
Liar, liar, pants on fire!

I head off to class and the first thing we do is start on the next chapter. The quiz is at the end of class. The only problem probably the whole class had with the quiz was that it was Egypt and Greece with a little Mycenaean. Ok not everyone, but those that have not even began to study i.e. me. Class did end early and I asked all the questions that I had to ask about the terms that I did not know.

The Giants game a big bummer. I was really into it too. I was bummed when I was filling up gas and the Brewers scored two runs. The difference with listening to it on the radio is that you learn a lot of facts about baseball, but when they explain how a team started then moved then changed leagues it gets confusing. It's more entertaining and brings back the good old days. Double plays are like super cool. (I know I sound a geek saying that but it is true.) It is more exciting seeing double plays on TV because it gives you almost the feeling of being there.
I can't wait until I'm at the game next week. I was tempted to get tickets for this weekend's games but I have a midterm so it is a no-no.

Ok I guess I had better get back to studying because I have tons to read and many flash cards to make.

Horoscope: You're on the lookout. Face value is worth the starting price. Prepare to go deeper.