If you can believe it that's how late I worked. It was fine and dandy until I thought I would be going home at like 8.00 p.m. or something. 8.00 p.m. rolled around and we still weren't done. We took a break and went to get some food and then came back to do more work. In the end even the payroll person just said I'm out of here. We outlasted her and I don't think that she was please that she would have to pay us a lot.
It was about 10 something when Sharon said she gives up and we were just going to stay until 10.30 p.m. and called it a night. I have never been so worn out. It's terrible how you keep on going and you end up not making a difference. Tomorrow I hope to sleep in, but we'll see.
Horoscope: If you move forward without a plan, you'll just keep getting turned around.
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