Yes, I played receptionist again. Mostly I had free time. I didn't have much to do. I just sat and looked at Office Depot supplies. I mean honestly I have ordering stuff and saving money. I know that sounds odd, but when you have nothing to do in the office and can't and don't have to answer phones it's a blessing. I don't know if the boss could say anything, but I knew he wasn't happy that I was up at front.
Oh well, nothing lost and nothing gained. I ended up having a pretty last 20 minutes of work since everyone was gone. I was lucky. I mean I'm more than happy to help out in the front, but you know I know when I'm not wanted. I have more fun in the back. You know making copies and stuff and playing with checks. You get to see all the different kinds and such.
I don't know if they'll even give me the chance to move up to receptionist. I mean I know some of it and it's not like it's a hard job except opening the mail. Then I still ended up helping out the front. My lord, I should really be getting my regular pay check and then half of theirs. =)
Horoscope: Your phone bill is getting out of hand. Time to cut back on the chatter. (that's not me, but my voicemail flies home...hmm...)
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about: getting better and moving up at work.
Your $0.02