I can?t believe that I?m finally heading to Hong Kong. I mean how could I know that I would be going so soon? Packing was really a pain and I just hope I have everything I need. If I don?t well then I guess too bad for me. Telling people I?ll see you next month but that?s what I said. I did email everyone before I left saying when I?d return and who knows what. I did leave a contact email just incase. I know I?ll probably regret that, but in the end hopefully I don?t get email about the simple little things.
The funniest part about work had to be when Nicole called me Sharon and I even answered her just to mess with her mind. I mean I know I shouldn?t but hey I was just having a little fun. I get called anything but my name. The crazy part has to be when they call Sharon to tell me to go to the front just to make copies. That?s the thing I dislike the most.
I can?t believe that I almost forgot slippers! I mean the most important thing and I forget. What kind of person am I? I guess my only excuse was that it wasn?t on the list. I made a list and I think I brought everything that I needed. I even email the boss thanks for the bonus. I mean I guess that?s all I could do. He did respond when I emailed him at work forgetting that he has it forwarded to his home email to get stuff that?s important. I wish I could do that. At least I?d know of new properties and not come back surprised.
I think the goal of this trip is to have fun and just relax and get away from work, though I?ll be waiting for the emails to come in asking where is this and where is that? Those are the ones that I?ll be saying ask John because I made him a list of what and where everything is. I know he?s not familiar with the office, but he?s technically taking my place. If he doesn?t know where everything is then it?ll be my fault.
He did help Priti out and I think that?s what she needed. I did email Sharon about the list that I made and that she should ask Sharon about it. I know confusing, but with two Sharon?s in the office it can be that way. With me joking around and pretending I?m Sharon that makes it three in the office. I know what I?m doing when I respond to any name. It?s just better if they knew the extension and asked me to do something instead of calling Sharon to tell me. I know it?s something as simple as make me a copy of this. That?s just annoying. The simplest thing of going to the copier and setting it for 100 copies and then saying when it?s done can you bring it up is easier for me than can you make me 100 copies.
The time is getting near to when I can board the plane. I?m sitting in a phone booth and typing this in Word. I will sign back on when I get the chance until then I?m out. Well not sign back in, but I mean blog some more.
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Your $0.02