Yup no work tonight. The scariest part is that if I did I think I would go crazy. I come home to check my e-mail and my biggest fear has come up. I get an e-mail saying that it's in some sort of strange search engine for blogs. HOLY CRAP BATMAN! No joke I kid you not. I shall put part of the e-mail here to prove it. They said that you could do a find to find it. I'm in deep shit if that's the case. What if people at work find out? Other people I could careless, but work is the big thing.
Here's what the e-mail said:
I found your blog from my company's blog search feature. I just wanted to let you know that we have your blog indexed and if one of our users searches a term that you have in your blog content, your blog will appear within our results.
I read some of your blog today, keep it up!!
Blake Rhodes
I'm scared now. I need to sleep earlier. Dam the time change.
Horoscope: This is purely a business decision. Leave your emotions out of it.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Early wake up...
I woke up early this morning. I had no breakfast which is bad. I only had a cup of milk tea. I know now it's not good to run on low in the office. I knew that I had to get there on time no matter what. I mean it's just me in the department and since I'm still learning it'll be hard. I didn't get home until late. Or a little later than usual.
I didn't bring home anything to do. I am glad too. I have nothing to say. My life is boring.
Horoscope: This is purely a business decision. Leave your emotions out of it.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I didn't bring home anything to do. I am glad too. I have nothing to say. My life is boring.
Horoscope: This is purely a business decision. Leave your emotions out of it.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Happy Easter! I just realized where I was two years ago around this time. I was in England. I wasn't home sick, but just loving every minute I was there. I had no worries, but just hoping to have some real fun.
I have laundry to do, cleaning to do, and studying. I should study. I must study. I think I need to go shopping tomorrow. I need to cure my depression and make myself feel better. I better take the shopping list with me to work. Boo on the rain and the wind. Crappy weather sucks!
Horoscope: Suddenly, the options are limitless. The more choices, the harder it is to pick.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I have laundry to do, cleaning to do, and studying. I should study. I must study. I think I need to go shopping tomorrow. I need to cure my depression and make myself feel better. I better take the shopping list with me to work. Boo on the rain and the wind. Crappy weather sucks!
Horoscope: Suddenly, the options are limitless. The more choices, the harder it is to pick.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
No power again!?!
Alright, I thought I'd have a nice day today, but I didn't. You know why? Because the power went out AGAIN! I don't know why it's ALWAYS me in the shower when the power goes out, but it's me. Now if it were only this easy to win the lottery. This is the 3rd or 4th time it's happen to me. Two times it was the circuit at home and then the other two times were the power station's fault. I hate the news because they reported it in accurately. They said only downtown had no power, but it was the Sunset too. Shit.
Enough bad words from my mouth. A foul mouth isn't very lady like at all. I know it's terrible, but sometimes you just do it. If showering in the bathroom with the power going out is something I win all the time at then the lottery should be easy right? I think I'll try for Wednesday, but only if the jackpot is a lot. Killing time in the dark is hard. You find things to amuse you or just do something that you would do without needing a lot of light. I found myself doing so.
Horoscope: Don't envy a friend's success. Learn from it. There's a lesson for you here.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Enough bad words from my mouth. A foul mouth isn't very lady like at all. I know it's terrible, but sometimes you just do it. If showering in the bathroom with the power going out is something I win all the time at then the lottery should be easy right? I think I'll try for Wednesday, but only if the jackpot is a lot. Killing time in the dark is hard. You find things to amuse you or just do something that you would do without needing a lot of light. I found myself doing so.
Horoscope: Don't envy a friend's success. Learn from it. There's a lesson for you here.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I Showed Her - O-town
It's catching up to me right now
Everything that I've said
The night I left her there
When I said I wanted out
I was angry and upset
And at the time I could care less about staying there
I had to prove I didn't care
As much as she thought I did
I showed her
I let my pride take me
Far away from the only woman I loved
I showed her
Now she has found someone new
And her life will go on
And I'm all alone
But I showed her
Oh oh oh
I hate that she's in love
But it took a while for her to get over the hurt
Now I know that I messed up
I was trying to give us time
But I see she took that time to find somebody else
What happened to the things she felt for me
Am I really a part of her past
I showed her
I let my pride take me far away
From the only woman I loved
I showed her
Now she has found someone new
And her life will go on
And I'm all alone
But I showed her
Woah oh oh's
I showed her
I let my pride take me
Far away from the only woman I loved
I showed her
Now she has found someone new
And her life will go on
And I'm all alone
But I showed her
Now she has found someone new
And her life will go on
And I'm all alone
But I showed her
Everything that I've said
The night I left her there
When I said I wanted out
I was angry and upset
And at the time I could care less about staying there
I had to prove I didn't care
As much as she thought I did
I showed her
I let my pride take me
Far away from the only woman I loved
I showed her
Now she has found someone new
And her life will go on
And I'm all alone
But I showed her
Oh oh oh
I hate that she's in love
But it took a while for her to get over the hurt
Now I know that I messed up
I was trying to give us time
But I see she took that time to find somebody else
What happened to the things she felt for me
Am I really a part of her past
I showed her
I let my pride take me far away
From the only woman I loved
I showed her
Now she has found someone new
And her life will go on
And I'm all alone
But I showed her
Woah oh oh's
I showed her
I let my pride take me
Far away from the only woman I loved
I showed her
Now she has found someone new
And her life will go on
And I'm all alone
But I showed her
Now she has found someone new
And her life will go on
And I'm all alone
But I showed her
A so-so day...
I don't know what it is about Fridays, but they're OK. It's time to recharge you for next week, but you also have no idea what's in store for you on the weekend. I have very little to say. Nothing interesting going on. Just plan to relax this weekend. Rest time.
Horoscope: Your 'help' may be more intrusive than you realize. Try to stay off others' toes.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Horoscope: Your 'help' may be more intrusive than you realize. Try to stay off others' toes.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Not enough sleep!
I didn't want to get up this morning. I had to keep checking the time to make sure I could sleep until the last possible minute. I did get up and then get ready for work. I picked up the backpack and thought, why not. I looked like I was headed for class, but I really took the stuff I brought home from work back to work. They were the ones that were problems.
I got a "massage" and it was less painful. Not good to know I have some sort of bump on the back of my shoulder. It's not a good thing either. Man, now I really have to go to the doctor.
I managed to only take one item home today. That's a good thing. I have to study for my test tomorrow and I hope I do well. We'll just have to see.
Horoscope: Yes: This is going to be on the test. So don't just pretend to listen. - Prediction for tomorrow?
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I got a "massage" and it was less painful. Not good to know I have some sort of bump on the back of my shoulder. It's not a good thing either. Man, now I really have to go to the doctor.
I managed to only take one item home today. That's a good thing. I have to study for my test tomorrow and I hope I do well. We'll just have to see.
Horoscope: Yes: This is going to be on the test. So don't just pretend to listen. - Prediction for tomorrow?
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
You are what your chocolate is
ANI[ TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 2005 05:55:26 PM ]
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LONDON: The kind of chocolates that you nibble at reveal your personality, a study shows.
A poll by Woolworths that involved a thousand people choosing their favourite shapes and flavours in chocolates revealed that while quiet people loved coconut chocolates, sociable and popular people preferred fudgy ones.
"The most striking finding was that life and soul of the party types preferred very sweet centres and shy people opted for bitter-sweet ones," The Mirror quoted Abigail Millings, a psychologist from East Anglia University as saying.
Personality traits listed according to chocolate types in the study were:
Nuts : Laid back but methodical, tend to think first then act. Can be introverts.
Coconut : Perfectionists and thinkers. Quiet.
Coffee : Thoughtful but tend to let others make decisions.
Fudge : Act first, think later. Easy going at work. Sociable and popular.
Shapes were also considered decisive of traits; while sociable people opted for circles and diamonds, relaxed types chose to eat oval ones and the shy preferred rectangle chocolates.
Sign into earnIndiatimes points
LONDON: The kind of chocolates that you nibble at reveal your personality, a study shows.
A poll by Woolworths that involved a thousand people choosing their favourite shapes and flavours in chocolates revealed that while quiet people loved coconut chocolates, sociable and popular people preferred fudgy ones.
"The most striking finding was that life and soul of the party types preferred very sweet centres and shy people opted for bitter-sweet ones," The Mirror quoted Abigail Millings, a psychologist from East Anglia University as saying.
Personality traits listed according to chocolate types in the study were:
Nuts : Laid back but methodical, tend to think first then act. Can be introverts.
Coconut : Perfectionists and thinkers. Quiet.
Coffee : Thoughtful but tend to let others make decisions.
Fudge : Act first, think later. Easy going at work. Sociable and popular.
Shapes were also considered decisive of traits; while sociable people opted for circles and diamonds, relaxed types chose to eat oval ones and the shy preferred rectangle chocolates.
When It Comes to Chocolate, Order Dark, Not White
Mon Mar 21, 2005 06:47 PM ET
By Alison McCook
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Dark chocolate -- but not white chocolate - may help reduce blood pressure and boost the body's ability to metabolize sugar from food, according to the results of a small study.
Investigators from the University of L'Aquila in Italy found that after eating only 100 grams, or 3.5 ounces, of dark chocolate every day for 15 days, 15 healthy people had lower blood pressures and were more sensitive to insulin, an important factor in metabolizing sugar.
In contrast, eating roughly the same amount of white chocolate for the same period of time did not affect either blood pressure or insulin sensitivity.
This is not the first study to demonstrate potential health benefits of dark chocolate, which contains high levels of a kind of antioxidant called flavonoids. Research shows that flavonoids that can help maintain a healthy heart and good circulation and reduce blood clotting, which can lead to heart attacks and stroke.
Dr. Claudio Ferri and co-investigators explained that flavonoids help the body by neutralizing potentially cell-damaging substances known as oxygen-free radicals, which are a normal byproduct of metabolism.
However, despite dark chocolate's apparent benefits, Ferri urges caution when interpreting the results. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants, but also a lot of fat and calories, Ferri said, and people who want to add some chocolate to their diet need to subtract an equivalent amount of calories by cutting back on other foods, to avoid weight gain.
He added that each 100 grams of dark chocolate contains roughly 500 calories.
Other research validates that when it comes to chocolate, type does matter. One study found that eating milk chocolate did little to raise antioxidant levels in the blood, perhaps because milk interferes with the absorption of antioxidants from chocolate.
Another study showed that elderly people with high blood pressure experienced a drop in pressure after eating dark chocolate bars, but not white chocolate, which contains no flavonoids.
Ferri and colleagues asked 7 men and 8 women, all healthy, to eat 100 grams of dark chocolate or 90 grams of white chocolate every day for 15 days. The subjects consumed no chocolate for the next 7 days and then switched to the other chocolate type for 15 days.
Ferri's team found that after eating dark chocolate, participants' blood pressure decreased, and they showed improvements in insulin sensitivity, meaning they were better able to metabolize glucose (sugar), according to the report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
"The identification of healthy foods and the understanding of how food components influence normal physiology will help to improve the health of the population," Dr. Cesar G. Fraga of the University of California, Davis, notes in an accompanying editorial.
SOURCE: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, March 2005.
By Alison McCook
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Dark chocolate -- but not white chocolate - may help reduce blood pressure and boost the body's ability to metabolize sugar from food, according to the results of a small study.
Investigators from the University of L'Aquila in Italy found that after eating only 100 grams, or 3.5 ounces, of dark chocolate every day for 15 days, 15 healthy people had lower blood pressures and were more sensitive to insulin, an important factor in metabolizing sugar.
In contrast, eating roughly the same amount of white chocolate for the same period of time did not affect either blood pressure or insulin sensitivity.
This is not the first study to demonstrate potential health benefits of dark chocolate, which contains high levels of a kind of antioxidant called flavonoids. Research shows that flavonoids that can help maintain a healthy heart and good circulation and reduce blood clotting, which can lead to heart attacks and stroke.
Dr. Claudio Ferri and co-investigators explained that flavonoids help the body by neutralizing potentially cell-damaging substances known as oxygen-free radicals, which are a normal byproduct of metabolism.
However, despite dark chocolate's apparent benefits, Ferri urges caution when interpreting the results. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants, but also a lot of fat and calories, Ferri said, and people who want to add some chocolate to their diet need to subtract an equivalent amount of calories by cutting back on other foods, to avoid weight gain.
He added that each 100 grams of dark chocolate contains roughly 500 calories.
Other research validates that when it comes to chocolate, type does matter. One study found that eating milk chocolate did little to raise antioxidant levels in the blood, perhaps because milk interferes with the absorption of antioxidants from chocolate.
Another study showed that elderly people with high blood pressure experienced a drop in pressure after eating dark chocolate bars, but not white chocolate, which contains no flavonoids.
Ferri and colleagues asked 7 men and 8 women, all healthy, to eat 100 grams of dark chocolate or 90 grams of white chocolate every day for 15 days. The subjects consumed no chocolate for the next 7 days and then switched to the other chocolate type for 15 days.
Ferri's team found that after eating dark chocolate, participants' blood pressure decreased, and they showed improvements in insulin sensitivity, meaning they were better able to metabolize glucose (sugar), according to the report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
"The identification of healthy foods and the understanding of how food components influence normal physiology will help to improve the health of the population," Dr. Cesar G. Fraga of the University of California, Davis, notes in an accompanying editorial.
SOURCE: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, March 2005.
Study: Dark Chocolate Is Good For You
Mar. 22 (ABC7) — Researchers have come up with more evidence chocolate has some health benefits. In this case, dark chocolate
Dark chocolate may help reduce blood pressure and boost your ability to metabolize sugar. University researchers in Italy said the benefits are due to the flavonoids in chocolate.
People in a study ate three-and-a-half ounces of dark chocolate a day. That's about the equivalent of a small candy bar.
White chocolate did not provide the same benefits.
Dark chocolate may help reduce blood pressure and boost your ability to metabolize sugar. University researchers in Italy said the benefits are due to the flavonoids in chocolate.
People in a study ate three-and-a-half ounces of dark chocolate a day. That's about the equivalent of a small candy bar.
White chocolate did not provide the same benefits.
Red Hair...
I think I'll dye my hair this weekend. I need new hair color. I need change. I need to be "different". I just want red hair again. I miss it. I also need a hair cut, but it'll never be as perfect as the one I got in Hong Kong. Man I loved that cut.
I promise that I'll have some pictures up from Hong Kong. It's just the timing thing. I'll try to get other stuff on too. I mean links to stuff. I know it's due for an update in terms of pictures. Time for bed.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I promise that I'll have some pictures up from Hong Kong. It's just the timing thing. I'll try to get other stuff on too. I mean links to stuff. I know it's due for an update in terms of pictures. Time for bed.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
A picture says a thousand words...
This picture might not say a lot, but it means a lot to me. Sad and crazy, but I wish I was her. Not a care in the world.
Horoscope: The answer you're seeking is around here somewhere. Don't give up so easily. <- IRONIC NO?
Listening to: Fly Flower Hacken Lee
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Some past Giants moments...08/26/04
08/26/2004 8:00 AM ET
Ask the Giants: Winging it
By Chris Shuttlesworth / MLB.com
Got a question for Ask the Giants? Submit your queries of general interest for a Giants player, coach, staff or front-office member and see if your question gets answered in a future edition of Giants Jottings.
How much does jet lag affect the team when traveling? -- Gary P., Sacramento
Scott Eyre: I think a lot more than players let on. It's tough traveling, sometimes three time zones. Usually, though, Major League Baseball sets it up to where we don't have to go more than two time zones without an off-day.
What do you guys do on the plane rides to and from different cities to make the time go by? -- Annie E., Twin Cities
Kirk Rueter: Most guys watch movies on their DVD players, play cards, read books. Tomko, sometimes he does his art; he draws. Eat -- usually even if you eat at the field, when they come around and ask you if you want to eat, you probably still say yes. That's about it -- or talk. But most guys you either see them watching a movie or listening to music on their headphones, one or the other.
On the team plane, do you guys have any specific order or sections you sit in? -- Josh C., Shingle Spings
Matt Herges: Barry (Bonds) is in the 25th row on the left side. That's his row. Front office and the coaches sit in the front in first class. Then you have the broadcasters, sitting right behind them. And then you have the players. The back row, left, is J.T. (Snow), then Robb Nen and Jason Christiansen. Then me, then Hermie (Dustin Hermanson); we all basically sit in the same row every time.
When new guys come aboard -- that was my first question when I got traded over here: "Where should I sit?" You ask a guy who's been around, and they give you an idea. In September, when everybody comes up, they'll probably be a little closer to the front, and if there's not enough seats, then they'll probably have to double up with the rookies. But it's a pecking order. The guys who have been in the big leagues the longest usually get their choice.
At what height does a foul tip become a popup and can be caught for an out? -- Timothy M., San Francisco
Michael Duca, official scorer: According to the Official Rules of Major League Baseball, a foul tip is "a batted ball that goes sharp and direct from the bat to the catcher's hands." It is up to the umpire's discretion regarding whether the trajectory of the ball was changed enough by the batter making contact to make it a foul pop instead of a foul tip. Incidentally, a foul tip caught by the catcher when the batter has two strikes is strike three and the batter is out.
Kuip, what pitcher gave you the most trouble? -- Angel B., Nutley, N.J.
Duane Kuiper, broadcaster: Mario Soto.
This question is for any of the Giants: How do you like the Bay Area? -- Marsha P., Union City
Wayne Franklin: Growing up on the water (Delaware), you know, I like the water. So it kind of gives me a little taste of home without being home.
What music is played when J.T. Snow's name is announced for an at-bat? -- Tina H., Tulsa, Okla.
Bryan Srabian, director of marketing and entertainment: "Won't Get Fooled Again" by The Who. J.T. is a fan of the "CSI" shows, so we use the song that's the theme of "CSI Miami."
What are the most popular card games played in the Giants clubhouse? -- Vlad B., Columbus, Ohio
Matt Herges: Hearts, without a doubt. I don't know of any other game being played.
What is the deal about pedometers/walking around the ballpark? -- Carol H., San Francisco
Stan Conte, head athletic trainer: This season, the Giants, in partnership with their official health care provider, Catholic Healthcare West, have launched "Make Time for Fitness" at SBC Park featuring the first-ever walking course for fans inside a Major League ballpark. I train the players on the steps and ramps inside the ballpark and we felt that the fans could benefit as well.
On "Make Time for Fitness Day" in May, the first 5,000 fans received a free pedometer and daily fitness log. If you come to a Giants home game this season, stop by Guest Services to pick up a free CHW daily fitness log and walk the mile-plus walking course at SBC Park.
What does the sign in right field that says "Hit the Water, Win $500" mean? -- James P., San Bruno
Mario Alioto, senior vice president, corporate marketing: The "Hit the Water, Win $500" sign is for the community program that is part of Old Navy's sponsorship program with the Giants. For every Giants Splash Hit (homer into McCovey Cove), $500 is donated to charity.
Questions may be edited for clarity and/or length. Chris Shuttlesworth is an editorial producer for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.
Ask the Giants: Winging it
By Chris Shuttlesworth / MLB.com
Got a question for Ask the Giants? Submit your queries of general interest for a Giants player, coach, staff or front-office member and see if your question gets answered in a future edition of Giants Jottings.
How much does jet lag affect the team when traveling? -- Gary P., Sacramento
Scott Eyre: I think a lot more than players let on. It's tough traveling, sometimes three time zones. Usually, though, Major League Baseball sets it up to where we don't have to go more than two time zones without an off-day.
What do you guys do on the plane rides to and from different cities to make the time go by? -- Annie E., Twin Cities
Kirk Rueter: Most guys watch movies on their DVD players, play cards, read books. Tomko, sometimes he does his art; he draws. Eat -- usually even if you eat at the field, when they come around and ask you if you want to eat, you probably still say yes. That's about it -- or talk. But most guys you either see them watching a movie or listening to music on their headphones, one or the other.
On the team plane, do you guys have any specific order or sections you sit in? -- Josh C., Shingle Spings
Matt Herges: Barry (Bonds) is in the 25th row on the left side. That's his row. Front office and the coaches sit in the front in first class. Then you have the broadcasters, sitting right behind them. And then you have the players. The back row, left, is J.T. (Snow), then Robb Nen and Jason Christiansen. Then me, then Hermie (Dustin Hermanson); we all basically sit in the same row every time.
When new guys come aboard -- that was my first question when I got traded over here: "Where should I sit?" You ask a guy who's been around, and they give you an idea. In September, when everybody comes up, they'll probably be a little closer to the front, and if there's not enough seats, then they'll probably have to double up with the rookies. But it's a pecking order. The guys who have been in the big leagues the longest usually get their choice.
At what height does a foul tip become a popup and can be caught for an out? -- Timothy M., San Francisco
Michael Duca, official scorer: According to the Official Rules of Major League Baseball, a foul tip is "a batted ball that goes sharp and direct from the bat to the catcher's hands." It is up to the umpire's discretion regarding whether the trajectory of the ball was changed enough by the batter making contact to make it a foul pop instead of a foul tip. Incidentally, a foul tip caught by the catcher when the batter has two strikes is strike three and the batter is out.
Kuip, what pitcher gave you the most trouble? -- Angel B., Nutley, N.J.
Duane Kuiper, broadcaster: Mario Soto.
This question is for any of the Giants: How do you like the Bay Area? -- Marsha P., Union City
Wayne Franklin: Growing up on the water (Delaware), you know, I like the water. So it kind of gives me a little taste of home without being home.
What music is played when J.T. Snow's name is announced for an at-bat? -- Tina H., Tulsa, Okla.
Bryan Srabian, director of marketing and entertainment: "Won't Get Fooled Again" by The Who. J.T. is a fan of the "CSI" shows, so we use the song that's the theme of "CSI Miami."
What are the most popular card games played in the Giants clubhouse? -- Vlad B., Columbus, Ohio
Matt Herges: Hearts, without a doubt. I don't know of any other game being played.
What is the deal about pedometers/walking around the ballpark? -- Carol H., San Francisco
Stan Conte, head athletic trainer: This season, the Giants, in partnership with their official health care provider, Catholic Healthcare West, have launched "Make Time for Fitness" at SBC Park featuring the first-ever walking course for fans inside a Major League ballpark. I train the players on the steps and ramps inside the ballpark and we felt that the fans could benefit as well.
On "Make Time for Fitness Day" in May, the first 5,000 fans received a free pedometer and daily fitness log. If you come to a Giants home game this season, stop by Guest Services to pick up a free CHW daily fitness log and walk the mile-plus walking course at SBC Park.
What does the sign in right field that says "Hit the Water, Win $500" mean? -- James P., San Bruno
Mario Alioto, senior vice president, corporate marketing: The "Hit the Water, Win $500" sign is for the community program that is part of Old Navy's sponsorship program with the Giants. For every Giants Splash Hit (homer into McCovey Cove), $500 is donated to charity.
Questions may be edited for clarity and/or length. Chris Shuttlesworth is an editorial producer for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.
12.00 noon wake up...
When I thought I'd be sleeping my Sunday away I was ecstatic. However, that would not be this Sunday. I woke up about noon. Why? Fire trucks. No joke. I'm watching TV and think I should sleep instead. I have a long day ahead of me.
I did clean my desk and that's a good thing. I don't know what else I did was good. I think a load of laundry is good too. I'm "normal" again. Well, better than "that day". 16 days until I can just concentrate on learning the names on the roster. 16 days until I know that my life will be eat, sleep, think baseball. Go GIANTS!
Horoscope: Sometimes you have to move laterally before you can begin to climb again.
Watching: Legally Blonde
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I did clean my desk and that's a good thing. I don't know what else I did was good. I think a load of laundry is good too. I'm "normal" again. Well, better than "that day". 16 days until I can just concentrate on learning the names on the roster. 16 days until I know that my life will be eat, sleep, think baseball. Go GIANTS!
Horoscope: Sometimes you have to move laterally before you can begin to climb again.
Watching: Legally Blonde
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
In The End - Linkin Park
It starts with
One thing, I don?t know why
It doesn't even mather how hard you try
Keep that in mind
I designed this rhyme
To explain due time
All I know
Time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down ?till the end of the day
Clock ticks life away
It?s so unreal
You didn?t look out below,
Watch the time go right out the window
Tryn? to hold on
Didn?t even know, I wasted it all
Just to watch you go
I kept everything inside
And even though I tried
It all fell apart
What it?s meant to be
Will, eventually be,
A memory of a time,
When I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end, it doesn?t even matter...
I had to fall, to loose it all...
But in the end, it doesn?t even matter...
One thing, I don?t know why
It doesn?t even mather how hard you try
Keep that in mind
I designed this rhyme
To remind myself
How I tried so hard...
Dispite the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I?m surprised it got so far
Things aren?t the way they were before
You wouldn?t even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me
In the end...
You kept everything inside
And even though I tried it all fell apart
What it meant to be, will
Eventually, be a memory of a time
When I tried so hard,
And got so far,
But in the end, it doesn?t even matter
I had to fall, to loose it all
But in the end, it doesn?t even matter
I?ve put my trust in you
Pushed as far, as I can go
For all this
There?s only one thing you should know
I?ve put my trust, in you
Pushed as far as I can go
For all this
There?s only one thing you should know...
I tried so hard,
And got so far,
But in the end, it doesn?t even matter
I had to fall, to loose it all,
But in the end, it doesn?t even matter
One thing, I don?t know why
It doesn't even mather how hard you try
Keep that in mind
I designed this rhyme
To explain due time
All I know
Time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down ?till the end of the day
Clock ticks life away
It?s so unreal
You didn?t look out below,
Watch the time go right out the window
Tryn? to hold on
Didn?t even know, I wasted it all
Just to watch you go
I kept everything inside
And even though I tried
It all fell apart
What it?s meant to be
Will, eventually be,
A memory of a time,
When I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end, it doesn?t even matter...
I had to fall, to loose it all...
But in the end, it doesn?t even matter...
One thing, I don?t know why
It doesn?t even mather how hard you try
Keep that in mind
I designed this rhyme
To remind myself
How I tried so hard...
Dispite the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I?m surprised it got so far
Things aren?t the way they were before
You wouldn?t even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me
In the end...
You kept everything inside
And even though I tried it all fell apart
What it meant to be, will
Eventually, be a memory of a time
When I tried so hard,
And got so far,
But in the end, it doesn?t even matter
I had to fall, to loose it all
But in the end, it doesn?t even matter
I?ve put my trust in you
Pushed as far, as I can go
For all this
There?s only one thing you should know
I?ve put my trust, in you
Pushed as far as I can go
For all this
There?s only one thing you should know...
I tried so hard,
And got so far,
But in the end, it doesn?t even matter
I had to fall, to loose it all,
But in the end, it doesn?t even matter
Life Goes On - Leann Rimes
Life goes on, life goes on, life goes on...
You sucked me in and played my mind
Just like a toy you would crank and wind
Baby, I would give til you wore it out
You left me lying in a pool of doubt
If you're still thinkin' you're the daddy mac
You should've known better but you didn't and I can't go back
Oooh, life goes on, and it's only gonna make me strong
Its a fact, once you get on board say goodbye cuz you can't go back
Oooh, it's a fight, and I really wanna get it right
Where I'm at, is my life before me, got this feeling that I can't go back
Life goes on, life goes on, life goes on...
Wish I knew then what I know now
You held all the cards and sold me out
Baby, shame on you if you fooled me once,
Shame on me if you fooled me twice
You've been a pretty hard case to crack
I should've known better but I didn't and I can't go back
Oooh, life goes on, and it's only gonna make me strong
Its a fact, once you get on board say goodbye cuz you can't go back
Oooh, it's a fight, and I really wanna get it right
Where I'm at, is my life before me, got this feeling that I can't go back
Na na na na na life goes on, na na na na na made me strong
Got a feeling and I can't go back
Life goes on (and it's only gonna make me strong)
Life goes on and on and on
Shame on you if you fooled me once,
Shame on me if you fooled me twice
You've been a pretty hard case to crack
I should've known better but I didn't and I can't go back
Oooh, life goes on, and it's only gonna make me strong
Its a fact, once you get on board say goodbye cuz you can't go back
Oooh, it's a fight, and I really wanna get it right
Where I'm at, is my life before me, got this feeling that I can't go back
Na na na na na life goes on, na na na na na made me strong
Whoa, yeah
Got a feeling and I can't go back...
You sucked me in and played my mind
Just like a toy you would crank and wind
Baby, I would give til you wore it out
You left me lying in a pool of doubt
If you're still thinkin' you're the daddy mac
You should've known better but you didn't and I can't go back
Oooh, life goes on, and it's only gonna make me strong
Its a fact, once you get on board say goodbye cuz you can't go back
Oooh, it's a fight, and I really wanna get it right
Where I'm at, is my life before me, got this feeling that I can't go back
Life goes on, life goes on, life goes on...
Wish I knew then what I know now
You held all the cards and sold me out
Baby, shame on you if you fooled me once,
Shame on me if you fooled me twice
You've been a pretty hard case to crack
I should've known better but I didn't and I can't go back
Oooh, life goes on, and it's only gonna make me strong
Its a fact, once you get on board say goodbye cuz you can't go back
Oooh, it's a fight, and I really wanna get it right
Where I'm at, is my life before me, got this feeling that I can't go back
Na na na na na life goes on, na na na na na made me strong
Got a feeling and I can't go back
Life goes on (and it's only gonna make me strong)
Life goes on and on and on
Shame on you if you fooled me once,
Shame on me if you fooled me twice
You've been a pretty hard case to crack
I should've known better but I didn't and I can't go back
Oooh, life goes on, and it's only gonna make me strong
Its a fact, once you get on board say goodbye cuz you can't go back
Oooh, it's a fight, and I really wanna get it right
Where I'm at, is my life before me, got this feeling that I can't go back
Na na na na na life goes on, na na na na na made me strong
Whoa, yeah
Got a feeling and I can't go back...
I Need You - Leann Rimes
I don't need a lot of things
I can get by with nothing
Of all the blessings life can bring
I've always needed something
But I've got all I want
When it comes to loving you
You're my only reason
You're my only truth
I need you like water
Like breath, like rain
I need you like mercy
From heaven's gate
There's a freedom in your arms
That carries me through
I need you
You're the hope that moves me
To courage again
You're the love that rescues me
When the cold winds, rage
And it's so amazing
'Cause that's just how you are
And I can't turn back now
'Cause you've brought me too far
I need you like water
Like breath, like rain
I need you like mercy
From heaven's gate
There's a freedom in your arms
That carries me through
I need you
Oh yes I do
I need you like water
Like breath, like rain
I need you like mercy
From heaven's gate
There's a freedom in your arms
That carries me through
I need you
Oh yes I do
I need you
I need you
I can get by with nothing
Of all the blessings life can bring
I've always needed something
But I've got all I want
When it comes to loving you
You're my only reason
You're my only truth
I need you like water
Like breath, like rain
I need you like mercy
From heaven's gate
There's a freedom in your arms
That carries me through
I need you
You're the hope that moves me
To courage again
You're the love that rescues me
When the cold winds, rage
And it's so amazing
'Cause that's just how you are
And I can't turn back now
'Cause you've brought me too far
I need you like water
Like breath, like rain
I need you like mercy
From heaven's gate
There's a freedom in your arms
That carries me through
I need you
Oh yes I do
I need you like water
Like breath, like rain
I need you like mercy
From heaven's gate
There's a freedom in your arms
That carries me through
I need you
Oh yes I do
I need you
I need you
Beautiful Soul - Jesse McCartney
I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold
I wont let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
I know that you are something special
To you I'd be always faithful
I want to be what you always needed
Then I hope you'll see the heart in me
I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold
I wont let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
Your beautiful soul, yeah
You might need time to think it over
But im just fine moving forward
I'll ease your mind
If you give me the chance
I will never make you cry c`mon lets try
I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold
I wont let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
Am I crazy for wanting you
Baby do you think you could want me too
I don't wanna waste your time
Do you see things the way I do
I just wanna know if you feel it too
There is nothing left to hide
I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold
I wont let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You beautiful soul, yeah
I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold
I wont let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
I know that you are something special
To you I'd be always faithful
I want to be what you always needed
Then I hope you'll see the heart in me
I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold
I wont let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
Your beautiful soul, yeah
You might need time to think it over
But im just fine moving forward
I'll ease your mind
If you give me the chance
I will never make you cry c`mon lets try
I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold
I wont let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
Am I crazy for wanting you
Baby do you think you could want me too
I don't wanna waste your time
Do you see things the way I do
I just wanna know if you feel it too
There is nothing left to hide
I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold
I wont let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You beautiful soul, yeah
Jumper - Third Eye Blind
I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend
You could cut ties with all the lies
That you've been living in
And if you do not want to see me again
I would understand
I would understand
The angry boy, a bit too insane
Icing over a secret pain
You know you don't belong
You're the first to fight
You're way too loud
You're the flash of light
On a burial shroud
I know something's wrong
Well everyone I know has got a reason
To say
Put the past away
I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend
You could cut ties with all the lies
That you've been living in
And if you do not want to see me again
I would understand
I would understand
Well, he's on the table
And he's gone to code
And I do not think anyone knows
What they are doing here
And your friends have left
You've been dismissed
I never thought it would come to this
And I
I want you to know
Everyone's got to face down the demons
Maybe today
We can put the past away
I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend
You could cut ties with all the lies
That you've been living in
And if you do not want to see me again
I would understand
I would understand
I would understand
Can you put the past away
I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend
I would understand...
You could cut ties with all the lies
That you've been living in
And if you do not want to see me again
I would understand
I would understand
The angry boy, a bit too insane
Icing over a secret pain
You know you don't belong
You're the first to fight
You're way too loud
You're the flash of light
On a burial shroud
I know something's wrong
Well everyone I know has got a reason
To say
Put the past away
I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend
You could cut ties with all the lies
That you've been living in
And if you do not want to see me again
I would understand
I would understand
Well, he's on the table
And he's gone to code
And I do not think anyone knows
What they are doing here
And your friends have left
You've been dismissed
I never thought it would come to this
And I
I want you to know
Everyone's got to face down the demons
Maybe today
We can put the past away
I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend
You could cut ties with all the lies
That you've been living in
And if you do not want to see me again
I would understand
I would understand
I would understand
Can you put the past away
I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend
I would understand...
Lots of rest...
I had the luck of not getting up until roughly 2.30 p.m. That was terrific. I had no idea what would be instore for me. I know I heard the doorbell ring and it was a package for me. I'm so lucky! I know what it is too. It's my bobbleheads that I ordered. I haven't opened the box yet and I wonder what's the return policy for MLB.com the sports shop part.
The plan was to head to Chinatown to get a massage kind of. What was to come wasn't seen by me. I'm feeling the pain from all of it and then I had this strange feeling like I was going to pass out. The next thing I know I did. I mean this wasn't the first time I've fainted. It brought back memories when I was in high school and I actually did. I think it was high school. I fainted in the bathroom of my own house. I had no idea why though.
Anyway this person who's giving me the massage can read my like a book. He says I'm weak which, I know I am. My health isn't that great, also true. What's next for me? I just hope this cures me from my arm going numb and also my pain in my back. He said that I also get headaches and that's true too. If this guy wasn't the real deal I know that he wouldn't know so much about me.
Maybe next time I'll be more careful. I should be with myself, but I'm reckless and I know that I look fine, but in my heart I know I'm not. I'm just like everyone else, but with a few more disadvantages. I wonder if it's from poor posture on my part of the way I sit. I do have terrible sitting habits. Now isn't the time to beat myself over it. As long as I can correct it now, I hope, I will get better. That's what I believe.
Horoscope: Vulnerability can be a virtue. Don't be afraid to let down your guard.
Listening to:
Thinking about: The song by Third Eye Blind Jumper. That song brought me back to Thursday.
Your $0.02
The plan was to head to Chinatown to get a massage kind of. What was to come wasn't seen by me. I'm feeling the pain from all of it and then I had this strange feeling like I was going to pass out. The next thing I know I did. I mean this wasn't the first time I've fainted. It brought back memories when I was in high school and I actually did. I think it was high school. I fainted in the bathroom of my own house. I had no idea why though.
Anyway this person who's giving me the massage can read my like a book. He says I'm weak which, I know I am. My health isn't that great, also true. What's next for me? I just hope this cures me from my arm going numb and also my pain in my back. He said that I also get headaches and that's true too. If this guy wasn't the real deal I know that he wouldn't know so much about me.
Maybe next time I'll be more careful. I should be with myself, but I'm reckless and I know that I look fine, but in my heart I know I'm not. I'm just like everyone else, but with a few more disadvantages. I wonder if it's from poor posture on my part of the way I sit. I do have terrible sitting habits. Now isn't the time to beat myself over it. As long as I can correct it now, I hope, I will get better. That's what I believe.
Horoscope: Vulnerability can be a virtue. Don't be afraid to let down your guard.
Listening to:
Thinking about: The song by Third Eye Blind Jumper. That song brought me back to Thursday.
Your $0.02
Drive - Incubus
Sometimes, I feel the fear of,
uncertainty stinging clear.
And I can't help but ask
myself how much I'll let the fear
take the wheel and steer.
It's driven me before, and it seems to a faint,
haunting mass appeal.
But lately I, am beginning to find that I,
should be the one behing the wheel.
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there,
with open arms and open eyes, yeah.
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there,
I'll be there....
So if I, decide to waiver my,
chance to be one of, the hive.
Will I, choose water over wine
and hold my own and drive?
It's driven me before, and it seems to be the way,
that everyone else gets around,
But lately I'm, beginning to find that,
When I drive myself my light is found.
Would you choose, water over wine,
hold the wheel and drive...
ChorusSometimes, I feel the fear of,
uncertainty stinging clear.
And I can't help but ask
myself how much I'll let the fear
take the wheel and steer.
It's driven me before, and it seems to a faint,
haunting mass appeal.
But lately I, am beginning to find that I,
should be the one behing the wheel.
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there,
with open arms and open eyes, yeah.
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there,
I'll be there....
So if I, decide to waiver my,
chance to be one of, the hive.
Will I, choose water over wine
and hold my own and drive?
It's driven me before, and it seems to be the way,
that everyone else gets around,
But lately I'm, beginning to find that,
When I drive myself my light is found.
Would you choose, water over wine,
hold the wheel and drive...
ChorusBlink and you miss a beat
Keep pne of your eyes open at all times.
Think that you're on the brink?
The shit hasn't even begun to hit the fan.
Consequence you'll see will be stranger
than a ganng of drunken mimes.
Situation has a stink.
Better clear the air before
your son becomes a man.
Blink, everything's been augmented,
you've been left so far behind.
I think, for sure, next time
you should wear a pair of eyes
in the back or your head.
Consequence you've seen
has been stranger than si-fi of any kind.
Situation baffles me,
I guess it's ture, you too
are one of the walking dead.
You better think fast!
Casue you never know
whats comming around the bend.
You better not blink!
For consequence is a bigger
word than you think.
It's bigger than you or me
(Repeat) Chorus
uncertainty stinging clear.
And I can't help but ask
myself how much I'll let the fear
take the wheel and steer.
It's driven me before, and it seems to a faint,
haunting mass appeal.
But lately I, am beginning to find that I,
should be the one behing the wheel.
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there,
with open arms and open eyes, yeah.
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there,
I'll be there....
So if I, decide to waiver my,
chance to be one of, the hive.
Will I, choose water over wine
and hold my own and drive?
It's driven me before, and it seems to be the way,
that everyone else gets around,
But lately I'm, beginning to find that,
When I drive myself my light is found.
Would you choose, water over wine,
hold the wheel and drive...
ChorusSometimes, I feel the fear of,
uncertainty stinging clear.
And I can't help but ask
myself how much I'll let the fear
take the wheel and steer.
It's driven me before, and it seems to a faint,
haunting mass appeal.
But lately I, am beginning to find that I,
should be the one behing the wheel.
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there,
with open arms and open eyes, yeah.
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there,
I'll be there....
So if I, decide to waiver my,
chance to be one of, the hive.
Will I, choose water over wine
and hold my own and drive?
It's driven me before, and it seems to be the way,
that everyone else gets around,
But lately I'm, beginning to find that,
When I drive myself my light is found.
Would you choose, water over wine,
hold the wheel and drive...
ChorusBlink and you miss a beat
Keep pne of your eyes open at all times.
Think that you're on the brink?
The shit hasn't even begun to hit the fan.
Consequence you'll see will be stranger
than a ganng of drunken mimes.
Situation has a stink.
Better clear the air before
your son becomes a man.
Blink, everything's been augmented,
you've been left so far behind.
I think, for sure, next time
you should wear a pair of eyes
in the back or your head.
Consequence you've seen
has been stranger than si-fi of any kind.
Situation baffles me,
I guess it's ture, you too
are one of the walking dead.
You better think fast!
Casue you never know
whats comming around the bend.
You better not blink!
For consequence is a bigger
word than you think.
It's bigger than you or me
(Repeat) Chorus
A day of crying...
The sky was feeling my pain. It cried all day long. It felt my pain from yesterday. I don't know if I calculated so that even mother earth felt my pain. It was real. It wasn't a dream. It was something that I hadn't thought about in a long time. This is only about the second real time where something brought me to tears without it being from something I saw. It just came from the heart. This pain and suffering has finally caught up to me once again.
The rain keeps falling because I still feel blue. I know that this sounds silly, but if you knew my past and knew what happened to me before you'd understand the way I am today. You'd understand why I'm not one that trusts people right away. Those that betray me are my worse enemies. Those that use people even more make me crazy.
Those that actually know me from my past are the ones that truly understand me. There is one person who knows what a terrible time I went through and I'm glad he's my friend. There are two others as well and I'd like to thank them as well. Without you three I don't think I've had made it this far. I know this sounds preachy and all, but it's the truth. I give props to them once again. Almost two years since I've had to deal with all this. I will remember those times where you all listened to me and helped me. Thank you.
Horoscope: Your imagination feels like it's running dry. Give yourself a mental vacation.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
The rain keeps falling because I still feel blue. I know that this sounds silly, but if you knew my past and knew what happened to me before you'd understand the way I am today. You'd understand why I'm not one that trusts people right away. Those that betray me are my worse enemies. Those that use people even more make me crazy.
Those that actually know me from my past are the ones that truly understand me. There is one person who knows what a terrible time I went through and I'm glad he's my friend. There are two others as well and I'd like to thank them as well. Without you three I don't think I've had made it this far. I know this sounds preachy and all, but it's the truth. I give props to them once again. Almost two years since I've had to deal with all this. I will remember those times where you all listened to me and helped me. Thank you.
Horoscope: Your imagination feels like it's running dry. Give yourself a mental vacation.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Some past Giants moments...04/22/04
04/22/2004 8:00 AM ET
Ask the Giants: All-Stars coming?
Exclusive: Jottings subscribers get answers
By Chris Shuttlesworth / MLB.com
It's a new season for the Giants and a new season for "Ask the Giants," the Q&A feature available exclusively to Giants Jottings subscribers.
Will we ever see the All-Star Game at SBC Park? -- Art L., Dinuba
Larry Baer, executive vice president and chief operating officer: I would be willing to bet that the All-Star Game is coming sooner rather than later. We're feeling pretty comfortable that in the next set of announcements of the next few years to be awarded, we'll be somewhere in there. It's been awarded through '05, so '06, '07, '08, somewhere in there -- no guarantees, but we're feeling pretty confident that we'll be in there. I'll buy you a hot dog and a beverage if it's not in '06, '07 or '08.
Does Mike Krukow's son coach for Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo? -- Ken J., Union City
Krukow: Yeah, he does. Jarek is a student-coach there. He's done playing college baseball, so he's finishing out getting his degree at Cal Poly and he's student-coaching, which is what he wants to do -- he wants to coach.
Do any of you guys have any odd pregame rituals? -- Liz G., South San Francisco
Dustan Mohr: About a half-hour before the game, I just like to be by myself, just think about things and sort of try to get focused. If we're on a nice winning streak or doing well, I'll do the same thing every day, sometimes wear the same clothes every day, but that's pretty much as far as it goes.
Matt Herges: Red Bull. I gotta have a Red Bull before every game.
If you could meet one famous non-baseball player in the world, who would it be? -- Marcie J., Fremont
Mohr: John Elway. I would just love to talk to him about his whole idea of being a competitor and being a teammate and all that kind of stuff, just his perspective on that.
How is Jesse Foppert's rehab process going and will he be able to pitch at all by the end of this season? -- Laura K., Salinas
Head trainer Stan Conte: His Tommy John surgery is a little bit of a calendar situation where you have to wait so long for the new ligament to heal, so you can't put a lot of pressure on it. He's 7 1/2 months from surgery, but when you look at him, he looks more like 10 months out. The problem is we can't really push him much harder and we've actually gotten to a point where we've had to slow him down.
He's doing tremendous, and he's really way ahead of schedule, but we can't put him too far ahead of schedule because it wouldn't be prudent to put a young guy like him in a situation where he's invested all this time and not make sure he has the best chance for overall career success.
That said, we expect that he'll be in the minor leagues in a rehab situation probably in July, we hope. Our goal is definitely to have him competitive before the end of the season in September so that he doesn't have to go through an offseason without knowing where his elbow is at. Two offseasons of rehab are really long for a guy mentally.
Jesse's done a tremendous job mentally in handling this rehab, absolutely the best that I've seen. We really hope to have him competitive before the end of the year and hopefully see him at SBC Park.
How is Robb Nen doing and how soon can we see him pitch again? -- Al N., Sacramento
Conte: Robb Nen is improving every day, and he's been throwing off the mound with Dave Righetti pretty much every other day, but he's not at full velocity yet. He's getting closer and closer. The "when" is anyone's guess at this point. I just want to make sure he gets out there. The timing is not as critical as making sure he gets out into a Major League game.
It could come fairly quick. It could be surprising. We keep thinking we're getting closer and closer. We've gotten close before and had some soreness where we had to back off. He is improving, and we're definitely not giving up hope.
Who was your favorite player growing up? -- Jim S., Richmond
Kirk Rueter: Ozzie Smith. I grew up a big Cardinals fan, so I loved to watch him play. He always made great plays at short, so as a kid you liked that. Ozzie and Willie [McGee] -- that was the two main Cardinals.
If Mike Krukow was a vendor at a Giants game, which type of food would he sell? -- Ryan N., Tracy
Krukow: Peanuts, and I'd be winging peanuts like four sections over, too, man. Schwing-peanuts, they'd call 'em. "Hey, how about some peanuts?" "Sure" -- schwing and I'd be flinging them across the way. It'd be awesome.
Chris Shuttlesworth is an editorial producer for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.
Ask the Giants: All-Stars coming?
Exclusive: Jottings subscribers get answers
By Chris Shuttlesworth / MLB.com
It's a new season for the Giants and a new season for "Ask the Giants," the Q&A feature available exclusively to Giants Jottings subscribers.
Will we ever see the All-Star Game at SBC Park? -- Art L., Dinuba
Larry Baer, executive vice president and chief operating officer: I would be willing to bet that the All-Star Game is coming sooner rather than later. We're feeling pretty comfortable that in the next set of announcements of the next few years to be awarded, we'll be somewhere in there. It's been awarded through '05, so '06, '07, '08, somewhere in there -- no guarantees, but we're feeling pretty confident that we'll be in there. I'll buy you a hot dog and a beverage if it's not in '06, '07 or '08.
Does Mike Krukow's son coach for Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo? -- Ken J., Union City
Krukow: Yeah, he does. Jarek is a student-coach there. He's done playing college baseball, so he's finishing out getting his degree at Cal Poly and he's student-coaching, which is what he wants to do -- he wants to coach.
Do any of you guys have any odd pregame rituals? -- Liz G., South San Francisco
Dustan Mohr: About a half-hour before the game, I just like to be by myself, just think about things and sort of try to get focused. If we're on a nice winning streak or doing well, I'll do the same thing every day, sometimes wear the same clothes every day, but that's pretty much as far as it goes.
Matt Herges: Red Bull. I gotta have a Red Bull before every game.
If you could meet one famous non-baseball player in the world, who would it be? -- Marcie J., Fremont
Mohr: John Elway. I would just love to talk to him about his whole idea of being a competitor and being a teammate and all that kind of stuff, just his perspective on that.
How is Jesse Foppert's rehab process going and will he be able to pitch at all by the end of this season? -- Laura K., Salinas
Head trainer Stan Conte: His Tommy John surgery is a little bit of a calendar situation where you have to wait so long for the new ligament to heal, so you can't put a lot of pressure on it. He's 7 1/2 months from surgery, but when you look at him, he looks more like 10 months out. The problem is we can't really push him much harder and we've actually gotten to a point where we've had to slow him down.
He's doing tremendous, and he's really way ahead of schedule, but we can't put him too far ahead of schedule because it wouldn't be prudent to put a young guy like him in a situation where he's invested all this time and not make sure he has the best chance for overall career success.
That said, we expect that he'll be in the minor leagues in a rehab situation probably in July, we hope. Our goal is definitely to have him competitive before the end of the season in September so that he doesn't have to go through an offseason without knowing where his elbow is at. Two offseasons of rehab are really long for a guy mentally.
Jesse's done a tremendous job mentally in handling this rehab, absolutely the best that I've seen. We really hope to have him competitive before the end of the year and hopefully see him at SBC Park.
How is Robb Nen doing and how soon can we see him pitch again? -- Al N., Sacramento
Conte: Robb Nen is improving every day, and he's been throwing off the mound with Dave Righetti pretty much every other day, but he's not at full velocity yet. He's getting closer and closer. The "when" is anyone's guess at this point. I just want to make sure he gets out there. The timing is not as critical as making sure he gets out into a Major League game.
It could come fairly quick. It could be surprising. We keep thinking we're getting closer and closer. We've gotten close before and had some soreness where we had to back off. He is improving, and we're definitely not giving up hope.
Who was your favorite player growing up? -- Jim S., Richmond
Kirk Rueter: Ozzie Smith. I grew up a big Cardinals fan, so I loved to watch him play. He always made great plays at short, so as a kid you liked that. Ozzie and Willie [McGee] -- that was the two main Cardinals.
If Mike Krukow was a vendor at a Giants game, which type of food would he sell? -- Ryan N., Tracy
Krukow: Peanuts, and I'd be winging peanuts like four sections over, too, man. Schwing-peanuts, they'd call 'em. "Hey, how about some peanuts?" "Sure" -- schwing and I'd be flinging them across the way. It'd be awesome.
Chris Shuttlesworth is an editorial producer for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.
Unwell - Matchbox Twenty
All day
Staring at the ceiling
Making friends with shadows on my wall
All night
Hearing voices telling me
That I should get some sleep
Because tomorrow might be good for something
Hold on
I'm feeling like I'm headed for a
I don't know why
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know, right now you can't tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know, right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to be
Talking to myself in public
Dodging glances on the train
I know
I know they've all been talking 'bout me
I can hear them whisper
And it makes me think there must be something wrong
With me
Out of all the hours thinking
I've lost my mind
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know, right now you can't tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to be
I been talking in my sleep
Pretty soon they'll come to get me
Yeah, they're taking me away
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know, right now you can't tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy I'm just a little impaired
I know, right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to be
Hey, how I used to be
How I used to be, yeah
Well I'm just a little unwell
How I used to be
How I used to be
Staring at the ceiling
Making friends with shadows on my wall
All night
Hearing voices telling me
That I should get some sleep
Because tomorrow might be good for something
Hold on
I'm feeling like I'm headed for a
I don't know why
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know, right now you can't tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know, right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to be
Talking to myself in public
Dodging glances on the train
I know
I know they've all been talking 'bout me
I can hear them whisper
And it makes me think there must be something wrong
With me
Out of all the hours thinking
I've lost my mind
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know, right now you can't tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to be
I been talking in my sleep
Pretty soon they'll come to get me
Yeah, they're taking me away
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know, right now you can't tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy I'm just a little impaired
I know, right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to be
Hey, how I used to be
How I used to be, yeah
Well I'm just a little unwell
How I used to be
How I used to be
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Suicide is on the mind right now. Depression is taking over. Sadness fills with in me. I feel like crying. Tears well up in my eyes right now. Why? I can't take this anymore. My double life and being two people. One that's cheerful and then the one that's miserable and wants to die.
I need help. I know that this doesn't go away I might do something stupid. No amount of love and support will save me from myself. I am my own worse enemy. I have issues that I have to fix and solve. My life isn't the greatest and I really can't find a better reason to not cry about it. But tears roll down my cheeks and I just don't know what to do.
Music will save me. If someone doesn't save me then I hope the right song will reach out to me and save me. I know Jewel has the song "Who Will Save Your Soul". This one line says it all "Who will save your soul if you won't save your own?"
I need to move away. To get out of this country, but I can't find a place where I'm not miserable. I must travel once I get fired or change jobs. I have to see the world. I have to find me. I've been saying this for years, but this time I mean it. Go off to a country and find its treasures and wonders that will amaze me. I want to find the reason to live. I want to find the reason to go on. I want to find out why we are the way we are. I've been through this when I was "living in hell" as I refer to it now.
Just have to find the reason to go on every single day. If I left today or tomorrow will someone care? Will someone miss me? Could I be one of those faces forgotten at the Twin Towers? Or one from the Oklahoma bombing or even one that was wiped away during the tsunami in Asia.
Some lyrics to think about:
"I'm feeling like I'm headed for a
I don't know why
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know, right now you can't tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me " - Matchbox Twenty
Sorry this post was such a downer, but just telling it like it is inside of me.
Horoscope: A loved one may find your habits grating. Try to accommodate their concerns.
Listening to: Unwell
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I need help. I know that this doesn't go away I might do something stupid. No amount of love and support will save me from myself. I am my own worse enemy. I have issues that I have to fix and solve. My life isn't the greatest and I really can't find a better reason to not cry about it. But tears roll down my cheeks and I just don't know what to do.
Music will save me. If someone doesn't save me then I hope the right song will reach out to me and save me. I know Jewel has the song "Who Will Save Your Soul". This one line says it all "Who will save your soul if you won't save your own?"
I need to move away. To get out of this country, but I can't find a place where I'm not miserable. I must travel once I get fired or change jobs. I have to see the world. I have to find me. I've been saying this for years, but this time I mean it. Go off to a country and find its treasures and wonders that will amaze me. I want to find the reason to live. I want to find the reason to go on. I want to find out why we are the way we are. I've been through this when I was "living in hell" as I refer to it now.
Just have to find the reason to go on every single day. If I left today or tomorrow will someone care? Will someone miss me? Could I be one of those faces forgotten at the Twin Towers? Or one from the Oklahoma bombing or even one that was wiped away during the tsunami in Asia.
Some lyrics to think about:
"I'm feeling like I'm headed for a
I don't know why
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know, right now you can't tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me " - Matchbox Twenty
Sorry this post was such a downer, but just telling it like it is inside of me.
Horoscope: A loved one may find your habits grating. Try to accommodate their concerns.
Listening to: Unwell
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
What did I want to do today?
Let's start with suicide. I know terrible thing to say, but that's what I wanted. By the time it was near the end of the day I didn't want to stay. I had enough. I wanted to leave. Go home and forget everything.
I can't stand my life anymore. I have to change it. What will inspire me? Nothing. TV is always good.
Horoscope: Work a little harder and fulfill your obligations. People are counting on you. - Don't I feel the pressure now?
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I can't stand my life anymore. I have to change it. What will inspire me? Nothing. TV is always good.
Horoscope: Work a little harder and fulfill your obligations. People are counting on you. - Don't I feel the pressure now?
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Some past Giants moments...09/14/04
09/14/2004 8:00 AM ET
Ask the Giants: Numbers game
By Chris Shuttlesworth / MLB.com
This is the last edition of Ask the Giants for the 2004 season. Thanks for all your great questions.
Q: Why do you wear the number that you do? -- Dana S., Palo Alto
Brett Tomko (No. 50): I've always been an increment of 10. So I've been 40, 20, 30 and 50. I've kind of kept it going.
Edgardo Alfonzo (No. 13): That was the number they gave me when I started, and I just kept it.
Scott Eyre (No. 49): That's the number Murph (Giants equipment manager Mike Murphy) gave to me. That's what number I got here in August of 2002. I was 29 in Toronto, and that Jason Schmidt guy wears it. And I didn't want to be 36 again, so I was glad they gave me 49. I've been hurt twice and treated once wearing [numbers in] the 30s.
Q: What is Jason Schmidt's routine for the days he pitches? Does he eat the same foods or any other repeated routine? -- Glenn V., Sacramento
Schmidt: Yeah, I eat French toast for breakfast. That's it, really.
Q: To Pierzynski: Did you want to be a catcher since you were small, and what catcher was your inspiration? -- Tom B, Castro Valley
A.J. Pierzynski: I've always caught, so I guess I did want to be a catcher [when I was young]. I didn't really have a catcher as an inspiration. I was a Braves fan growing up, so I was more like a Dale Murphy guy, because he was the big star at the time.
Q: Which player on an opposing team do you just love to watch? -- Steven M., Windsor
Dustan Mohr: I like watching Eric Byrnes [of Oakland]. He plays the game hard. He's all-out. I have a lot of respect for the way he plays.
Q: For Cody Ransom: What do you look for in a glove and what model do you use? -- Ken M., Roseville
Ransom: It's a Rawlings. It feels good, and since I've used the same model ever since I got drafted, I don't have to look for a different model anymore. I know I like that model. I just like the way it breaks in to my hand.
Q: How do players, especially pitchers, adapt to extreme weather changes, such as the humidity and heat in Atlanta? -- Pamela K., Ashland, Ore.
Kirk Rueter: I don't know if you can really adapt. Trainers usually [prepare] like ammonia water and try to zap you when you come off the field. Usually, instead of sitting on the bench, you go sit down in the tunnel. They'll have fans down there or something to keep you cool. And that's about it. Otherwise, you just kind of go with it.
Q: Who inspired Brett Tomko to draw and at what age? Does he ever make any drawings to display in his house? -- Ryan N., Tracy
Tomko: My mom forced me to take an art class in high school. I didn't want to, but she asked me just to take one year, and one year turned into seven straight, going into college.
I have a few things [I like to display]. I just got a new house, so I'm in the process of deciding what I've already done that's going to go up or what new stuff I'm going to put up.
Note: Some of Tomko's artwork will be auctioned as part of "An Evening of Art with Brett Tomko" on Sept. 26 at the Ballpark Gallery and VIXI Caffe.
Q: Do the Giants own their own transportation? If not, then how is it arranged? -- Judy C., San Francisco
Reggie Younger Jr., director of travel: No, it's arranged through me.
Q: Now that (new broadcaster) Dave Flemming has visited all 18 ballparks the Giants will play at (other than SBC Park) this year, which of the 18 is his favorite? Does he have a least favorite? -- Jacob W., San Francisco
Flemming: My favorite ballpark other than ours is Wrigley Field in Chicago, because I'm partial to the old-time ballparks. I think that's what really good about our yard here [in San Francisco] is that it's got all the new stuff but it feels like an old-time place with the brickwork everywhere. I think Wrigley is the authentic real deal. It's not just the park, it's the fans and the experience of walking up Waveland and seeing the Cubs fans waving their flags, and being in downtown Chicago and having everybody talk about baseball, like they do here in downtown San Francisco. So that's why I love Wrigley.
I think my least favorite park, not including [Hiram Bithorn Stadium in] San Juan, is Shea Stadium. New York is fabulous; it's so much fun to go to New York and be there in such a great baseball town. And to go out to Shea Stadium and see that place, which is probably the worst stadium in the league, is more depressing because you're in New York and you expect it to be glitzy and glamorous, and it's not real nice. I also don't like that apple that comes up when they hit a home run.
Q: I understand (broadcaster) Mike Krukow plays guitar, bringing it along on road trips. What style does he play? Who else on the Giants is musically gifted? -- Dave F., Atherton
Krukow: I play everything, more blues and classic rock. Occasionally a little folk -- my wife likes that. Jason Schmidt brings one [a guitar on road trips]. Jim Brower brings one. Barry Bonds plays, too.
Q: How do outfielders feel about hecklers? -- James D., San Francisco
Mohr: Most of the time, you can't even hear them, really. Fans pay money to come see the game. They have the right to heckle if they want, just as long as it's clean. The only time I get really irritated is if they're using foul language and there's a bunch of kids up there and stuff.
Q: Where do all the broken bats used by players go? -- Charles M., Hanford
Derik Landry, director of retail operations: Broken bats are sent to the Giants' mail order warehouse and sold at the Giants Dugout stores, during FanFests and through mail order. Prices for current Giants players range from $35-$150. Giants mail order can be reached at 800-442-6873.
Q: A.J., what kind of preparation is done one on one with the starting pitcher prior to gametime, especially regarding the opposing lineup? -- Steve L., San Francisco
Pierzynski: We just sit down and go through the lineup and talk about each hitter, how we're going to try to tackle them.
Q: I love Matt Herges' energy on the mound. I was wondering whether he had to do something in particular to get himself pumped up before he goes out there or if he is just naturally like that? -- Valerie P., Castro Valley
Herges: I'm an emotional person. I have a lot of emotion, and I actually have to consciously tune it down, because I do get emotional and excited. I appreciate the compliment, but I'm just a little more emotional than some people. I think they're used to watching Robb Nen, who's right here [on an even keel] the whole time, and I want to be more like that.
Q: Do you get the baseball cards companies make of you for free? -- Dylan R., Mesa, Ariz.
Kirk Rueter: Yeah, they usually give us like a hundred of them. They'll put a stack in your locker, usually in Spring Training. This year's cards, they'll put in our locker (during) next year's Spring Training. I got a bunch at home.
Questions may be edited for clarity and/or length. Chris Shuttlesworth is an editorial producer for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.
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Ask the Giants: Numbers game
By Chris Shuttlesworth / MLB.com
This is the last edition of Ask the Giants for the 2004 season. Thanks for all your great questions.
Q: Why do you wear the number that you do? -- Dana S., Palo Alto
Brett Tomko (No. 50): I've always been an increment of 10. So I've been 40, 20, 30 and 50. I've kind of kept it going.
Edgardo Alfonzo (No. 13): That was the number they gave me when I started, and I just kept it.
Scott Eyre (No. 49): That's the number Murph (Giants equipment manager Mike Murphy) gave to me. That's what number I got here in August of 2002. I was 29 in Toronto, and that Jason Schmidt guy wears it. And I didn't want to be 36 again, so I was glad they gave me 49. I've been hurt twice and treated once wearing [numbers in] the 30s.
Q: What is Jason Schmidt's routine for the days he pitches? Does he eat the same foods or any other repeated routine? -- Glenn V., Sacramento
Schmidt: Yeah, I eat French toast for breakfast. That's it, really.
Q: To Pierzynski: Did you want to be a catcher since you were small, and what catcher was your inspiration? -- Tom B, Castro Valley
A.J. Pierzynski: I've always caught, so I guess I did want to be a catcher [when I was young]. I didn't really have a catcher as an inspiration. I was a Braves fan growing up, so I was more like a Dale Murphy guy, because he was the big star at the time.
Q: Which player on an opposing team do you just love to watch? -- Steven M., Windsor
Dustan Mohr: I like watching Eric Byrnes [of Oakland]. He plays the game hard. He's all-out. I have a lot of respect for the way he plays.
Q: For Cody Ransom: What do you look for in a glove and what model do you use? -- Ken M., Roseville
Ransom: It's a Rawlings. It feels good, and since I've used the same model ever since I got drafted, I don't have to look for a different model anymore. I know I like that model. I just like the way it breaks in to my hand.
Q: How do players, especially pitchers, adapt to extreme weather changes, such as the humidity and heat in Atlanta? -- Pamela K., Ashland, Ore.
Kirk Rueter: I don't know if you can really adapt. Trainers usually [prepare] like ammonia water and try to zap you when you come off the field. Usually, instead of sitting on the bench, you go sit down in the tunnel. They'll have fans down there or something to keep you cool. And that's about it. Otherwise, you just kind of go with it.
Q: Who inspired Brett Tomko to draw and at what age? Does he ever make any drawings to display in his house? -- Ryan N., Tracy
Tomko: My mom forced me to take an art class in high school. I didn't want to, but she asked me just to take one year, and one year turned into seven straight, going into college.
I have a few things [I like to display]. I just got a new house, so I'm in the process of deciding what I've already done that's going to go up or what new stuff I'm going to put up.
Note: Some of Tomko's artwork will be auctioned as part of "An Evening of Art with Brett Tomko" on Sept. 26 at the Ballpark Gallery and VIXI Caffe.
Q: Do the Giants own their own transportation? If not, then how is it arranged? -- Judy C., San Francisco
Reggie Younger Jr., director of travel: No, it's arranged through me.
Q: Now that (new broadcaster) Dave Flemming has visited all 18 ballparks the Giants will play at (other than SBC Park) this year, which of the 18 is his favorite? Does he have a least favorite? -- Jacob W., San Francisco
Flemming: My favorite ballpark other than ours is Wrigley Field in Chicago, because I'm partial to the old-time ballparks. I think that's what really good about our yard here [in San Francisco] is that it's got all the new stuff but it feels like an old-time place with the brickwork everywhere. I think Wrigley is the authentic real deal. It's not just the park, it's the fans and the experience of walking up Waveland and seeing the Cubs fans waving their flags, and being in downtown Chicago and having everybody talk about baseball, like they do here in downtown San Francisco. So that's why I love Wrigley.
I think my least favorite park, not including [Hiram Bithorn Stadium in] San Juan, is Shea Stadium. New York is fabulous; it's so much fun to go to New York and be there in such a great baseball town. And to go out to Shea Stadium and see that place, which is probably the worst stadium in the league, is more depressing because you're in New York and you expect it to be glitzy and glamorous, and it's not real nice. I also don't like that apple that comes up when they hit a home run.
Q: I understand (broadcaster) Mike Krukow plays guitar, bringing it along on road trips. What style does he play? Who else on the Giants is musically gifted? -- Dave F., Atherton
Krukow: I play everything, more blues and classic rock. Occasionally a little folk -- my wife likes that. Jason Schmidt brings one [a guitar on road trips]. Jim Brower brings one. Barry Bonds plays, too.
Q: How do outfielders feel about hecklers? -- James D., San Francisco
Mohr: Most of the time, you can't even hear them, really. Fans pay money to come see the game. They have the right to heckle if they want, just as long as it's clean. The only time I get really irritated is if they're using foul language and there's a bunch of kids up there and stuff.
Q: Where do all the broken bats used by players go? -- Charles M., Hanford
Derik Landry, director of retail operations: Broken bats are sent to the Giants' mail order warehouse and sold at the Giants Dugout stores, during FanFests and through mail order. Prices for current Giants players range from $35-$150. Giants mail order can be reached at 800-442-6873.
Q: A.J., what kind of preparation is done one on one with the starting pitcher prior to gametime, especially regarding the opposing lineup? -- Steve L., San Francisco
Pierzynski: We just sit down and go through the lineup and talk about each hitter, how we're going to try to tackle them.
Q: I love Matt Herges' energy on the mound. I was wondering whether he had to do something in particular to get himself pumped up before he goes out there or if he is just naturally like that? -- Valerie P., Castro Valley
Herges: I'm an emotional person. I have a lot of emotion, and I actually have to consciously tune it down, because I do get emotional and excited. I appreciate the compliment, but I'm just a little more emotional than some people. I think they're used to watching Robb Nen, who's right here [on an even keel] the whole time, and I want to be more like that.
Q: Do you get the baseball cards companies make of you for free? -- Dylan R., Mesa, Ariz.
Kirk Rueter: Yeah, they usually give us like a hundred of them. They'll put a stack in your locker, usually in Spring Training. This year's cards, they'll put in our locker (during) next year's Spring Training. I got a bunch at home.
Questions may be edited for clarity and/or length. Chris Shuttlesworth is an editorial producer for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.
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Just at home chilling...
Work shouldn't be on my mind at home. I have to learn to leave the office in the office and not bring it home. Unfortunately I can't do that. I might have to take home the big pile of problems that I have left to work on. They're all letters, but boy will I have fun typing them out. More anime for me!
Binge eating is terrible. Your mood reflects what you eat. If you're not in a good mood you eat bad stuff. Or just lose your appetite completely or at least to a certain point.
Horoscope: You are surrounded by critics lately. But don't let it erode your confidence.
Watching: Will & Grace
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Binge eating is terrible. Your mood reflects what you eat. If you're not in a good mood you eat bad stuff. Or just lose your appetite completely or at least to a certain point.
Horoscope: You are surrounded by critics lately. But don't let it erode your confidence.
Watching: Will & Grace
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
No sleep?!
OK not no sleep, but sometime else. I guess you could call it wanting to watch Naruto. On a side note, I've been talking to someone on OK Cupid. He messaged me on Friday. We've been talking since then. Seems alright. I know if he ever reads this he'll be like WTF?
I'm just now finding out how some people don't put down everything they're into in a profile. How rude. Maybe I should be one of those people as well. He likes SoCal teams. That's the worse kind. Maybe because he's from O.C. (Orange County). I knew people from there, but I don't think they were into baseball.
I'm not a bandwagon person just someone who cares about the game. I'd like to say I once watched the great Barry Bonds hit the record number or at least heard it on the radio. I'm thinking about purchasing this:

Yes I'm being serious too. It's cheap and it shows my love for the team. If I could have a radio that looks like a lemon that is AM I would use that. But I don't so this will have to do. Well have to sleep.
Horoscope: Be prepared for a pleasant surprise. Someone will surpass your expectations.
Watching: Major League Been on too many times in the last couple of months. Annoying now.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I'm just now finding out how some people don't put down everything they're into in a profile. How rude. Maybe I should be one of those people as well. He likes SoCal teams. That's the worse kind. Maybe because he's from O.C. (Orange County). I knew people from there, but I don't think they were into baseball.
I'm not a bandwagon person just someone who cares about the game. I'd like to say I once watched the great Barry Bonds hit the record number or at least heard it on the radio. I'm thinking about purchasing this:
Yes I'm being serious too. It's cheap and it shows my love for the team. If I could have a radio that looks like a lemon that is AM I would use that. But I don't so this will have to do. Well have to sleep.
Horoscope: Be prepared for a pleasant surprise. Someone will surpass your expectations.
Watching: Major League Been on too many times in the last couple of months. Annoying now.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Harmonia - Rythem
nee kikoe masu ka?
can you hear me?
sora wa hate shinaku aoku sunde ite
umi wa kagiri naku koudai de ite
kimi wa itsumade mo egao de ite janai to nai chau kara
the sky is limitless and blue
the sea is endlessly large
to you, please remain smiling or else I?ll cry
mawari o mimawasa naku temo mou iin da yo
kono te no naka ni wa minna ga iru kara
you don?t have to look around now
because everyone are in these hands
naki taku natte nige taku natte
shiawase o wasure teu shimatta ra mina utae
hikari ga umare yami ga umare ta futatsu wa hitotsu
wanting to cry, wanting to run
if you forget happiness then sing
light was born and dark was born, the two is together
feeling harmonia, telepathy
kumo wa shiroku ukabi tasogare te ite
ame wa kuroku ima mo nai te iru wake janai
kimi mo miagere ba kizuku hitotsu no chokusen
itsu shika kokoro HARERUYA
the cloud is white and drifts aimlessly
the rain isn?t black and crying anymore
when you look up, you?ll notice that single line
someday, the heart calls hallelujah
kawaranai uta o sagashi te iru aa MISOSAZAI
mienai ito de musuba rete ru mieru desho?
the wren that searches for an unchanging song
can you see that we?re all connected with an unseen thread?
samishiku natte kodoku no fuchi ni
umore teru nara ima me o tojite mina utae
hanare te tatte minna onaji basho(1)
yadori ki no moto
feeling lonely, at the brim of being alone
if you?re buried, close your eyes and sing
even if we?re apart, on that same land,
under that mistletoe
feeling harmonia, telepathy
nee kikoe masu ka?
can you hear me?
ume miru hito e negai o komete
shiawase o todoke ni doko made mo mina utae
to that dreamer, with love
I will deliver happiness to wherever so sing
shiawase o wasure te shimatta ra mina utae
hikari ga umare yami ga umare ta futatsu wa hitotsu
if you forget happiness then sing
light was born and dark was born, the two is together
the final harmonia, telepathy
nee kikoe masu ka?
can you hear me?
can you hear me?
sora wa hate shinaku aoku sunde ite
umi wa kagiri naku koudai de ite
kimi wa itsumade mo egao de ite janai to nai chau kara
the sky is limitless and blue
the sea is endlessly large
to you, please remain smiling or else I?ll cry
mawari o mimawasa naku temo mou iin da yo
kono te no naka ni wa minna ga iru kara
you don?t have to look around now
because everyone are in these hands
naki taku natte nige taku natte
shiawase o wasure teu shimatta ra mina utae
hikari ga umare yami ga umare ta futatsu wa hitotsu
wanting to cry, wanting to run
if you forget happiness then sing
light was born and dark was born, the two is together
feeling harmonia, telepathy
kumo wa shiroku ukabi tasogare te ite
ame wa kuroku ima mo nai te iru wake janai
kimi mo miagere ba kizuku hitotsu no chokusen
itsu shika kokoro HARERUYA
the cloud is white and drifts aimlessly
the rain isn?t black and crying anymore
when you look up, you?ll notice that single line
someday, the heart calls hallelujah
kawaranai uta o sagashi te iru aa MISOSAZAI
mienai ito de musuba rete ru mieru desho?
the wren that searches for an unchanging song
can you see that we?re all connected with an unseen thread?
samishiku natte kodoku no fuchi ni
umore teru nara ima me o tojite mina utae
hanare te tatte minna onaji basho(1)
yadori ki no moto
feeling lonely, at the brim of being alone
if you?re buried, close your eyes and sing
even if we?re apart, on that same land,
under that mistletoe
feeling harmonia, telepathy
nee kikoe masu ka?
can you hear me?
ume miru hito e negai o komete
shiawase o todoke ni doko made mo mina utae
to that dreamer, with love
I will deliver happiness to wherever so sing
shiawase o wasure te shimatta ra mina utae
hikari ga umare yami ga umare ta futatsu wa hitotsu
if you forget happiness then sing
light was born and dark was born, the two is together
the final harmonia, telepathy
nee kikoe masu ka?
can you hear me?
I saw it again! I almost had it. Dam this is just getting annoying. You're trying to watch something and then it does a "fly by" and then you're like WTF?
I'm also going back to old posts so that those that want to comment can. I know that's a lot of tedious work, but I think it's worth it. =) I've done it for as many as I can. Unfortunately I can't do them all. I'll do the best I can. The early posts from November and December 2002 were pick me ups from when I was in hell. Just reminders of the past and how they inspired me.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I'm also going back to old posts so that those that want to comment can. I know that's a lot of tedious work, but I think it's worth it. =) I've done it for as many as I can. Unfortunately I can't do them all. I'll do the best I can. The early posts from November and December 2002 were pick me ups from when I was in hell. Just reminders of the past and how they inspired me.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
My new phone...
I've had it for about a fortnight now. I got it on the 4th of this month. Yes, that's also my carrier too. It's not too bad actually. I can get reception in the office at work. Reception at home too. Haven't had a spot where I didn't have reception.
Horoscope: This time, there are no shortcuts. Roll up your sleeves and get started.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Some past Giants moments...07/15/04
07/15/2004 8:00 AM ET
Ask the Giants: By the numbers
By Chris Shuttlesworth / MLB.com
Got a question for Ask the Giants? Submit your queries of general interest for a Giants player, coach, staff or front-office member and see if your question gets answered in a future edition of Giants Jottings.
What do the numbers on the towers at SBC Park (27, 30, etc.) signify? -- John M., San Francisco
Alfonso Felder, director of administration: The numbers on the clock towers represent the four Giants Hall of Famers who have had their uniform numbers retired by the team. The Willie Mays Plaza clock tower bears the numbers 24 and 44 for Willie Mays and Willie McCovey, and the Second Street clock tower has 27 and 30 for Juan Marichal and Orlando Cepeda.
How come for the most part nobody smiles when they hit a home run? -- Reggie F., Fresno
Michael Tucker: Over time, after you hit a couple of them, yeah, it's great that you hit a home run, but you still got a couple more at-bats to go.
Players' uniforms are always so clean at the start of games. Who cleans them and how? How many games does one uniform last? -- Jennifer K., Martinez
Ron Garcia, clubhouse assistant: We have a special solution that we use that gets fed into the (clubhouse) machine, but for the hard stains, we scrub them out. I squirt them with Lever Pro and scrub 'em out.
It depends on who the player is, really, as to how long a uniform lasts. A guy like J.T. (Snow) goes through a lot of uniforms. Dustan Mohr, he goes through quite a few, because he's just a rough-and-tough kind of guy. But they'll usually last about a season because they'll get repaired unless they get blown out to the point where (they can't be). Most of the guys, once they get a pair of pants, that's their gamer and they want to keep it.
Why are pitchers not good batters? -- Jack B.
Matt Herges: For those that don't know, position players swing the bat hundreds of times a day. They get so many reps and pitchers don't. We're talking about big league pitchers, the stuff that they have, you got no chance (batting against them). Pitchers have no chance batting, just because it's about the reps. It's not like riding a bike. You can't pick it up a couple years down the road. You could have been a great college hitter, but this is a totally different ballgame up here. It's the hardest thing to do in sports, in some people's opinion and in my opinion, and you got somebody who doesn't work on it every day, all day, and doesn't get paid to do it, he's going to be brutal. Now there are some good hitting pitchers, though.
Neifi Perez seems like a very spunky bloke. Did he cause lots of problems as a child in school and at home? -- Megan P., San Francisco
Perez: I used to fight a lot, on the street and stuff like that, but after you get older, you settle down.
How do you guys feel about the way Barry Bonds is approached by other pitchers (all the walks)? How would you pitch to him if you had to, or would you? -- Joe H., Union, N.J.
Tyler Walker: I probably wouldn't (smiles). The classic example in Baltimore: They were up by one, and there was two out and Pedro (Feliz) was at third. You got right vs. left, Sidney Ponson's pitching, there's no way you should pitch to him. And they did (Bonds homered). I agree with (not pitching to him), but I can understand how frustrating it is for him because it's gotta be boring. He doesn't get that many fly balls in left, and then when he does get up to the plate, they don't pitch to me, so it's gotta be just really frustrating. He's done so much for this game, it's kind of a shame he doesn't get to show his talents every day.
Are you going to have a Christian Fellowship Day this year? -- James A., Pacheco
Bobby Evans, event coordinator: Yes, it's Sept. 4, and tickets are on sale now through the group tickets department. There's a plethora of guys participating -- Jason Schmidt, Marquis Grissom, Edgardo Alfonzo, Matt Herges, Jim Brower, Felipe Alou and Damon Minor. It's a pretty good group of guys, and they're all excited about it.
It's (former Giant) Russ Ortiz's baby, and we're all just caring for it. Basically, it was Russ Ortiz's original idea to do a fellowship day, and now it's become a very popular event. It's a player event, it's something players do for the fans. It's not something the Giants created, per se, it's something the players wanted to happen and made it happen. It's kind of neat to hear these guys talk about things they don't normally get to talk about.
Why can't more pitchers of today go 200-plus innings like in the '50, '60s, '70s? -- Jim H., St. Louis, Mo.
Mike Krukow: Well, they can go 200-plus. But you'll never see 300-plus again. Every year, there are guys going 250 in the league. Every year -- but not many. In the age of specialization, complete games are history. It all gets down to pitch count. Pitch count has screwed everything up. It's total bogus (stuff).
Questions may be edited for clarity and/or length. Chris Shuttlesworth is an editorial producer for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.
Ask the Giants: By the numbers
By Chris Shuttlesworth / MLB.com
Got a question for Ask the Giants? Submit your queries of general interest for a Giants player, coach, staff or front-office member and see if your question gets answered in a future edition of Giants Jottings.
What do the numbers on the towers at SBC Park (27, 30, etc.) signify? -- John M., San Francisco
Alfonso Felder, director of administration: The numbers on the clock towers represent the four Giants Hall of Famers who have had their uniform numbers retired by the team. The Willie Mays Plaza clock tower bears the numbers 24 and 44 for Willie Mays and Willie McCovey, and the Second Street clock tower has 27 and 30 for Juan Marichal and Orlando Cepeda.
How come for the most part nobody smiles when they hit a home run? -- Reggie F., Fresno
Michael Tucker: Over time, after you hit a couple of them, yeah, it's great that you hit a home run, but you still got a couple more at-bats to go.
Players' uniforms are always so clean at the start of games. Who cleans them and how? How many games does one uniform last? -- Jennifer K., Martinez
Ron Garcia, clubhouse assistant: We have a special solution that we use that gets fed into the (clubhouse) machine, but for the hard stains, we scrub them out. I squirt them with Lever Pro and scrub 'em out.
It depends on who the player is, really, as to how long a uniform lasts. A guy like J.T. (Snow) goes through a lot of uniforms. Dustan Mohr, he goes through quite a few, because he's just a rough-and-tough kind of guy. But they'll usually last about a season because they'll get repaired unless they get blown out to the point where (they can't be). Most of the guys, once they get a pair of pants, that's their gamer and they want to keep it.
Why are pitchers not good batters? -- Jack B.
Matt Herges: For those that don't know, position players swing the bat hundreds of times a day. They get so many reps and pitchers don't. We're talking about big league pitchers, the stuff that they have, you got no chance (batting against them). Pitchers have no chance batting, just because it's about the reps. It's not like riding a bike. You can't pick it up a couple years down the road. You could have been a great college hitter, but this is a totally different ballgame up here. It's the hardest thing to do in sports, in some people's opinion and in my opinion, and you got somebody who doesn't work on it every day, all day, and doesn't get paid to do it, he's going to be brutal. Now there are some good hitting pitchers, though.
Neifi Perez seems like a very spunky bloke. Did he cause lots of problems as a child in school and at home? -- Megan P., San Francisco
Perez: I used to fight a lot, on the street and stuff like that, but after you get older, you settle down.
How do you guys feel about the way Barry Bonds is approached by other pitchers (all the walks)? How would you pitch to him if you had to, or would you? -- Joe H., Union, N.J.
Tyler Walker: I probably wouldn't (smiles). The classic example in Baltimore: They were up by one, and there was two out and Pedro (Feliz) was at third. You got right vs. left, Sidney Ponson's pitching, there's no way you should pitch to him. And they did (Bonds homered). I agree with (not pitching to him), but I can understand how frustrating it is for him because it's gotta be boring. He doesn't get that many fly balls in left, and then when he does get up to the plate, they don't pitch to me, so it's gotta be just really frustrating. He's done so much for this game, it's kind of a shame he doesn't get to show his talents every day.
Are you going to have a Christian Fellowship Day this year? -- James A., Pacheco
Bobby Evans, event coordinator: Yes, it's Sept. 4, and tickets are on sale now through the group tickets department. There's a plethora of guys participating -- Jason Schmidt, Marquis Grissom, Edgardo Alfonzo, Matt Herges, Jim Brower, Felipe Alou and Damon Minor. It's a pretty good group of guys, and they're all excited about it.
It's (former Giant) Russ Ortiz's baby, and we're all just caring for it. Basically, it was Russ Ortiz's original idea to do a fellowship day, and now it's become a very popular event. It's a player event, it's something players do for the fans. It's not something the Giants created, per se, it's something the players wanted to happen and made it happen. It's kind of neat to hear these guys talk about things they don't normally get to talk about.
Why can't more pitchers of today go 200-plus innings like in the '50, '60s, '70s? -- Jim H., St. Louis, Mo.
Mike Krukow: Well, they can go 200-plus. But you'll never see 300-plus again. Every year, there are guys going 250 in the league. Every year -- but not many. In the age of specialization, complete games are history. It all gets down to pitch count. Pitch count has screwed everything up. It's total bogus (stuff).
Questions may be edited for clarity and/or length. Chris Shuttlesworth is an editorial producer for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.
Old songs...
I started to look at all the MP3s I have and some just bring me back to the times when the songs were out. It starts to make me feel old and then I remember the past. Music can take you away, bring you down, cheer you up, and make you wonder what's going on.
It's strange finding out how music has changed and the songs that you listened to or hear on TV make you think back to when you first heard that song. The song that brought me back was Kiss Me by Six Pence Non the Richer. I remember that song from She's All That and Dawson's Creek. Already I'm dating myself. Those that saw 7th Heaven the week before Valentine's Day will remember Ruthie listening to that song after her date in her room.
I've posted lyrics in the past, but sometimes I wonder IF I've posted songs based on what I was feeling at the time or just because I thought the song was good. Got to love music.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
It's strange finding out how music has changed and the songs that you listened to or hear on TV make you think back to when you first heard that song. The song that brought me back was Kiss Me by Six Pence Non the Richer. I remember that song from She's All That and Dawson's Creek. Already I'm dating myself. Those that saw 7th Heaven the week before Valentine's Day will remember Ruthie listening to that song after her date in her room.
I've posted lyrics in the past, but sometimes I wonder IF I've posted songs based on what I was feeling at the time or just because I thought the song was good. Got to love music.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Underneath Your Clothes - Shakira
You're a song
Written by the hands of god
Don't get me wrong cause
This might sound to you a bit odd
But you own the place
Where all my thoughts go hiding
And right under your clothes
Is where I find them
Underneath Your Clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And all the things I deserve
For being such a good girl honey
Because of you
I forgot the smart ways to lie
Because of you
I'm running out of reasons to cry
When the friends are gone
When the party's over
We will still belong to each other
Underneath Your Clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And all the things I deserve
For being such a good girl honey
I love you more than all that's on the planet
Movin' talkin' walkin' breathing
You know it's true
Oh baby it's so funny
You almost don't believe it
As every voice is hanging from the silence
Lamps are hanging from the ceiling
Like a lady tied to her manners
I'm tied up to this feeling
Underneath Your Clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And all the things I deserve
For being such a good girl honey>
Written by the hands of god
Don't get me wrong cause
This might sound to you a bit odd
But you own the place
Where all my thoughts go hiding
And right under your clothes
Is where I find them
Underneath Your Clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And all the things I deserve
For being such a good girl honey
Because of you
I forgot the smart ways to lie
Because of you
I'm running out of reasons to cry
When the friends are gone
When the party's over
We will still belong to each other
Underneath Your Clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And all the things I deserve
For being such a good girl honey
I love you more than all that's on the planet
Movin' talkin' walkin' breathing
You know it's true
Oh baby it's so funny
You almost don't believe it
As every voice is hanging from the silence
Lamps are hanging from the ceiling
Like a lady tied to her manners
I'm tied up to this feeling
Underneath Your Clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And all the things I deserve
For being such a good girl honey>
Damn the FLY!
Alright I think I've had about as much as I can take of flies. The kind that have wings and annoy you. I swore I killed on yesterday and yet I have another one in my room today?! What's up with that?
I still can't find it, but I'm sure it'll show up. Meanwhile, I've started to go through my old e-mails to clean out the mail box. On occasions you'll see some of the old Giants news from last year. Just for those that care and others will be WTH?
Listening to: I Fall in Love Again - Nick Lachey
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I still can't find it, but I'm sure it'll show up. Meanwhile, I've started to go through my old e-mails to clean out the mail box. On occasions you'll see some of the old Giants news from last year. Just for those that care and others will be WTH?
Listening to: I Fall in Love Again - Nick Lachey
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Nightmares and reality...
The reality of this all is that it was a nightmare to begin with. Sometimes you wish you can turn back time and not done the things you did or chose the path that you did. However, you can't do that. If there was a time machine or some experiment to do so I would sign up.
The time I would go back to when I started college. Who knows where my life and my friends would be if I had chosen a different path. I wonder if I would be where I am now. I know for sure I'd still have gone to England, but the time that I did, I don't know. I just wish this whole past thing would go away. Damn I know I can't avoid it, but I'm going to try. IF I have to move to another state or country I will do it.
Horoscope: When trying to do the impossible, be realistic about what you can accomplish.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
The time I would go back to when I started college. Who knows where my life and my friends would be if I had chosen a different path. I wonder if I would be where I am now. I know for sure I'd still have gone to England, but the time that I did, I don't know. I just wish this whole past thing would go away. Damn I know I can't avoid it, but I'm going to try. IF I have to move to another state or country I will do it.
Horoscope: When trying to do the impossible, be realistic about what you can accomplish.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Such a great day. I had no problem deciding what to wear. I knew it was going to be my "OD" pants and then a light color top. The top of course said it all. "FCUK IT". No joke I wore it to work. It was hot.
I was sweating when I woke up. No joke. When I left the house I thought the weather was perfect. No need for a jacket at all. Just the nice sun.
After work, I just hung out at home and did a little cleaning. I did also make a mess. I cleaned it up though.
I finally got the fly! YES! No joke. It only took me a couple of days to do it. I think I also got the spider that was in my closet, unless the spider that I vacuumed escape the vacuum while it was in my room I cleaned. Now I'm shopping for stuff for my desk at work. Aren't I the craziest person in the world? Shopping for office supplies at work?
I think I better get my clothes dried that I wash last night. Alright, now that I have that done back to blogging. Off to the other one. I guess I should do my Chinese homework too.
Oh in case you didn't notice, I switched skins or whatever you call it. I'm ready for baseball!
Horoscope: A friend's mood is casting a shadow on your day. Don't let it. Extricate yourself.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I was sweating when I woke up. No joke. When I left the house I thought the weather was perfect. No need for a jacket at all. Just the nice sun.
After work, I just hung out at home and did a little cleaning. I did also make a mess. I cleaned it up though.
I finally got the fly! YES! No joke. It only took me a couple of days to do it. I think I also got the spider that was in my closet, unless the spider that I vacuumed escape the vacuum while it was in my room I cleaned. Now I'm shopping for stuff for my desk at work. Aren't I the craziest person in the world? Shopping for office supplies at work?
I think I better get my clothes dried that I wash last night. Alright, now that I have that done back to blogging. Off to the other one. I guess I should do my Chinese homework too.
Oh in case you didn't notice, I switched skins or whatever you call it. I'm ready for baseball!
Horoscope: A friend's mood is casting a shadow on your day. Don't let it. Extricate yourself.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Paranoid without a lot of sleep...
Lately, I haven't been getting much sleep. I'm getting paranoid about when to wake up and stuff. I did get up but the only thing is that I was still late. I didn't even get the chance to pack up for school. I think I just go lazy.
After work I came home to pack up and then leave for school I think I have homework or something, but who knows. Man I'm beat I have to sleep. My posts are getting more and more lame. Oh well. Less than 25 days until the season starts. I shall have my Giants logo back up and running after I make a few adjustments. GO GIANTS!
Horoscope: It's OK to change your mind. The important thing is being able to say you're wrong.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
After work I came home to pack up and then leave for school I think I have homework or something, but who knows. Man I'm beat I have to sleep. My posts are getting more and more lame. Oh well. Less than 25 days until the season starts. I shall have my Giants logo back up and running after I make a few adjustments. GO GIANTS!
Horoscope: It's OK to change your mind. The important thing is being able to say you're wrong.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I think I'm sick. I went home from work with swollen cheeks. I mean it's like the kind after you cried. No I didn't cry, but the little things that make life difficult.
I'm watching QEftSGirl and it's pretty good. I think I should watch this to learn tips on how to do make up. I can't do make up to save my life. And the tip about wearing mascara and using an eyelash curler can do wonders. Now that I know what I'm wearing roughly for the week I will look a little bit better.
I think I'll sleep early. Shocking I know, but I'm tired. I have a long day ahead tomorrow. I don't even know if I did my homework. Yikes!
Horoscope: Your suggestions are meeting with resistance from all sides. Try another tactic.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I'm watching QEftSGirl and it's pretty good. I think I should watch this to learn tips on how to do make up. I can't do make up to save my life. And the tip about wearing mascara and using an eyelash curler can do wonders. Now that I know what I'm wearing roughly for the week I will look a little bit better.
I think I'll sleep early. Shocking I know, but I'm tired. I have a long day ahead tomorrow. I don't even know if I did my homework. Yikes!
Horoscope: Your suggestions are meeting with resistance from all sides. Try another tactic.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
On edge...
I thought I could find the rest of Triumph in the Skies, but I couldn't. Go figure. At least I was able to watch QEftSGuy and it was funny. That guy lived in a dump. He's a GM for the Yankees farm league or something. He's the same age as me and he lives like a pig. Dude that's just sad.
Will try to sleep early. I think I have homework due on Thursday. I better get it done. Ooooo a diet pill to lose weight. This I have to see. I am watching the news and going to blog. Actually I am blogging. Sweet. Damn, yesterday was a terrible day. Personally, not professionally. I got a message from a former roommate. I think I might have entered this yesterday, but I was so crazy I might have forgotten. It's nice to know that I wasn't the only one who got the letter from the old apartment.
THAT PERSON asked me if I had the lease or contract (she said contract, but the correct term is lease). I don't know where I put it and I might have thrown it away. I didn't even bother responding. Just FUCK IT. That's my motto. If the collection agency doesn't reply back to me then FUCK IT. Ah it's so nice to swear. Hmm, I hope no one under a certain age is reading this. Sorry I should have a warning about my swearing. I'm usually pretty good about it, but lately I've just said FUCK IT.
She said she called up KGO's lawyer about this and such. Whatever. I don't care. As my shirt says, "FCUK IT".
Horoscope: Everyone's rushing to judgment today. Make sure you have all your facts in order.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Will try to sleep early. I think I have homework due on Thursday. I better get it done. Ooooo a diet pill to lose weight. This I have to see. I am watching the news and going to blog. Actually I am blogging. Sweet. Damn, yesterday was a terrible day. Personally, not professionally. I got a message from a former roommate. I think I might have entered this yesterday, but I was so crazy I might have forgotten. It's nice to know that I wasn't the only one who got the letter from the old apartment.
THAT PERSON asked me if I had the lease or contract (she said contract, but the correct term is lease). I don't know where I put it and I might have thrown it away. I didn't even bother responding. Just FUCK IT. That's my motto. If the collection agency doesn't reply back to me then FUCK IT. Ah it's so nice to swear. Hmm, I hope no one under a certain age is reading this. Sorry I should have a warning about my swearing. I'm usually pretty good about it, but lately I've just said FUCK IT.
She said she called up KGO's lawyer about this and such. Whatever. I don't care. As my shirt says, "FCUK IT".
Horoscope: Everyone's rushing to judgment today. Make sure you have all your facts in order.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Long day...
I couldn't find my keys in the house so I had to pull an Indian Joes type of escape from the house. It wasn't fun. Then I hung out at the dentist office. Then I went to Walgreens and then bought some candy. I know irony for you. The better irony is that he had a tin of chocolate in his office.
I'm so tired I think I need to sleep early for tomorrow. I need to rest up.
Horoscope: There's some piece of the puzzle you're missing here. Try to fill in the blanks.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I'm so tired I think I need to sleep early for tomorrow. I need to rest up.
Horoscope: There's some piece of the puzzle you're missing here. Try to fill in the blanks.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Stupid FLY!
I woke up and thought just another day. Boy was I wrong. I was to meet at my mom's work to go to dinner. I had no idea my timing would be so off. I took my old phone thinking that it would still work. I was wrong. I didn't find this out until I got to her work. But let me back up to what happened. I finally get dressed and leave the house. I look to the right and saw that the bus was a couple of blocks down. That's the first part that I knew it wasn't my day. Then I walk all the way down to Judah. I didn't miss the "N" so that was good. Then as I became closer to the stop that I had to get off I see the bus pass by. I thought I better run super fast to catch the bus. So as soon as I got off the bus I ran so fast to catch the bus I was out of breath. I made it almost perfectly to catch the "22". While I was on the bus I had this feeling that these "boys" were checking me out. That was just creeping me out. As well as this other guy. OK everyone on the "22" creeps me out.
When I got to my mom's work I tried to get into the building. I had no luck. I tried to call, but I realized my phone was dead or disconnected. That was the end of that. Then when I was in Chinatown I tried to find a phone string for my new phone and also a case. I didn't find anything at the $0.99 store, but I did find something at the $0.98 store. I bought two phone strings, a monkey key chain, and two different sheets of stickers. I thought about my little cousins who I didn't buy anything for. That was a great find. Five items for $5.32. Super.
I thought I was seeing things for the past couple of days. I thought I saw a fly of some sort. I thought it was all in my head. Boy was I wrong. There was an actual fly in my room. You'd think it would be smart enough to leave my room when my door is open, but does it? Nope. IT chose to stay in my room. How annoying to see something flying around from the side. It's not the one that is super tiny, but the one that's just big enough to annoy. Not the bigger ones that make a buzzing noise.
I see it around and I try to kill it. No luck. I take rubber bands to try and shoot at it. That still doesn't work. Then I finally take a shirt and toss it up to kill it. I thought I did, but it just got stuck under the door. I wasn't fast enough to kill it so it's still alive. At this point I'm really annoyed. Then I lost track and then I see it on the wall and I'm about to kill it, but it somewhat escapes. Then I end up taking the thing inside your shoe that padding stuff and slapped at it. I don't think I killed it, but at least it's out of sight, but not out of mind.
Horoscope: Your financial situation demands attention. Get to the bottom of the situation.
Listening to:
Thinking about: stupid fly.
Your $0.02
When I got to my mom's work I tried to get into the building. I had no luck. I tried to call, but I realized my phone was dead or disconnected. That was the end of that. Then when I was in Chinatown I tried to find a phone string for my new phone and also a case. I didn't find anything at the $0.99 store, but I did find something at the $0.98 store. I bought two phone strings, a monkey key chain, and two different sheets of stickers. I thought about my little cousins who I didn't buy anything for. That was a great find. Five items for $5.32. Super.
I thought I was seeing things for the past couple of days. I thought I saw a fly of some sort. I thought it was all in my head. Boy was I wrong. There was an actual fly in my room. You'd think it would be smart enough to leave my room when my door is open, but does it? Nope. IT chose to stay in my room. How annoying to see something flying around from the side. It's not the one that is super tiny, but the one that's just big enough to annoy. Not the bigger ones that make a buzzing noise.
I see it around and I try to kill it. No luck. I take rubber bands to try and shoot at it. That still doesn't work. Then I finally take a shirt and toss it up to kill it. I thought I did, but it just got stuck under the door. I wasn't fast enough to kill it so it's still alive. At this point I'm really annoyed. Then I lost track and then I see it on the wall and I'm about to kill it, but it somewhat escapes. Then I end up taking the thing inside your shoe that padding stuff and slapped at it. I don't think I killed it, but at least it's out of sight, but not out of mind.
Horoscope: Your financial situation demands attention. Get to the bottom of the situation.
Listening to:
Thinking about: stupid fly.
Your $0.02
I wake up this morning from a nightmare of some sort. The phone rings and I hear it. I check the TV schedule and I see the Smurfs on. I thought this couldn't be possible. Is this the same thing I watched when I was young? The blue people with a white hat? The ones that always have an enemy with an old guy? I turn to it and low and behold it was.
After watching it I thought it was new and such, but they're the same ones that I saw when I was younger. If you were to talk to young children today they would say aren't the Smurfs good? I would be I've seen that already. They'd look at you with some funny look and then you would want to disappear. That's how I feel sometimes. Heck even when I speak to my boss or anyone about older music from the 70s I feel old. I mean I'm young,
Horoscope: Just when you though the rain would never end, the sun has appeared on the horizon.
Watching: Smurfs
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
After watching it I thought it was new and such, but they're the same ones that I saw when I was younger. If you were to talk to young children today they would say aren't the Smurfs good? I would be I've seen that already. They'd look at you with some funny look and then you would want to disappear. That's how I feel sometimes. Heck even when I speak to my boss or anyone about older music from the 70s I feel old. I mean I'm young,
Horoscope: Just when you though the rain would never end, the sun has appeared on the horizon.
Watching: Smurfs
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Terrible night...
One dead in Sunset District shooting
- Bay City News
Tuesday, March 1, 2005
One woman has been killed and a man has been hospitalized after a shooting in San Francisco's Sunset District this evening, according to police Officer Maria Oropeza.
Police are releasing few details about the shooting, which was reported around 8 p.m. at 1859 18th Ave.
Police arrived on the scene to find an Asian woman in her early 20s dead in the passenger seat of a car, and an Asian man in his early 20s outside of the driver's side of the car, Oropeza said.
The man's condition is not known at this time and the motive for the shooting is unclear, Oropeza said.
Oropeza also said it is unclear whether a robbery had something to do with the shooting.
Copyright 2005 by Bay City News, Inc. Replication, republication or retransmission without the express written consent of Bay City News, Inc. is prohibited.
URL: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/baycitynews/a/2005/03/01/shooting01.DTL
I saw this one the news after forgetting to watch Queer Eye. Scary stuff happening. What's up with this world?
Horoscope: Don't worry if you fall down occasionally. The point is getting back up again.
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Thinking about:
Your $0.02
- Bay City News
Tuesday, March 1, 2005
One woman has been killed and a man has been hospitalized after a shooting in San Francisco's Sunset District this evening, according to police Officer Maria Oropeza.
Police are releasing few details about the shooting, which was reported around 8 p.m. at 1859 18th Ave.
Police arrived on the scene to find an Asian woman in her early 20s dead in the passenger seat of a car, and an Asian man in his early 20s outside of the driver's side of the car, Oropeza said.
The man's condition is not known at this time and the motive for the shooting is unclear, Oropeza said.
Oropeza also said it is unclear whether a robbery had something to do with the shooting.
Copyright 2005 by Bay City News, Inc. Replication, republication or retransmission without the express written consent of Bay City News, Inc. is prohibited.
URL: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/baycitynews/a/2005/03/01/shooting01.DTL
I saw this one the news after forgetting to watch Queer Eye. Scary stuff happening. What's up with this world?
Horoscope: Don't worry if you fall down occasionally. The point is getting back up again.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
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