My horoscope is right about today. However when someone does it to me by calling for about three minutes straight which felt like forever and or ringing the doorbell five times in row that is where I draw the line. Leave me alone and let me sleep. I need at least the seven hours minimum. If I have less than I will grumble.
I have lost my mind. I was cheering for the Dodgers. Hmm I bet this has something to do with the lack of sleep. It was Mr. Shaun Greens fault. I did not mean to cheer for the Dodgers. Sorry!
I had no idea that the game today or tonight started at 6.10 p.m. I turned to the game and it was already the fourth inning. Shocking to me because I usually know when the games are on. I find that some games I have to watch from start to finish otherwise I am not really into the game.
Off to job hunt some more. I might consider working at Starbucks.
Horoscope: Perseverance is the key. It may seem like you can't possibly go on, but you can.
Watching: Giants VS. Dodgers
Listening to:
Thinking about: J-O-B
Mood: Disappointed