I arrive at work and wonder what's going on. There's someone new taking the place of the receptionist. Then it clicks because someone needed phone number for the temp agency. The person who did the work orders decided to leave. I guess she couldn't take the environment anymore. I don't know.
I am making more work for myself then I should. I'm doing more than I should or just taking on too much. I swear I'm more forgetful than all the rest of them. So much to do and so little time and yet for very little pay. I think that sums up everything.
Tomorrow I go back to school. How scary is that? I hope it ends early, but I doubt it. I hope it'll be fun and I'll make some new friends. I also know at least one person reads this so I know I'm not writing this just for kicks. Thanks Jon!
Horoscope: The ground is shifting. You wanted change, but be careful what you wish for. - That is true since one of the people at work quit. Too bad I can't move up the chain.
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Your $0.02