Then when they used the hammer back the part that you use to pry the nails off of stuff that was the last straw. They did so much banging and hammering that they even ruined a not so lovely display and got all that tar cover crap in our stairway. My favorite part had to be when they were hammering or something like that and the pictures on my wall were moving. If one flew off I would have had a fit.
However that did happen in the dining room. Two pictures flew off and a clock. We had one with a glass frame or whatever you call that thing and we had to take that down for fear it would crash and fall and break. There was another clock and we took that down as well.
It was so messy on the stairs. I could not believe it. They made a mess and tore it apart. I took pictures and I wonder if I can claim it with the neighbors. There has to be some rule somewhere. First they install the dryer hose facing the sidewalk and not towards the backyard to make up smell their laundry drying fumes (and I am sure there is a law about that) and they are doctors too. You would think they would have some common sense. And that bush they do not trim. Really annoying when the leaves fall off and the flower petals fall off. The list goes on and on. We just do not like our neighbors. Ok I do not like them more than the rest of the family because they were loud one night when I was trying to sleep. I was pretty pissed off about it.
Horoscope: Enough with your routine. Broaden yourself. Begin research on an esoteric interest.
Mood: Happy.
Watching: The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
Listening to: Jay's monologue.
Thinking about: Giants's next win.