As I am tying this at 1.32 a.m. while watching The History channel (I know either I am desperate or there is nothing on) about Saddam. I held up pretty well today. I ended up vacuuming and cleaning out the vacuum cleaner because it was full. After that I cleaned the toilet and the sink and wiped the floor the good old fashion way. A bucket with water minus the mop with a rag. That is right, with a rag. Therefore, I guess you can say Cinderella style.
I have since burned CDs to copy the stuff onto my desktop so that I may free up my hard drive on my laptop so I can format it and get rid of this annoying window that pops up. The only problems I ran into were when I zipped up with .rar and I did not have the proper extractor. I could not copy one CD to my hard drive. I also seem to have deleted it from my laptop so I do not know how I will fix it. I am unable to copy it to my laptop either.
I just spend the rest of the deleted or erasing the CDs that I had already used. I also gave my mum the gift that I picked out. After hearing on the phone this afternoon about how we forget her birthday for the second time, I decided to end the night on a good note.
I seem to have caught a cough. That is not good. I also thought I had a cold earlier but it was just my nose reacting to the dust from the vacuum cleaner. I really wanted to e-mail my host parents a card wishing them happy holidays, but I never got around to it. Darn Earthlink and how we have no dial up. Dial up is also such a pain. Once you go fast you cannot go back to slow. It is taking a step backwards if you know what I mean.
I guess I will go to sleep now since nothing interesting is on and I am done blogging for this early morning. Who knows what will wake me up this morning.