I am feeling much better today. I believe the worse was the day I had school and yesterday. My nose is not at stuffed anymore and I can breath when I sleep. No more Vicks Vapor Rub anymore. Drinking water helps I suppose but mostly I drink whatever is around. Update on my webpage it is slowly working or I am on the pictures. All the old pages have been redone or most of them.
I know I did not post my late New Year’s resolution on here but here it is.
Late New Year's resolution for 2004...
1. Buy the Hallmark blushing kiss kiss bears
2. Buy the Hallmark 2002 Olympic kiss kiss bears
3. Buy the Hallmark 2003 kiss kiss bears (the ones with the hearts that aren't inside a square)
4. Drink more water and less diet coke/regular coke
5. Lose weight (always a factor and on every year)
6. Expand my circle of friends and be more outgoing (I don't know how successful I will be)
7. I want to say expand my wardrobe, but I think it is pretty full
8. Find a job after graduation.
9. Travel more.
I have completed numbers one, two, three, and four. Five is hard because I did give up chocolate for lent, but then I caved in once it ended. At least I know I can give it up for a month. If there were anymore than nine items on the list I am sure I would not get to all of them.