
Packing up is what I have to do...

I woke up and I had no idea what I ate. I know I did some packing or repacking. I am watching Emma with Gwyneth Paltrow. I am also writing down what I may need to purchase. I know I wrote some of the information I was looking through my wallet and I did find my Macy’s card in my wallet. Isn’t that ironic? Well time to pack. I did pack a little before I headed to best last night. However sometimes some things can only be packed the day of and the night of. I know I am packing fleece because it is do cold. There is no heat there. That is not good for me to know. I should have had fleece gloves and also a fleece scarf. I would be nice and warm. Toasty if you must find a better word. Hoodie! That is what I need. I wonder if I should pick up my clothes in the dryer. I am way too lazy to. I will do it later on. I miss my laptop. I wish I could have the laptop however it is a little cold in my room and so turning on the desktop will warm up my room. So there are pluses and minuses.

While I am still watching Emma I can see where Clueless is similar to Emma. I think I will end it here. Tomorrow I will be on the plane to Hong Kong and then hopefully I will be happy and able to shop until I drop.

“Dress for the occasion. Necessity and possibility come together.” – Horoscope