
Pissed off at work!

The day started out fine. I woke up late (past 8.00 a.m.) but that was OK. I just got dressed and took some food for later. It was just getting up and getting changed to be out the door that I worried about. I arrived at work to find a large pile of filing to be done. I file everything and then work on other stuff. Things were OK when I went to lunch and then after lunch. It was just when it was about two hours before I had to get off work that the fireworks started.

I had to file stuff and when I went to check the file box I saw the stamp that was especially made for me to make it easier for me to file. They label stuff wrong and then when I filed it I'm told I filed it wrong. Hmm, let me examine this first:

They have a stamp made so it helps me file easier and they put the wrong information on it. I file it into the wrong folder and I get blamed for it? WOW. Did I abuse the stamp usage? Nope. Did other abuse the usage of it? YES. Were they informed?! Nope. Was it explained how to use? No.

Let's now examine who's fault this is:
The boss decided to have a stamp made. OK so far. The stamp has places for you to check and to fill in. Still no problem. There is one space for you to initial. Problem. No one initials their initials. Here is a problem. I can point fingers and say well this looks like so and so's writing. IF you use the stamp use it correctly.

Next problem:
One of the higher ups said to have me help out since they were busy. OK granted I am too filing and had to find stuff that I had filed wrong with no fault of my own, but I could make time to help out. I was asked if Wayne asked me for my help or told me what to do. I said no. I didn't get Wayne into trouble because it was the truth. I get told that he needs my help so I go, but I see that he's still working on stuff. I said let me know when you're ready. I wasn't talking to Priti at all. I was talking to Wayne. Then Priti goes and tattletales on me. She said I gave her attitude. Well excuse me, but I was told that Wayne needed help. Is she Wayne? When did get a sex change? When did she change her name to Wayne?

Then Landa comes and tells me that I gave her "attitude". I didn't even say that to her. I said that to Wayne. Landa then says that I need to go help. So I stand there for a good 2 minutes. 2 minutes I'll never see again. 2 minutes I could have spent finished filing. Then I finish finding out information that wasn't even part of my job and she's the stupid one now. She never bothered to check the files to find out what she has to pay and what she doesn't.

This was AFTER she told me thanks for cleaning her desk. I mean what the hell was that then?! The whole you gave attitude to Priti thing then?? Man...

If given the chance I would rat on her to take her place. Being so damn mean to me. Just because I don't help her out doesn't mean she can't ask for my help. Sure I help out everyone, but damn if you're going to be a forgetful person and lose pens all the time and not even bother closing the drawer you get pens out of then screw you.

Then after I finished filing I stamped the checks. I was stamping loudly letting it be known I was pissed and upset. Then Karen goes is it broken or are you going to break it? I say it's already broken and that's why I have to stamp it so hard. I also said two wrongs make a right. Like negative times a negative equals a positive. It's true in math so why can't it be true in life? It's a screwed up stamp that doesn't work right so why not just abuse it? Not like a new one will be made anyway. I should order them so that we have them. But I doubt that I could.

I was so upset that I started to cry when I left work. Me being tattletaled on by someone older than me. So you don't like my attitude so you tell the office manager? Fine have me fired then when the office is a mess who's going take care of it? If I was to leave tomorrow they'd be going backwards once again. If I get a chance to talk to the boss I'll have him chew her out. Screw you because if you get me mad I'll just ignore your ass and leave you hanging and when you don't get your stuff done don't come to me for help. I'll just be a total bitch to you like you were to me.

Horoscope: You don't have to stick to the script. Drive off the road if it gets you there faster. - Yeah if someone wasn't named Priti. She should be named Ugly because of her attitude. Or hella lazy and a fat ass. She walked like a freaking cowboy. She has rickets. There I said it.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Mood: sad and pissed
Your $0.02