I nearly slipped and had a cracked skull. The floor was more slippery than I thought.
Then I realized I had my keys in my backpack. I ran into my room to get them and then headed down to open the gate to sign for the package. The part I cannot believe is that I nearly fell in the kitchen and then I thought about the commercial with the little remote that you press to notify 911 or something that you are hurt. I think I might have pulled some muscles too. So much for going for that walk that I was thinking about.
I know the problem is with my desktop set up and my not wanting to work on my paper. My desk is set up the way. I really do need to have some sort of tray for my keyboard and then my monitor closer to me so I can work. Now I would rather use my laptop to type up my paper.
Horoscope: Hold onto what you have. Don't ask for more. Be comfortable with your expertise.
Then I realized I had my keys in my backpack. I ran into my room to get them and then headed down to open the gate to sign for the package. The part I cannot believe is that I nearly fell in the kitchen and then I thought about the commercial with the little remote that you press to notify 911 or something that you are hurt. I think I might have pulled some muscles too. So much for going for that walk that I was thinking about.
I know the problem is with my desktop set up and my not wanting to work on my paper. My desk is set up the way. I really do need to have some sort of tray for my keyboard and then my monitor closer to me so I can work. Now I would rather use my laptop to type up my paper.
Horoscope: Hold onto what you have. Don't ask for more. Be comfortable with your expertise.
Crunch time...
My paper is due on March 15. I had better get cracking on it. This paper will be a bit of a challenge since I do not write a lot and because I know my English writing is not that great. I have to sort out through the books that I have and if I have to read a book (yes that is too much for me to do when reading is a chore like laundry).
I guess I will head over to SFSU to look at books about Stonehenge even if that means I have to take the bus and work there for a day or so. It will be definitely harder to work on my own but then again this is what I might need. Too bad I do not have a wireless card and or any SFSU friends otherwise I could hook up into the system and use the internet while there. I cannot believe the only internet they have at the library is dial up. Who would have thought that the only internet they would have is dial up.
What do I do now? Go on Thursday or go on Friday. I have to make the choice today. Well I had better look over the journals that I have on the computer to see if any of them are of any use or just rubbish. My how time flies and when you wanted to start early you end up at about the same spot at others
Just when I could not have any more surprises for the day, I get another. I found the flower from Stourhead. I had forgotten I had placed a flower into one of my textbooks just so I would have a pressed flower. Granted it does not look as good as, it did before, but it was bound to be found eventually.
I really have no idea what I should do now. I realized I had two copies of the exact same book borrowed from the library. I must really be blind or just plain forgetful. Too bad this blog does not have a comment section. I would love to hear what you all have to say. No matter if it is 1 person or 100 (I bet it is about three maximum.)
Horoscope: Major effort feels good. Just don't hurt yourself. You want to enjoy your rewards.
"Patience is the knot that hold the seam of victory." - Fortune cookie
I guess I will head over to SFSU to look at books about Stonehenge even if that means I have to take the bus and work there for a day or so. It will be definitely harder to work on my own but then again this is what I might need. Too bad I do not have a wireless card and or any SFSU friends otherwise I could hook up into the system and use the internet while there. I cannot believe the only internet they have at the library is dial up. Who would have thought that the only internet they would have is dial up.
What do I do now? Go on Thursday or go on Friday. I have to make the choice today. Well I had better look over the journals that I have on the computer to see if any of them are of any use or just rubbish. My how time flies and when you wanted to start early you end up at about the same spot at others
Just when I could not have any more surprises for the day, I get another. I found the flower from Stourhead. I had forgotten I had placed a flower into one of my textbooks just so I would have a pressed flower. Granted it does not look as good as, it did before, but it was bound to be found eventually.
I really have no idea what I should do now. I realized I had two copies of the exact same book borrowed from the library. I must really be blind or just plain forgetful. Too bad this blog does not have a comment section. I would love to hear what you all have to say. No matter if it is 1 person or 100 (I bet it is about three maximum.)
Horoscope: Major effort feels good. Just don't hurt yourself. You want to enjoy your rewards.
"Patience is the knot that hold the seam of victory." - Fortune cookie
Super Tuesday...
Yes, it was a Super Tuesday. I am not talking about the election but about Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. It was super good. I say this every week and I know that I do. Well next week I cannot wait! It will be John Zimmerman! If I am not mistaken, I believe that he is married. I could be wrong on this. However, the fact that he will be on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is a dream com true for me. I think he is cute.
I did go out to vote today. I do not know if I voted for a democratic candidate. I know I should have but if you are undecided then you should just leave it. I just left what I did not understand blank. I know that is not right but you know if you don’t understand you should have read up on it but the handbook or whatever you want to call it is hard to understand. Just the sample ballots alone were confusing.
Another day has ended and now the question is will I be able to sleep tonight? We shall find out tomorrow. I am glad that the weather is looking good. That means I can wear skirts and flip-flops. Flip flops are so hippy looking and so comfortable.
I guess I am looking forward to spring more than I thought. Looking at the calendar my spring break will come in about three weeks. What will I do during that week? Anyone have suggestions. I know my brother does: did you find a job yet?
Horoscope: You've seen it all. Narrow the field. Use what you already know to bring it on home.
I did go out to vote today. I do not know if I voted for a democratic candidate. I know I should have but if you are undecided then you should just leave it. I just left what I did not understand blank. I know that is not right but you know if you don’t understand you should have read up on it but the handbook or whatever you want to call it is hard to understand. Just the sample ballots alone were confusing.
Another day has ended and now the question is will I be able to sleep tonight? We shall find out tomorrow. I am glad that the weather is looking good. That means I can wear skirts and flip-flops. Flip flops are so hippy looking and so comfortable.
I guess I am looking forward to spring more than I thought. Looking at the calendar my spring break will come in about three weeks. What will I do during that week? Anyone have suggestions. I know my brother does: did you find a job yet?
Horoscope: You've seen it all. Narrow the field. Use what you already know to bring it on home.
"Be patient and love will you when you least expect it."
That was the fortune inside my fortune cookie. What does that mean? Ok I know what it means, but like so now what? Do I just sit and wait? What? Oh won’t someone tell me or advise me? This is almost as bad as your talents will be well rewarded or something. Ok enough of this. I will now work on my Stonehenge paper or at least get some information. Now I wish I had some dinner. This is horrible this almost midnight snack thing. I gave up chocolate and I am on day six. Six days free without chocolate. I am so proud of me. If it was the internet I would probably do better. Maybe.
Lack of sleep yet again...
Yes, it was another one of those nights. Why would I forget to blog about it until now? The reason is that I totally forgot until I started to yawn like mad. You know the type that is contagious like a mosquito to sugar water. I am tired and I want to sleep. I could because I am still full from lunch. Fried rice, spicy eggplant, a piece of fruit, soup which I did not have, and a fortune cookie. That is a lot of food. I had to finish the rest of the fried rice about an hour or two later.
I think I will shower and see how I am afterwards and then take it from there. It is like the saying of taking it one day at a time, but for me one hour at a time. I had better make sure that the VCR is set to tape everything that I watch so I do not miss a show. I either have to sleep earlier to talk to the tenant about making noise after a certain time. I mean I do not care if I am sleeping but if I am trying to it is critical.
This is the third time or day that I can remember it happening. Last week it was both days that I had school. It was also the week of the midterm that I had this problem too or at least the night before the midterm.
I think I will shower and see how I am afterwards and then take it from there. It is like the saying of taking it one day at a time, but for me one hour at a time. I had better make sure that the VCR is set to tape everything that I watch so I do not miss a show. I either have to sleep earlier to talk to the tenant about making noise after a certain time. I mean I do not care if I am sleeping but if I am trying to it is critical.
This is the third time or day that I can remember it happening. Last week it was both days that I had school. It was also the week of the midterm that I had this problem too or at least the night before the midterm.
March madness...
So once again, it is time for March madness. You know where all the college teams go against one another and it is non-stop sports for guys. I guess every guy?s dream is to just sit and watch sports all month long. Oh well I can be wrong, right? Ok on to another topic. My midterm and I know you all want the juicy details.
A fortnight ago, I barely studied for a midterm that I am ashamed of and admitting to doing so. Time to report on the dreadful midterm and what I go on it because the verdict is in. Someone who got 102% (which I think is impossible since there were only 60 questions) but someone did. She grades on a curve, which I did not know. That is good except for the person who sets the curve.
I know get on with how I did. I got a B-. I nailed everything about Stonehenge and some other items only because I had taken this class before and I sort of knew what the professor would put on the test based on the first time I took the class. You would think that I could do better than a B- but that is what I received and I cannot change that.
Horoscope: Make up your mind. Involve yourself reasonably. You know where this could lead.
A fortnight ago, I barely studied for a midterm that I am ashamed of and admitting to doing so. Time to report on the dreadful midterm and what I go on it because the verdict is in. Someone who got 102% (which I think is impossible since there were only 60 questions) but someone did. She grades on a curve, which I did not know. That is good except for the person who sets the curve.
I know get on with how I did. I got a B-. I nailed everything about Stonehenge and some other items only because I had taken this class before and I sort of knew what the professor would put on the test based on the first time I took the class. You would think that I could do better than a B- but that is what I received and I cannot change that.
Horoscope: Make up your mind. Involve yourself reasonably. You know where this could lead.
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