I thought I could find the rest of Triumph in the Skies, but I couldn't. Go figure. At least I was able to watch QEftSGuy and it was funny. That guy lived in a dump. He's a GM for the Yankees farm league or something. He's the same age as me and he lives like a pig. Dude that's just sad.
Will try to sleep early. I think I have homework due on Thursday. I better get it done. Ooooo a diet pill to lose weight. This I have to see. I am watching the news and going to blog. Actually I am blogging. Sweet. Damn, yesterday was a terrible day. Personally, not professionally. I got a message from a former roommate. I think I might have entered this yesterday, but I was so crazy I might have forgotten. It's nice to know that I wasn't the only one who got the letter from the old apartment.
THAT PERSON asked me if I had the lease or contract (she said contract, but the correct term is lease). I don't know where I put it and I might have thrown it away. I didn't even bother responding. Just FUCK IT. That's my motto. If the collection agency doesn't reply back to me then FUCK IT. Ah it's so nice to swear. Hmm, I hope no one under a certain age is reading this. Sorry I should have a warning about my swearing. I'm usually pretty good about it, but lately I've just said FUCK IT.
She said she called up KGO's lawyer about this and such. Whatever. I don't care. As my shirt says, "FCUK IT".
Horoscope: Everyone's rushing to judgment today. Make sure you have all your facts in order.
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