
Aromatherapy or just missing something…

I have awakened today at a early hour. I cannot believe that I am up after only 6 hours or less of sleep. I think I am ready for Hong Kong. I miss ADSL. it is day eight without ADSL. I am going through withdrawal symptoms. I cannot believe it has been over a week. If I have any more e-mail reminders about a free movie ticket, I will go nuts. I think I did receive the last one something on Sunday. I want to workout but I am just too lazy to do so. What can motivate me to get into shape? A workout friend and or some reward. I think I have been watching too much TV and it is no wonder my brain is not fried. Outside is so depressing. It looks as if it would rain and I am just not in the mood to go out to walk. If I do not walk to the beach then to at least 40th avenue just so I walk at least two mile.

“Accept the past. Look ahead. You control your life. You’re loyal to your causes.” – Horoscope