
Giants fanfest...

I really wanted to go. I was looking forward to this all week long. Then I realized I was tired and worn out from work and still had to recover from last week. It was truly sad that I didn't go. I would have meet up with people from the message board, but I'm not sure if I wanted to do that. You never know how the people on the board are IRL (in real life.)

I was also planning on buying tickets, but since I didn't wake up and I knew that the pickings were slim I just decided against it. I just spent the day at home mad because of people next door going out to the backyard to play. Yes, in my eyes it's a crime for them to be out there and make noise. After the neighbors were done, I heard this drum banging and stuff. I thought is my head pounding or something from going to bed late? I get up and then see them three blocks down. Yes, that's the power of drummers drumming for the New Year. I wonder how I even survived last year. Wait, in 2003 I wasn't home and then in 2004 I was in Hong Kong. That would explain a lot.

I hope to sleep early and then have a good weekend of rest.

Horoscope: There's no need to cling to things too tightly. Stay loose. Keep your options open.
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