This is the earliest I have been up on a Sunday in a long time. I woke up at about 7.25 a.m. this morning. That was the craziest thing in the world. I got some stuff done today but no yellow paint. I hope she doesn't notice the little white spots on her comforter. Better yet I hope she doesn't read this and find out.
Well I got the windows done and someone asked me if I was a licensed painter. for thought, maybe I should get one. After all I do have some experience except the fact the job should have been done sooner if I had a ladder. You know it all comes down to if I had a ladder in the first place I might have been done. If I worked about half an hour later then I should be done too.
I get there and there is a list of things for me to do. Such as measure out the wall and see what shelf in the Ikea catalogue would be ideal. That I could not do because I did not even finish painting yet.
I had to leave just when the Giants game was getting exciting. My phone was also dying from battery power. It just was not my day. I am just a klutz over all.
Horoscope: There's such a thing as being too generous. Make that loan, but get a receipt.
Listening to:
Thinking about: Finishing the last bit of painting and then becoming a bum again.
Mood: Tired