Can't you just leave me alone and let me sleep? Please?
Ling Ling, Japan's perennially unlucky giant panda, has once again failed to father an offspring -- even with the help of science. Keepers at Tokyo's Ueno Zoo said on July 7, 2004 that attempts to artificially impregnate a female panda on loan from Mexico had failed, ending months of anxious speculation. Ling Ling is shown in his enclosure at Tokyo's Ueno Zoo February 25. (Toshiyuki Aizawa/Reuters)
July 22, 2004
A Barbary ape and her young. Newly-released files revealed a 1944 memo by Winston Churchill concerning the Barbary Ape population on Gibraltar(AFP/DPA/File)
July 23, 2004
The Hope Diamond at 45.5 carat had so far been considered th4 biggest diamond ever found. A young miner in the west African state of Guinea discovered a near-flawless 182 carat diamond(AFP/File/Paul Richards)
July 27, 2004
A giant panda cub rests at a panda park in the outskirt of Chengdu, capital of China's southwestern Sichuan province, July 27, 2004. China's giant pandas are rebounding from the brink of extinction, thanks to an improved and expanded habitat, but they are not out of the woods yet, forestry officials said in June. The first comprehensive Chinese study of the mammal since 1988 showed that more than 1,590 giant pandas now roam China's forests, and another 161 pandas have been raised in captivity. REUTERS/Bobby Yip
July 28, 2004
The Richardson ground squirrel uses ultrasonic frequencies to provide a warning to fellow members of its group, the first time an animal has been found to use high-frequency sound this way.(AFP/File/Paul Richards)