to give me my 248MB. Hotmail who else. Finally all three of my accounts are 250MB. The sigh of relief is being heard all over. What is new today? Let me see. The office manager was sent home sick by the boss so that meant I had nothing to do until I found stuff to do. I was mainly doing odds and ends. Well first I had a big project of making new folders. I guess my purpose in the office is to make folders, copy papers, order supplies, and filing. WOW my life is so fulfilled at work.
Ok so asking the boss on what needs to be done wasn't so bad. I couldn't ask him to look over the stuff that I had done. First of all I had a disadvantage in making the folders since I didn't know how to use Crystal and so I just did everything the old fashion way. I copy and pasted all the items I had to made. The comment I got was "efficient" or "very efficient". He told me what to do and I did it. It wasn't that hard. I just had a couple of questions and just made sure I made everything I had to.
I just don't know if I want to take the A/R's job. I mean I'd have to deal with tenants and stuff and I'd be on the phone all day long. At least 30 voice mail messages a day. I'd have to think long and hard about it. I mean it's a step up, but it's also a pain in the rear.
Horoscope: You'll get more done if you manage your own business. Don't be nosy.
Listening to:
Thinking about: work after work and work and more work...i am a workaholic
Your $0.02