My paper is due on March 15. I had better get cracking on it. This paper will be a bit of a challenge since I do not write a lot and because I know my English writing is not that great. I have to sort out through the books that I have and if I have to read a book (yes that is too much for me to do when reading is a chore like laundry).
I guess I will head over to SFSU to look at books about Stonehenge even if that means I have to take the bus and work there for a day or so. It will be definitely harder to work on my own but then again this is what I might need. Too bad I do not have a wireless card and or any SFSU friends otherwise I could hook up into the system and use the internet while there. I cannot believe the only internet they have at the library is dial up. Who would have thought that the only internet they would have is dial up.
What do I do now? Go on Thursday or go on Friday. I have to make the choice today. Well I had better look over the journals that I have on the computer to see if any of them are of any use or just rubbish. My how time flies and when you wanted to start early you end up at about the same spot at others
Just when I could not have any more surprises for the day, I get another. I found the flower from Stourhead. I had forgotten I had placed a flower into one of my textbooks just so I would have a pressed flower. Granted it does not look as good as, it did before, but it was bound to be found eventually.
I really have no idea what I should do now. I realized I had two copies of the exact same book borrowed from the library. I must really be blind or just plain forgetful. Too bad this blog does not have a comment section. I would love to hear what you all have to say. No matter if it is 1 person or 100 (I bet it is about three maximum.)
Horoscope: Major effort feels good. Just don't hurt yourself. You want to enjoy your rewards.
"Patience is the knot that hold the seam of victory." - Fortune cookie