I'm just now finding out how some people don't put down everything they're into in a profile. How rude. Maybe I should be one of those people as well. He likes SoCal teams. That's the worse kind. Maybe because he's from O.C. (Orange County). I knew people from there, but I don't think they were into baseball.
I'm not a bandwagon person just someone who cares about the game. I'd like to say I once watched the great Barry Bonds hit the record number or at least heard it on the radio. I'm thinking about purchasing this:
Yes I'm being serious too. It's cheap and it shows my love for the team. If I could have a radio that looks like a lemon that is AM I would use that. But I don't so this will have to do. Well have to sleep.
Horoscope: Be prepared for a pleasant surprise. Someone will surpass your expectations.
Watching: Major League Been on too many times in the last couple of months. Annoying now.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02