I thought I put the right paper on my little flash drive and I was wrong. I did not even get to edit it. I find out that the paper I have due on May 3rd I need proof I went to the museum. Well I am not going to go there just for that.
After that coming home I run into a car full of high school trouble makers. They might have thought I was like younger than them or something, but they tailgated me and then I them only because they did the same thing to me. How rude! Well I was somewhat pissed about that.
Ok time for the game. Really good seats and there were so many foul balls that I lost track after about ten. I was so close to the field that if a ball came and hit me I would be knocked out. The park is amazing. It is smaller in person though so that'll be a bit of a bummer for some who have never been. TV makes it look bigger. And no one does any calling of the game. You sit and you watch the boards for the strikes, outs, and how fast the pitcher threw. I think I like more because you can at least know who's on first and what not. The only thing is that when teams where colors on the board they seem to disappear. It is harder at ground level maybe than if you were higher.
Now for the real stuff. We were murdered and Peavy or something pissed me off. Bonds had no way of making number eight for the record for most homeruns in a streak in games. I hate him. He's younger than me and he thinks he can get out Mr. Barry Bonds?! He is a wussy. I will say it again. He is a wuss. I mean he could have told his children or grandchildren I remember Bonds when broke this record with me etc. But instead he'll be telling the story of how he walked Bonds and whatever. He is only 22 years old. His birthday is next month at the end of the month. If I could have chucked something at him, I would have.
Then at the game up two rows was a Padres fan. He was wearing a blue hat and was with his significant other. Girlfriend or wife or something of the sort. We joked and said don't let him in the picture! He was obnoxious. That is the nice way of saying it. The Padres have no guts and can't deal with Bonds a power player.
The team is so young. The oldest player on the team is Bonds, but he's been around since the 80s when most of the players that the Giants drafter were just five or six years old. I did some research. I want to learn the regular line up or at least the team but my brain is on slow right now. This game wore me out. I am really starting to wonder if the Giants are losing it. There is pressure for them to "represent" but if the rest of the league is just going to walk Bonds on purpose then that makes baseball not interesting. Back in the old days I bet Babe Ruth did not get the intentional walks because he was Babe Ruth. The same could be with other players. Without Bonds in the line up the Giants suffer, but with him in it and they only walk him they suffer too. It is a no win situation.
Ok tomorrow it is work on paper and I don't know whatever else I feel like. Maybe watch the game too. Rant and rave over but now I have a hit list of whom I dislike. The list so far goes:
1. Milton Bradley (Dogers outfielder)
2. Jake Peavy (Padres pitcher)
3. Unknown fan of Padres who had a significant other who was a Giants fan.
More will probably end up on this list as the season goes on.
Horoscope: Your difficulties are past. The fun starts ASAP. Reanimate your favorite project.